876 Ind. Admin. Code 4-3-1

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 876 IAC 4-3-1 - "Distance learning continuing education" defined

Authority: IC 25-34.1-9-21

Affected: IC 25-34.1

Sec. 1.

"Distance learning continuing education" means education designed for licensed professional learners who live at a distance from the teaching institution or education provider. The term includes enrollment and study with an educational institution that provides organized, formal learning opportunities for professionals seeking to remain current on the high standards of their profession and abreast of the changes in their field. Presented in a sequential and logical order, the instruction:

(1) is offered wholly or primarily by distance study, through virtually any media; and
(2) may incorporate or make use of various media formats, including, but not limited to:
(A) printed materials;
(B) communication technologies; and
(C) Internet based delivery systems.

876 IAC 4-3-1

Indiana Real Estate Commission; 876 IAC 4-3-1; filed Mar 2, 2006, 4:10 p.m.: 29 IR 2199; readopted filed Nov 9, 2012, 11:31 a.m.: 20121205-IR-876120391RFA