Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 283-21.14 - Verification of exemption from registration to operate in Iowa(1) A school claiming an exemption from registration under Iowa Code chapter 261B shall demonstrate the following: a. The school provides the reference under which it requests exemption from registration under Iowa Code section 261B.11.b. If the school offers a course of instruction leading to a degree, with the exception of a school that qualifies for an exemption under Iowa Code section 261B. 11(1) "A, " the school is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education and will notify the commission of any negative changes to its accrediting status.c. The school has a policy that prohibits unlawful possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances by students and employees on school-owned or -leased property or in conjunction with activities sponsored by the school. The school will provide information about the policy to all students and employees, including any sanctions for violation of the policy and any substance abuse prevention programs for students and employees.d. The school has a policy addressing sexual abuse including counseling, campus security, education, and facilitating accurate and prompt reporting of sexual abuse.e. The school has an employee policy for reporting suspected incidents of child physical or sexual abuse that includes individuals whom the school compensates to conduct activities on the school's behalf at an Iowa location. f. The school has a military refund policy for students who are members of the Iowa national guard or reserve forces of the United States and the spouses of such members if the members have dependent children when the members are ordered into active duty as required by Iowa Code sections 261.9(1)"g, " 262.9(30), and 260C.14(20). The policy shall include: (1) Withdrawal from all or a portion of the student's registration and receipt of a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees that the school assessed for courses from which the student withdrew. For a program in which a student's academic progress is measured only in clock hours, the school shall provide a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees to a student who withdraws and who requests that benefit for the payment period in which the student withdrew. The payment period is determined under rules promulgated by the United States Department of Education for the disbursement of federal Stafford loan funds.(2) Making arrangements for instructors to report grades or report incomplete grades that will be completed at a later date.g. The school posts a list of required and suggested textbooks for all courses and corresponding international standard book numbers for such textbooks at least 14 days before the start of each semester or term at the locations where textbooks are sold on campus and on the school's Internet site.h. The school has procedures for preservation of student records and the contact information to be used by students and graduates who seek to obtain transcript information.i. A covered institution under Iowa Code chapter 261F has a code of conduct that complies with Iowa Code section 261F.2.j. A covered institution under Iowa Code chapter 261F with a preferred lender list meets the requirements of Iowa Code section 261F.6.k. The school provides the commission with the name of and business contact information for a person whom the school designates to receive student complaints from the commission and coordinate the school's response. The commission will provide a link to a page on its Web site for students to use to seek additional information about a school or to file a complaint about a school. A school that is approved for an exemption from registration will prominently provide on its Web site the link to the commission's Web page for students.(2) A nonpublic school must provide evidence of financial responsibility under Iowa Code section 714.18 or demonstrate eligibility for an exemption under Iowa Code section 714.19.(3) A for-profit school must demonstrate and maintain compliance with Iowa Code section 714.23. The school shall apply the policy it adopts under Iowa Code section 714.23 to students who attend its campus(es) in Iowa, if applicable, as well as to Iowa resident students who attend distance education programs.(4) A for-profit school that does not participate in the student financial assistance programs administered by the United States Department of Education must demonstrate and maintain compliance with Iowa Code section 714.25.Iowa Admin. Code r. 283-21.14
Adopted by IAB June 22, 2016/Volume XXXVIII, Number 26, effective 5/27/2016