Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 371-1.2 - Organization and operations(1)Location. The board's office is located on the Iowa State Fairgrounds, East 30th and Grand Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa; telephone (515)262-3 111; mailing address: Iowa State Fair Board, P.O. Box 57130, Des Moines, Iowa 50319-0198; office hours are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.(2)The board. The Iowa state fair board consists of 15 members. All officers are elected by the regular board membership. The 15 members consist of 12 members elected by authorized delegates as specified in Iowa Code section 173.1, the governor, the state agriculture secretary and the president of Iowa State University, or their designees.(3)Secretary and treasurer A secretary and treasurer are appointed to implement and carry out policies of the board. The secretary conducts the operations of the board as the board's policies may prescribe and as set forth by law.(4)Meetings. Board meetings will generally be held once a month; however, establishment and public notice of meeting dates and locations are the responsibility of the secretary, unless the majority of the members of the fair board eligible to vote request a meeting.a. Agenda. The tentative agenda is prepared by the secretary in advance of the board meeting and will be mailed to board members in advance of the meeting date. A copy of the agenda will be mailed to those members of the public who request it and prominently posted at the fair office 24 hours before the meeting. Members of the public wishing to be scheduled on the board's agenda should notify the secretary ten days in advance of the meeting and provide written materials explaining their reasons for wishing to address the board. Final decisions on the content and length of agenda items shall be the secretary's.b. General conduct of meetings. The president, or vice president in the absence of the president, presides at all board meetings. Only individuals recognized by the presiding officer may address the board; in general, Robert's Rules of Order will govern the meeting unless otherwise stated in this chapter or by special action of the board. In all discussions before the board, members of the public shall address any questions for the board to the president. Individual questioning of board members will not be allowed without the explicit consent of the president and the board member in question.
c.Voting. The board consists of 12 elected members and three members consisting of the governor, the state agriculture secretary and the president of Iowa State University who vote on issues. Two-thirds of the board members eligible to vote shall constitute a quorum. A majority of the board members is sufficient to carry an action.d.Public participation. All meetings are open to the public in accordance with the open meetings law, except that portions of a meeting may be closed in accordance with the open meetings law. A 15-minute public forum will be scheduled on each agenda of regular monthly meetings to allow the public an opportunity to address the board on any issue that may have arisen after the agenda was posted.(5)Minutes. The minutes of all board meetings are recorded and kept by the secretary in the board's offices.(6)Records. The records of all of the business transacted and other information with respect to the operation of the Iowa state fair and grounds are public records and are on file in the board's offices. All records including board minutes are available for inspection during regular business hours. (Copies of records up to ten pages in number may be obtained without charge. Pages in excess of ten will be provided at a cost of 15 cents per page. The charge may be waived by the secretary if deemed advisable.)Iowa Admin. Code r. 371-1.2
ARC 0163C, lAB 6/13/12, effective 7/18/12