68 Ind. Admin. Code 14-3-4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 68 IAC 14-3-4 - Removal of cards or dice

Authority: IC 4-33-4-1; IC 4-33-4-2; IC 4-33-4-3

Affected: IC 4-33

Sec. 4.

(a) The riverboat licensee shall remove any dice or playing cards at any time there is an indication that the dice or playing cards:
(1) have been tampered with;
(2) are flawed; or
(3) are defective, and the defect may affect the integrity or fairness of the game.
(b) If there is an indication that any dice or playing cards have been tampered with, the pit boss or the equivalent shall place the dice or playing cards in an envelope, seal the envelope, and give the envelope to the enforcement agent. The pit boss or the equivalent shall note the following on the outside of the envelope:
(1) The date and time the dice or playing cards were removed from play.
(2) The live gaming device from which the dice or playing cards were removed from play.
(3) The characteristics that indicate that the dice or playing cards were tampered with.
(4) The name of:
(A) all occupational licensees at the live gaming device from which the dice or playing cards were removed; and
(B) the pit boss or the equivalent who removed the dice or playing cards from play.
(c) Except for dice that are removed from play due to the possibility of tampering, all dice shall be canceled when removed from play. Dice may be canceled by means of the following:
(1) Drilling a circular hole of at least one-fourth (1/4) inch in diameter through the center of each die.
(2) Destroying the die by shredding.
(3) Canceling the die in any other manner approved by the executive director.
(4) The cancellation of dice must be monitored by surveillance in accordance with 68 IAC 12-1-5.
(d) Except for playing cards that are removed from play due to the possibility of tampering, all playing cards shall be canceled by one (1) of the following methods:
(1) Drilling a circular hole of at least one-fourth (1/4) inch through the center of each card in the deck.
(2) Shaving at least two (2) corners of each playing card so that each side is no longer at ninety (90) degree angles with each adjacent side.
(3) The cards are destroyed by shredding.
(4) Canceling the cards by any other method approved by the executive director.
(5) The cancellation of cards must be monitored by surveillance in accordance with 68 IAC 12-1-5.

68 IAC 14-3-4

Indiana Gaming Commission; 68 IAC 14-3-4; filed Apr 19, 1996, 3:00 p.m.: 19 IR 2270; filed Aug 20, 1997, 7:11 a.m.: 21 IR 18; errata filed Nov 17, 1997, 3:45 p.m.: 21 IR 1347; readopted filed Nov 25, 2002, 10:11 a.m.: 26 IR 1261; filed Dec 6, 2006, 2:52 p.m.: 20070103-IR-068060191FRA; readopted filed November 26, 2013, 3:58 p.m.: 20131225-IR-068130354RFA
Readopted filed 9/4/2019, 10:57 a.m.: 20191002-IR-068190384RFA
Readopted filed 11/22/2023, 8:28 a.m.: 20231220-IR-068230610RFA