A student, parent of a minor student, or school contesting the ruling of a student's eligibility based on these rules, other than subrule 36.8(1) or paragraph 36.8(2)"b," "c," "d," "f," or "k" or based on a challenge to a local district finding that a student was not subject to a founded incident of harassment or bullying, or a school contesting a penalty imposed under paragraph 36.8(6)"b," will state the basis of the objections in writing, addressed to the executive officer of the board of the governing organization. Upon request of a student, parent of a minor student, or school, the executive officer will schedule a hearing before the executive board on or before the next regularly scheduled meeting of the executive board but not later than 20 calendar days following the receipt of the objections, unless a later time is mutually agreeable. The executive board will give at least five business days' written notice of the hearing. The executive board will consider the evidence presented and issue findings and conclusions in a written decision within five business days of the hearing and will mail a copy to the appellant. The burden of proving entitlement to relief under this rule lies with the party seeking it.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 281-36.9