Authority: IC 22-13-2-8
Affected: IC 22-15-6
Sec. 17.
"Existing installation" means any boiler or unfired pressure vessel installed and placed in operation before July 1, 1953, which was the effective date of the Indiana Boiler and Pressure Vessel Law, which accepted already installed boilers and unfired pressure vessels not constructed or installed to any standard. See 675 IAC 30-8, 675 IAC 30-10, and 675 IAC 30-11.
675 IAC 30-4-17
Transferred from the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules Board ( 680 IAC 2-4-17) to the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission ( 675 IAC 30-4-17) by P.L. 249-2019, SECTION 15, effective July 1, 2019.