675 Ind. Admin. Code 31-6-9

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 31-6-9 - Center of gravity

Authority: IC 22-13-2-8

Affected: IC 22-15-2-7; IC 22-15-7

Sec. 9.

The center of gravity of any carriage shall be as close to the operating surface as possible, and information regarding the maximum allowable sideways inclination shall be displayed within the cabin.

675 IAC 31-6-9

Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 31-6-9; filed Dec 30, 2009, 2:08 p.m.: 20100127-IR-685090147FRA; readopted filed Aug 4, 2010, 8:12 a.m.: 20100825-IR-685100266RFA; readopted filed Oct 11, 2016, 9:08 a.m.: 20161109-IR-685160330RFA
Readopted filed 12/2/2022, 3:31 p.m.: 20221228-IR-675220298RFA

NOTE: Transferred from the Regulated Amusement Device Safety Board (685 IAC 1-6-9) to the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission (675 IAC 31-6-9) by P.L. 249-2019, SECTION 16, effective July 1, 2019.