The following is incorporated by reference: 30 CFR Part 777, as in effect on July 1, 2010, with the following exceptions:
(1) Delete 30 CFR 777.11(a)(3) and insert the following:(3) Be filed in three copies with the format addressed by subrule and subject title. (2) Delete from 30 CFR 777.14(a) the scale of "1:6000" and insert the scale of "1:2400". Also delete the words "be in a scale determined by the regulatory authority, but in no event" and insert in lieu thereof "shall have a scale no".(3) Delete 30 CFR 777.17 and insert in lieu thereof the following: 777.17 Permit fees.
An application for a surface coal mining and reclamation permit shall be submitted to the division and accompanied by the appropriate fee. All checks shall be made payable to the Treasurer of the State of Iowa.
(1) New permits require a fee of $15 per acre to be permitted with a minimum fee of $100.(2) Permit revisions within present permit boundaries require a fee of $2 per acre for the total permit area with a minimum of $40. Permit revisions which include additional area require the revision fee plus $5 per acre for the additional area, with a minimum of $40.(3) Permit renewals require a fee of $100.(4) Transfer, assignment, or sale by the permit holder requires a fee of $50.(4) Delete 30 CFR 777.10.Iowa Admin. Code r. 27-40.33
ARC 9575B, IAB 6/29/11, effective 8/3/11