Iowa Admin. Code r. 421-30.2

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 421-30.2 - Functions of the division

The division of criminal and juvenile justice planning is under the direction of an administrator, who reports to the director. The division's functions include identifying issues to improve the criminal and juvenile justice system through planning, research, data analysis, policy, youth development, and grant administration.

The functions of the division are described in Iowa Code chapter 216A, subchapter VIII.

(1) The division shall provide staff support to the councils and the JJAC and shall assist them with the coordination of their efforts. Additionally, the division shall perform functions consistent with the duties and requirements outlined in Iowa Code chapter 216A, subchapter VIII; the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, P.L. 93-415; and other relevant federal and state requirements.
(2) The division shall establish and maintain procedures to collect and report all instances of juvenile detention and confinement occurring in the state of Iowa consistent with P.L. 93-415, Section 223(a) (15). The monitoring function shall include the following:
a. The division shall collect relevant self-report information and perform on-site verification of data from jails, police lockups, juvenile detention facilities, state training schools, mental health institutes, locked residential treatment facilities for youth, and other secure facilities.
b. Through written agreement, the jail inspection unit of the department of corrections shall provide the division and the specific jails and lockups with certification of their ability to separate juveniles and adults, consistent with P.L. 93-415, Section 223(a) (12)(A).
c. Through written agreement, the department of human services shall provide information to the division on holdings relative to P.L. 93-415, Section 223(a) (11), in contracted private facilities that the department of human services has the authority to license.
d. Through written agreement, the department of human services shall provide information to the division on holdings relative to P.L. 93-415, Section 223(a) (11), in state institutions that the department of human services administers.
(3) Inquiries shall be directed to the department, the division, the councils, or the JJAC, at Lucas State Office Building, Des Moines, Iowa 50319. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except legal holidays. The department's telephone number is (515)242-5655, and its fax number is (515)242-6119. The department's website is

Iowa Admin. Code r. 421-30.2

Adopted by IAB December 29, 2021/Volume XLIV, Number 13, effective 2/2/2022