Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 193A-17.4 - Request for hearing(1) Nonlicensees have 30 days to request a hearing. The 30-day time frame begins on the date the notice is mailed if served through certified mail to the last-known address, or 30 days from the date of service if service is accepted or made in accordance with Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.305. A request for hearing has to be in writing and is deemed made on the date of the nonmetered United States Postal Service postmark or the date of personal service.(2) If a request for hearing is not timely made, the board chairperson or the chairperson's designee may issue an order imposing the civil penalty, revoking the practice privilege, and requiring compliance with Iowa Code chapter 542 and board rules, as described in the notice. The order may be mailed by regular first-class mail or served in the same manner as the notice of intent to impose civil penalty.(3) If a request for hearing is timely made, the board will issue a notice of hearing and conduct a hearing in the same manner as applicable to disciplinary cases against licensees.(4) A nonlicensee may waive the right to hearing and all attendant rights and enter into a consent order imposing a civil penalty, revoking the practice privilege, and requiring compliance with Iowa Code chapter 542 and board rules at any stage of the proceeding upon mutual consent of the board.(5) The notice of intent to issue an order and the order are public records available for inspection and copying in accordance with Iowa Code chapter 22. Hearings are open to the public.Iowa Admin. Code r. 193A-17.4
ARC 7715B, lAB 4/22/09, effective 7/1/09Adopted by IAB March 6, 2024/Volume XLVI, Number 18, effective 4/10/2024