Iowa Admin. Code r. 201-50.13

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 201-50.13 - Admission/classification and security
(1) .Admission and classification.
a. No person shall be confined or released from confinement without appropriate process or order of court.
b. With the exception of incidental contact under staff supervision, the following classes of prisoners shall be kept separate by architectural design barring conversational and visual contact from each other:
(1) Juveniles and adults (pursuant to Iowa Code section 356.3 ).
(2) Females from males (exception-alternative jail facilities) (pursuant to Iowa Code section 356.4 ).
c. The following shall be kept separate whenever possible:
(1) Felons from misdemeanants.
(2) Pretrial prisoners from sentenced prisoners.
(3) Witnesses from prisoners charged with crimes.
d. The following shall be kept physically separated:
(1) Prisoners of whom violence is reasonably anticipated.
(2) Prisoners who are a health risk to others.
(3) Prisoners of whom sexually deviant behavior is reasonably anticipated.
(4) Prisoners likely to be exploited or victimized by others.
e. Detention of juveniles shall be pursuant to Iowa Code section 232.22.
f. All staff involved in the booking process or the supervision of prisoners shall be trained in suicide prevention. At the time of booking, an attempt shall be made (either by observation for marks or scars or direct questioning of the prisoner) to determine if the prisoner is suicidal. The following questions, or others of equal meaning, shall be incorporated into the booking process with appropriate documentation to aid in suicide prevention:
(1) Does the prisoner show signs of depression?
(2) Does the prisoner appear overly anxious, afraid, or angry?
(3) Does the prisoner appear unusually embarrassed or ashamed?
(4) Is the prisoner acting or talking in a strange manner?
(5) Does the prisoner appear to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs?
(6) Does the prisoner have any scars or marks which indicate a previous suicide attempt? In all cases, the following questions will be asked of the prisoner:

Have you ever tried to hurt yourself?

Have you ever attempted to kill yourself?

Are you thinking about hurting yourself?

g. Housing for prisoners with disabilities shall be designed for their use, or reasonable accommodations shall be provided for the prisoners' safety and security.
h. Jail personnel shall ask each prisoner within 24 hours of the prisoner's incarceration if the prisoner is a military veteran. If so, jail personnel shall advise the prisoner that the prisoner may be entitled to a visit from a veteran service officer to determine if veteran services are required or available and, within 72 hours, shall provide the prisoner with contact information for the county commission of veteran affairs and provide the prisoner the opportunity to contact the county commission of veteran affairs to schedule a visit from a veteran service officer
(2)Security and control. The jail administrator shall develop and implement written policies and procedures for the jail which provide for the control of prisoners and for the safety of the public and the jail staff The policy and procedures shall include:
a.Supervision of prisoners.
(1) Twenty-four-hour supervision of all prisoners shall be provided pursuant to Iowa Code section 356.5(6).
(2) When staff is not within the confinement area of the jail, a staff person shall be in a position to hear prisoners in a life-threatening or emergency situation; or a calling device to summon help will be provided. By policy and practice there shall be a means of ensuring that appropriate personnel will be available on a 24-hour basis to respond to an emergency including, but not limited to, fire, assaults, suicide attempts, serious illness, and to preserve order, within a reasonable time period.
(3) At least hourly, personal observation of individual prisoners shall be made and documented. Prisoners considered to be in physical jeopardy because of physical or mental condition, including apparently intoxicated persons, as indicated by the medical history intake process and by personal observation, shall be checked personally at least every 30 minutes until the condition is alleviated. A CCTV-audio monitoring system may supplement but shall not replace personal observations. In order to use a CCTV-audio monitoring system, the following requirements must be met: CCTV and audio must be operational at all times. Visual and audio must be clear and distinct. Observation of shower and restroom activities shall be at the discretion of the jail administrator.
(4) No employee or visitor of one sex shall enter a housing unit occupied by the other sex unless advance notice has been provided except in case of an emergency (does not apply to alternative jail facilities). Advance notice may be provided at the time of orientation.
(5) When females are housed in the jail, at least one female staff member shall be on duty in the jail at all times, in accordance with Iowa Code section 356.5(6) (does not apply to alternative jail facilities).
(6) All juveniles arrested for intoxication due to substance abuse shall be personally observed on a continuous basis throughout the period of detention. The activities of juveniles arrested for crimes other than the above shall be monitored at all times, and the juvenile shall be observed by means of personal supervisory checks at no more than 30-minute intervals.
b.Weapons. Except in an emergency situation, no weapons shall be allowed in an area occupied by prisoners.
(1) All prisoners and property entering or leaving the jail shall be thoroughly searched; searches of persons charged with a simple misdemeanor shall follow provisions of Iowa Code section 804.30. The prisoner's name or identification number shall be affixed to the property or storage space. Receipts shall be made for property taken from prisoners at the time of admission and returned to prisoners at the time of release.
(2) All persons entering a jail may be searched for contraband. Persons may be denied admission if they refuse to consent to a required search.
(3) A search notice shall be posted in a conspicuous place (no policy required).
(4) Prisoner rules shall contain a clear definition of each item permitted in the jail. All other items shall be considered contraband.
(5) Random, unannounced, and irregular searches of areas accessible to prisoners shall be conducted for contraband and weapons.
d.Key control. Jail keys shall be stored in a secure area when not in use. There shall be at least one full set of jail keys, separate from those in use, stored in a safe place accessible only to designated jail personnel for use in the event of an emergency. The jail administrator will identify those persons who may have access to keys.
e.Facility security.
(1) All areas of the jail shall be inspected regularly and frequently and kept clear of large posters, pictures and articles of clothing that obstruct the view of prisoners by jail staff.
(2) All jail locks, doors, bars, windows, screens, grilles and fencing shall be inspected on at least a monthly basis. Any damaged or nonfunctioning equipment or fixtures shall be reported to the jail administrator in writing. The jail administrator shall ensure prompt repair of any damaged or nonfunctioning equipment or fixture.
(3) The jail administrator shall develop written policy and procedures for the movement and transportation of prisoners outside the secure area of the jail. The policy shall require procedures that will ensure the safety of the jail staff and the public and prevent prisoner escape. The policy shall provide procedures for movement of prisoners for medical treatment and to and from the courts and other facilities. The classification and security risk of the prisoner to be moved will determine the number of staff required and the type of restraints to be used, if any.
(4) The jail administrator shall have written plans for situations that threaten facility security. Such situations include but are not limited to: bomb threats, riots, hunger strikes, disturbances, hostage situations, escape attempts, medical emergencies, natural disasters and staff work stoppage. The plans shall be made available to all applicable personnel and reviewed by jail staff at least annually and updated as needed.
f.Restraint devices. The jail administrator shall have a written policy on restraint devices. Restraint devices shall not be applied as punishment. Restraint devices shall be used only when a prisoner is a threat to self or others or jeopardizes jail security. There shall be defined circumstances under which supervisory approval is needed prior to application of restraints. Restraint devices shall not be applied for more time than is necessary to alleviate the condition requiring the use of the restraint device. While restrained, prisoners shall be either clothed or covered in a manner that maximizes prisoner privacy. Four/five-point restraints shall be used only when other types of restraints have proven ineffective. If prisoners are restrained in a four/five-point position, the following minimum procedures shall be followed:
(1) Observation by staff shall be continuous. (A CCTV system may be used.)
(2) Personal visual (non-CCTV) observation of the prisoner and the restraint device application shall be made at least every 15 minutes.
(3) Restraint guidelines shall include consideration of an individual's physical and health condition, such as body weight.
(4) All decisions and actions shall be documented.

Iowa Admin. Code r. 201-50.13

ARC 9578B, lAB 6/29/11, effective 8/3/11