Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-65.12

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 21-65.12 - Swine production health plan (SPHP)
a. Swine production health plan (SPHP). A swine production health plan is a written agreement developed for a swine production system and designed to maintain the health of the swine and detect signs of Cornmunicable disease. The plan must include all of the following:
(1) Address and contact information for all premises that are part of the swine production system and that receive or send swine in interstate Cornmerce.
(2) Provisions for regular veterinary inspections of all swine maintained on the identified premises, at intervals no greater than 30 days, by the swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian(s).
(3) Description of the record-keeping system of the swine production system.
(4) The signature of each official of each swine production system identified in the plan, including the swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian(s), the state veterinarian, an APHIS representative, and the state animal health official from each state in which the swine production system has a premises.
(5) Acknowledgment that the managers of all the swine production system's premises listed in the plan have been notified that any failure of the participants in the swine production system to abide by the provisions of the plan and the applicable provisions of 9 CFR Parts 71 and 85 constitutes a basis for the cancellation of the swine production health plan.
b. Interstate swine movement report. An interstate swine movement report is a paper or electronic document detailing interstate movement of animals within a swine production health system. The interstate swine movement report must include the following information:
(1) The name, location, and premises identification number of the premises from which the swine are to be moved.
(2) The name, location, and premises identification number of the premises to which the swine are to be moved.
(3) The date of movement.
(4) The number, age, and type of swine to be moved.
(5) A description of any individual identification or group identification associated with the swine.
(6) The name of the swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian(s).
(7) The health status of the herd from which the swine are to be moved, including any disease of regulatory concern to the state or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS).
(8) An accurate statement that swine on the premises from which the swine are to be moved have been inspected by the swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian(s) within 30 days prior to the interstate movement, consistent with the dates specified by the premises' swine production health plan, and found free from signs of Cornmunicable disease.
c.Swine production system. A swine production system is an enterprise that consists of multiple sites of swine production (i.e., sow herds, nursery herds, and growing or finishing herds) that do not include a recognized slaughter facility or livestock market, that are connected by ownership or contractual relationships, and between which swine are moved while remaining under the control of a single owner or a group of contractually connected owners.
d.Swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian. A swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian is a licensed accredited veterinarian who is named in a swine production health plan for a premises within a swine production system and who performs inspection of such premises and animals and other duties related to the movement of swine in a swine production system.
(2)Identification of swine moving interstate within an SPHP. Swine that are moved into the state within a swine production system to other than a recognized slaughter facility or a specifically authorized livestock market are not required to be individually identified when moved provided that the following requirements are met:
a. The swine may be moved interstate only to another premises identified in a valid swine production health plan for that swine production system.
b. The swine production system must operate imder a valid swine production health plan in which both the sending and receiving states have agreed to allow the movement.
c. The swine must have been found free from signs of any Cornmimicable disease during the most recent inspection of the premises by the swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian(s) within 30 days prior to movement.
d. Prior to the movement of any swine, the producer(s) moving swine must deliver the required interstate swine movement report to the following individuals identified in the swine production health plan:
(1) The swine production system's licensed accredited veterinarian for the premises from which the swine are to be moved.
(2) The state animal health officials for the state of origin of the swine.
(3) The state veterinarian for the state of destination of the swine.
(4) Individuals designated by the state animal health officials.
e. The receiving premises must not Cornmingle swine received from different premises in a manner that prevents identification of the premises that sent the swine or groups of swine. This requirement may be met by use of permanent premises or individual animal identification, by keeping groups of animals received from one premises physically separate from animals received from other premises, or by any other effective means.
f. For each premises, the swine production system must maintain for three years after their date of creation records that will allow a state animal health official to trace any animal on the premises back to its previous premises and must maintain copies of each swine production health plan signed by the producer, all interstate swine movement reports issued by the producer, and all reports the swine production system's accredited veterinarian(s) issues documenting the health status of the swine on the premises.
g. Each premises must allow state animal health officials access to the premises upon request to inspect animals and review records.
h. Every seven calendar days, each swine production system must send the state veterinarian a written summary that is based on the interstate swine movement report data and that shows how many animals were moved in the past seven calendar days, the premises from which they were moved, and the premises to which they were moved.
(3)Cancellation ofSPHP. The following procedures apply to cancellation of, or withdrawal from, a swine production health plan:
a. The state veterinarian may cancel the state's participation in a swine production health plan by giving written notice to all swine producers, APHIS representatives, accredited veterinarians, and other state animal health officials listed in the plan. Withdrawal shall be effective upon the date specified by the state veterinarian in the notice, but for shipments in transit, withdrawal shall beCorne effective seven days after the date of such notice. Upon withdrawal of the state, the swine production health plan may continue to operate among the other states and parties that are signatory to the plan.
b. A swine production system may withdraw one or more of its premises from participation in the plan upon giving written notice to the state veterinarian, APHIS administrator, the accredited veterinarian(s), and all swine producers listed in the plan. Withdrawal shall be effective upon the date specified by the swine production system in the written notice, but for shipments in transit, withdrawal shall beCorne effective seven days after the date of such notice.
c. The state veterinarian shall cancel a swine production health plan after determining that swine movements within the swine production system have occurred that were not in Cornpliance with the swine production health plan or with other requirements of this chapter. Before a swine health production plan is canceled, the state veterinarian shall inform a representative of the swine production system of the reasons for the cancellation. The swine production system may appeal the cancellation in writing in accordance with Iowa Code chapter I7A and Iowa Administrative Code 21-Chapter 2.

This cancellation shall continue in effect pending the Cornpletion of the proceeding, and any judicial review thereof, unless otherwise ordered by the state veterinarian.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-65.12