Iowa Admin. Code r. 421-31.1

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 421-31.1 - Definitions

As used in this chapter:

"Administrator" means the administrator of the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning within the department of human rights.

"Applicant" means a city, county, judicial district or other designated eligible entity preparing and submitting an application for funding through this program.

"Application" means a request to the division for funding that complies with federal and state requirements.

"Decategorization," as established in Iowa Code section 232.188, means the department of human services' program whereby approved counties are permitted to pool their allocations of designated state and federal child welfare and juvenile justice funding streams, establish local planning and governance structures, and design and implement service systems that are more effective in meeting local needs.

"Decategorization governance board" means the board required to provide direction and governance for a decategorization project, pursuant to Iowa Code section 232.188.

"Division" means the division of criminal and juvenile justice planning within the department of human rights.

"Formula-based allocation" means a process that uses a formula to determine funding amounts to units of government or local public planning entities on a statewide basis.

"Grant review committee" means a committee established by the JJAC, the councils, or the division to review and rank applications for funding. Individuals who are not members of the JJAC or the councils may serve on this committee.

"Justice Research and Statistics Association" or "JRSA" is a national nonprofit organization that provides a clearinghouse of current information on state criminal justice research, programs, and publications.

"Juvenile justice advisory council" or "JJAC" means the state advisory group described in P.L. 93-415, Section 223(a)(3), and established through executive memorandum to oversee the administration of the JJDPA formula grants in Iowa.

"Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act" or "JJDPA" means the federal Act, P.L. 93-415.

"Law enforcement expenditures" means the expenditures associated with police, prosecutorial, legal, and judicial services, and corrections as reported by the units of local government to the U.S. Census Bureau during the census of governments.

"Local public planning entities" means entities that have a local governance structure to plan, develop and coordinate services for children and families, and provide for implementation of services for children and families. Examples of local public planning entities include, but are not limited to, units of local government such as cities or counties, decategorization governance boards, community empowerment area boards, and school districts.

"Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention" or "OJJDP" means the federal office within the U.S. Department of Justice that administers the JJDPA and other discretionary grants.

"Subgrantee" means any applicant receiving funds through the juvenile justice youth development program from the division.

"Unit of local government" means a county, township, city, or political subdivision of a county, township, or city that is a unit of local government as determined by the Secretary of Commerce for general statistical purposes, and the recognized governing body of an Indian tribe that carries out substantial governmental duties and powers.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 421-31.1

Adopted by IAB December 29, 2021/Volume XLIV, Number 13, effective 2/2/2022