(1)Docket maintained. The agency shall maintain a current public rule-making docket.(2)Anticipated rule making. The rule-making docket shall list each anticipated rule-making proceeding. A rule-making proceeding is deemed "anticipated" from the time a draft of proposed rules is distributed for internal discussion within the agency. For each anticipated rule-making proceeding, the docket shall contain a listing of the precise subject matter which may be submitted for consideration by the board for subsequent proposal under the provisions of Iowa Code section 17A.4(1) "a, " the name and address of agency personnel with whom persons may communicate with respect to the matter, and an indication of the present status within the agency of that possible rule. The agency may also include in the docket other subjects upon which public comment is desired.(3)Pending rule-making proceedings. The rule-making docket shall list each pending rule-making proceeding. A rule-making proceeding is pending from the time it is commenced by publication in the Iowa Administrative Bulletin to the time it is terminated or the rule becomes effective. For each rule-making proceeding, the docket shall indicate:a. The subject matter of the proposed rule;b. A citation to all published notices relating to the proceeding;c. Where written submissions on the proposed rule may be inspected;d. The time during which written submissions may be made;e. The names of persons who have made written requests for an opportunity to make oral presentations on the proposed rule, where those requests may be inspected and where and when oral presentations may be made;f Whether a written request for issuance of a regulatory analysis or a concise statement of reasons has been filed, whether such an analysis or statement or a fiscal impact statement has been issued, and where any such written request, analysis or statement may be inspected;
g. The current status of the proposed rule;h. Any known timetable for division decisions or other action in the proceeding;i. The date of the rule's adoption;j. The dates of the rule's filing and publication;k The date on which the rule will become effective; and
l. Where the rule-making record may be inspected.Iowa Admin. Code r. 189-4.3