When applications for financial assistance under the program are reviewed, the criteria below will be considered and the application scored as described. When scoring the application according to each of the criteria below, to the extent that a proposed project involves multiple public and private sector entities, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, and economic development and educational institutions, the council will review such partnerships as indicating that a commonly utilized asset is being proposed and therefore may award more points under each criterion. The criteria under which each application will be scored are:
For purposes of this subrule, the council will consider a project's estimated economic impact and the extent to which it contributes to the overall quality of the project. The council will also consider the structure of the proposed project and the nature of the partnerships proposed to be formed as part of the proposed project.
For purposes of this subrule, more points will be awarded to projects demonstrating greater benefits or benefits to more entities and to projects demonstrating more critical necessary physical infrastructure.
For purposes of this subrule, the council will consider a proposed project's overall financing gap and the total amount of funds leveraged from other sources.
Iowa Admin. Code r. 261-118.7