Iowa Admin. Code r. 281-59.4

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 281-59.4 - Responsibilities of school districts

A school district's program under this chapter shall meet the following criteria:

(1)Development of goals and objectives. A school district will establish goals and objectives for the following:
a. Curriculum and instructional strategies.
b. Student outcomes.
c. Program management and administration.
d. Program development.
(2)Development of curriculum and instructional strategies. The program of instruction will consist of content and teaching strategies that reflect the accelerative pace, intellectual processes and creative abilities that characterize gifted and talented students. A linkage among the selection of students, the anticipated student outcomes and the special instructional programs will be evident. Learning activities will provide for the development of skills that are beyond the scope of the regular classroom, introduce advanced concepts and contents, and offer students a greater latitude of inquiry than would be possible without the specialized instructional program. Specialized instructional activities are those not ordinarily found in the regular school program and may include the following:
a. A special curriculum supplementing the regular curriculum, using a high level of cognitive and affective concepts and processes.
b. Flexible instructional arrangements, such as special classes, seminars, resource rooms, independent study, student internships, mentorships, research field trips, and research centers.
(3)Student enrollment. Students will be involved in a gifted and talented program for a sufficient portion of the regularly scheduled school time to ensure that projected student outcomes are likely to be achieved.
(4)Personalized education plan. Best practice dictates that the services provided for each student placed in a gifted and talented program be contained in a written, personalized gifted and talented plan. Personalized education plans should be in writing and reviewed at periodic intervals in accordance with the changing needs of the student. The following items are suggested for inclusion in a student's personalized education plan, but this is neither a mandatory nor an exhaustive list:
a. Relevant background data, assessment of present needs and projections for future needs. Relevant information may include the student's leadership ability, interest inventories, learning characteristics, and learning goals.
b. The nature and extent of the gifted and talented services provided to the student, including indirect services, such as consultative services or other supportive assistance provided to a regular classroom teacher. Other services may include modifications to curriculum and acceleration of the student's curriculum.
c. Personnel responsible for the services provided to the student, as well as those responsible for monitoring and evaluating the student's progress.
(5)Student identification criteria and procedures. Students will be placed in a gifted and talented program in accordance with systematic and uniform identification procedures that encompass all grade levels and that are characterized by the following:
a. Identification will be for the purpose of determining the appropriateness of placement in a gifted and talented program, rather than for categorically labeling a student.
b. The decision to provide a student with a gifted and talented program will be based on a comprehensive appraisal of the student, consideration of the nature of the available gifted and talented program and an assessment of actual and potential opportunities within the student's regular school program.
c. Multiple criteria will be used in identifying a student, with no single criteria eliminating a student from participation. Criteria will combine subjective and objective data, including data with direct relevance to program goals, objectives and activities.
d. In the event that the number of eligible students exceeds the available openings, participants will be selected according to the extent to which they can benefit from the program.
e. Each identified student's progress will be reviewed at least annually to consider modifications in program or student placement.
(6)Evaluation. The school district will give attention to the following in its evaluation design:
a. Evaluation of gifted and talented programs will be for the purpose of measuring program effects and providing information for program improvement.
b. Evaluation should be conducted for each program level where objectives have been established.
c. Both cognitive and affective components of student development should be evaluated.
d. Evaluation findings should report results based on actual accomplishments by the gifted and talented students or their teachers, which are a direct result of the project, program, or activity.
(7)Staff utilization plan. Staff will be deployed to ensure quality gifted and talented programs by employing the following procedures:
a. A designated staff person will be responsible for the overall program coordination throughout the school district.
b. The teaching staff of the gifted and talented program should work with the regular classroom teachers to assess, plan, carry out instruction, and evaluate outcomes.
c. Coordination time will be made available to staff providing gifted and talented programs to allow staff to perform professional responsibilities.
(8)Staff professional development. Periodic professional development will be offered for all classroom teachers to maintain and update understandings and skills about individualizing programs for identified gifted and talented students. A staff development plan for personnel responsible for gifted and talented programs will be provided and will be based upon the assessed needs of the gifted and talented instructional and supervisory personnel.
(9)Qualifications of personnel. Instructional personnel providing programs for gifted and talented students should have preservice or in-service preparation in gifted and talented education that is commensurate with the extent of their involvement in the gifted and talented program. The gifted and talented program teacher-coordinator will hold an endorsement allowing the holder to serve as a teacher or a coordinator of programs for gifted and talented students from the prekindergarten level through grade 12.
(10)Fiscal and accountability principles.
a. When programs are jointly provided by two or more school districts or by a school district in cooperation with another educational agency, the budget will specify how each cooperating school district or agency will determine the portion of the program costs to be provided by each school district or agency and will provide a budget that specifies the contribution of each school district or agency.
b. Gifted and talented categorical funding will be used only for expenditures directly related to providing the gifted and talented program described in the program plan. Appropriate expenditures, inappropriate expenditures, and financial management provisions are set forth in 281-Chapter 98.
c. School districts will include and identify the detail of financial transactions related to gifted and talented resources, expenditures, and carryforward balances on their certified annual report, using the account coding appropriate to the gifted and talented program as defined by Uniform Financial Accounting for Iowa LEAs and AEAs, as effective on January 31, 2024. Each school district will certify its certified annual report following the close of the fiscal year but no later than September 15.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 281-59.4

ARC 8382B, lAB 12/16/09, effective 1/20/10
Amended by IAB December 27, 2023/Volume XLVI, Number 13, effective 1/31/2024