Current through January 8, 2025
Section 872 IAC 1-3-18 - Board review of continuing education complianceAuthority: IC 25-2.1-2-15
Affected: IC 25-1-4-5; IC 25-1-11; IC 25-2.1
Sec. 18.
(a) If, as the result of an audit or other review, the board determines that CPE hours a licensee has claimed do not meet the requirements of this rule it shall notify the licensee of that determination in accordance with IC 25-1-4-5.(b) Licensee who submits false information under section 6 of this rule or this section shall be subject to action provided for under IC 25-1-4-5 and IC 25-1-11.Indiana Board of Accountancy; 872 IAC 1-3-18; filed May 17, 1988, 3:15 p.m.: 11 IR 3571, eff Jul 1, 1988; readopted filed Jun 22, 2001, 8:57 a.m.: 24 IR 3824; readopted filed Oct 4, 2007, 3:32 p.m.: 20071031-IR-872070066RFA; filed Nov 5, 2008, 2:33 p.m.: 20081203-IR-872080293FRA; readopted filed November 25, 2013, 9:20 a.m.: 20131225-IR-872130279RFAReadopted filed 11/26/2019, 3:48 p.m.: 20191225-IR-872190191RFAReadopted filed 1/12/2024, 11:32 a.m.: 20240207-IR-872230761RFA