Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-64.156

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 21-64.156 - Noninfected herds
(1)Qualifiedpseudorahies negative herd -recertification.
a. Recertification of a qualified pseudorahies negative herd and a quahfied differential negative herd shall be by monthly testing, as detailed in Iowa Code section 166D.7(1) "a. "
b. The status of a qualified pseudorahies negative herd will be revoked if:
(1) A positive test is recognized and interpreted by a pseudorahies epidemiologist as infected.
(2) Pseudorahies infection is diagnosed.
(3) Recertification testing is not done on time.
(4) Inadequate numher of animals are tested.
(5) Once a qualified pseudorahies negative herd is decertified, the herd must meet all requirements of Iowa Code section 166D.7, to recertify as a qualified pseudorahies negative herd.
(2)Iowa monitored feeder pig herd.
a. Test requirements for a monitored feeder pig herd status include a negative herd test every 12 months of randomly selected breeding animals according to the following schedule:

1-10 head Test all

11-35 head Test 10

36 or more Test 30 percent or 30, whichever is less.

Effective July 1, 2000, all breeding herd locations in Stage II counties must have a monitored or better status or move by restricted movement.

b. A monitored identification card will be sent by first-class mail to the herd owner shown on the test chart if test results qualify the herd as monitored. An expiration date which is 12 months from the date that the certifying tests were drawn will be printed on the card.

It is the owner's responsibility to retest the herd annually. The monitored status is voided on the date of expiration. A monitored herd status is revoked if:

(1) A positive test is recognized and interpreted by a pseudorahies epidemiologist and interpreted as infected.
(2) Pseudorahies infection is diagnosed.
(3) Recertification test is not done on time.
(4) Not enough tests, according to herd size and vaccination status, are submitted.
c. Additions of swine to a monitored herd shall be from noninfected herds, according to Iowa Code section 166D.7.
d. Feeder pigs sold for further feeding require a monitoring test conducted within the six months prior to movement if the feeder pigs have been maintained on the same site as the breeding herd.
e. Monitored, or higher, status feeder pigs sold may regain, and maintain, monitored status by a negative test of all or a random sample of 30 head of each segregated group, whichever is less, within 30 days prior to resale.
f. Nursery units located in Stage II counties and not in the vicinity of the breeding herd are required to maintain a monitored status on the nursery unit in order for the swine to be eligible to be relocated to a finishing premises. Feeder pigs sold from these nursery units must meet the requirements of a negative test of all or a random sample of 30 head of each segregated group, whichever is less, within 30 days prior to sale. An official random-sample test shall be required for each segregated group of swine on an individual premises every 12 months for the maintenance of this monitored status. These testing requirements apply to swine eligible for relocation movement. Testing requirements for this random sampling are:

Test 10 head per building, minimum 14 head per site.

Effective July 1, 2000, all nursery locations in Stage 11 coimties must have a monitored or better status or move by restricted movement.

g. Off-site finishing units located in the Stage 11 counties are required to maintain a monitored status on the finishing unit in order for the swine to be eligible to be sold to slaughter An official random-sample test will be required for each segregated group of swine on an individual premises every 12 months for the maintenance of this monitored status. These testing requirements also apply to swine eligible for relocation movement. Testing requirements for this random sampling are:

Test 10 head per building, minimum 14 head per site.

Effective July 1, 2000, all finishing locations in Stage 11 coimties must have a monitored or better status or move by restricted movement.

h. Relocation, and sales to slaughter, require a 12-month monitoring test.
(3)Qualified differentiahle negative herd -recertification.
a. Recertification of a qualified differentiahle negative herd will include monthly testing, as detailed in Iowa Code section 166D.7. A minimum of five breeding swine or 10 percent of the breeding herd, whichever is greater, must be tested each month.
b. The status of a qualified differentiahle negative herd will be revoked if:
(1) A positive test is recognized and interpreted by a pseudorabies epidemiologist as infected.
(2) Pseudorabies infection is diagnosed.
(3) Recertification testing is not done on time.
(4) Inadequate number of animals are tested.
(5) Once a qualified differentiahle negative herd is decertified, the herd must meet all requirements in Iowa Code section 166D.7 to recertify as a qualified differentiahle negative herd.
(4)Maintaining qualified negative status (progeny). Progeny from qualified negative (imvaccinated) or from qualified negative (vaccinated) herds moved to a facility not within the vicinity of the herd of origin and unexposed to lesser status swine may maintain qualified negative status by a monthly negative test of 10 percent or 60 head, whichever is less, of swine that have been on the premises for at least 30 days.
(5)Other qualified pseudorabies negative herds. Any breeding herd in a Stage IV or V State/Area or an area outside the United States with a low incidence of pseudorabies equivalent to a Stage IV or V State/Area is recognized as a qualified pseudorabies negative herd.
(6)Fertility centers. Breeding swine in a fertility center shall attain a "noninfected herd" status by an initial negative test of all breeding swine in the center This status shall be maintained by a monthly negative test of a random sample of five head or 10 percent, whichever is greater, of the swine at the center All additions of swine to the fertility center must originate from a "noninfected" herd, must be placed in isolation for 30 days or more, and must test negative for pseudorabies 20 days or more after being isolated.
a. Semen and germplasm must be identified to the fertility center of origin.
b. Imported semen or germplasm must originate from a fertility center, or "noninfected" herd, with requirements at least equivalent to the above, and be identified to the fertility center

Iowa Admin. Code r. 21-64.156