Section 865 IAC 1-3-2 - Surveyor intern; applicationAuthority: IC 25-21.5-2-14
Affected: IC 25-21.5
Sec. 2.
(a) An applicant may submit the application to the board seeking certification as a surveyor intern after taking and passing the fundamentals of surveying examination.(b) All other applicants shall submit their applications to the board's office.State Board of Registration for Professional Surveyors; Rule 3, Sec 3; filed Feb 29, 1980, 3:40 p.m.: 3 IR 630; filed Oct 17, 1986, 2:20 p.m.: 10 IR 439; filed Oct 13, 1992, 5:00 p.m.: 16 IR 875; readopted filed May 22, 2001, 9:55 a.m.: 24 IR 3237; filed May 4, 2006, 1:25 p.m.: 29 IR 3001; readopted filed Oct 4, 2007, 3:31 p.m.: 20071031-IR-865070064RFA; readopted filed Nov 9, 2012, 11:26 a.m.: 20121205-IR-865120390RFA; filed Nov 8, 2013, 2:26 p.m.: 20131204-IR-865130334FRA, eff Jan 1, 2014Readopted filed 5/30/2024, 9:42 a.m.: 20240626-IR-865230820RFA864 IAC 1.1-3-3 was renumbered by Legislative Services Agency as 865 IAC 1-3-2.