Iowa Admin. Code r. 193A-10.5

Current through Register Vol. 47, No.14, January 8, 2025
Rule 193A-10.5 - Basic continuing professional education
(1) Except as provided in subrules 10.5(2) through 10.5(7), an applicant for renewal will have completed 120 hours of qualifying continuing professional education during the three-year period ending on the December 31 or June 30 preceding the July 1 renewal date of the certificate or license. The following conditions apply:
a. On each renewal, a CPA or LPA self-selects December 31 or June 30 as the date by which continuing education will be completed in order to be eligible to renew the certificate or license.
b. A CPA or LPA applying to renew a certificate or license may declare a continuing education deadline of December 31 in one renewal cycle and a continuing education deadline of June 30 in a subsequent renewal cycle, and vice versa.
c. Licensees need to maintain continuing education records in a manner that corresponds with the self-selected continuing education deadline of December 31 or June 30.
d. When declaring a June 30 continuing education deadline, licensees should be cautious to ensure that the continuing education is fully completed on or prior to the date the renewal application is submitted to the board.
e. Licensees who renew with penalty during the 30-day grace period following June 30 need to declare either December 31 or June 30 as the continuing education deadline. The deadline cannot be extended beyond June 30.
(2) At the first annual renewal date of July 1 that is less than 12 months from the date of filing of the initial application for the certificate or license, the certificate holder or license holder is not required to report continuing professional education.
(3) At the annual renewal date of July 1 that is 12 months or more than 12 months, but less than 24 months, from the date of filing of the initial application for the certificate or license, the certificate holder or license holder will report 40 hours of continuing professional education earned in the one-year period ending December 31 or June 30 prior to the July 1 renewal date.
(4) At the annual renewal date of July 1 that is 24 months or more than 24 months, but less than 36 months, from the date of filing of the initial application for the certificate or license, the certificate holder or license holder will report 80 hours of continuing professional education earned in the two-year period ending December 31 or June 30 prior to the July 1 renewal date.
(5) A licensee is deemed to have completed continuing education under this rule if, for the period that the licensee is a resident of another state or district having a continuing professional education obligation, the licensee met the resident state's mandatory continuing professional education.
(6) The board may make exceptions for reasons of individual hardship including health, certified by a medical doctor, military service, foreign residency, retirement, or other good cause. No exceptions may be made solely because of age. Applicants entitled to a full or partial exception under the provisions of Iowa Code section 272C.2(4) for active military service or government service outside of the United States may request an exception by submitting acceptable documentation as applicable to the exception requested. Applicants seeking an exception on other grounds of undue hardship can submit an application for waiver as provided in 193-Chapter 5.
(7) Licensees who apply to reinstate a lapsed or inactive certificate or license to active status pursuant to 193A-subrule 5.6(3) or 5.9(7) need to satisfy 120 hours of continuing professional education earned in the preceding three-year period prior to the date of the application, including all mandatory education described in rule 193A-10.7 (542). Once the certificate or license is reinstated, the continuing education obligations apply at each subsequent renewal. The 120-hour obligation described in this subrule is modified as needed to incorporate the phase-in schedule for initial licensees described in subrules 10.5(2) through 10.5(4).

Iowa Admin. Code r. 193A-10.5

ARC 9002B, IAB 8/11/10, effective 1/1/11; ARC 1360C, IAB 3/5/2014, effective 4/9/2014
Amended by IAB September 30, 2015/Volume XXXVIII, Number 07, effective 11/4/2015
Amended by IAB January 16, 2019/Volume XLI, Number 15, effective 2/20/2019
Amended by IAB January 12, 2022/Volume XLIV, Number 14, effective 2/16/2022
Adopted by IAB March 6, 2024/Volume XLVI, Number 18, effective 4/10/2024