Authority: IC 22-13-2-8
Affected: IC 22-15-6
Sec. 2.
Where: P = Allowable working pressure for the shell, in psig.
TS = Ultimate tensile strength of shell material in pounds psi. When the tensile strength of carbon steel plate is not known, it shall be taken as fifty-five thousand (55,000) psi for temperatures not exceeding seven hundred (700) degrees Fahrenheit. Where the tensile strength of cast iron is not known, it shall be taken to be twenty thousand (20,000) psi.
t = Minimum thickness of shell plate of weakest course, in inches. When the contents of a vessel are corrosive, it shall be taken as the last measured minimum thickness minus twice the thickness expected to be lost by corrosion before the next inspection.
E = Efficiency of longitudinal joint depending upon construction. Use values as follows:
For seamless shells | E = 100% |
For riveted joints For fusion welded, forge welded, or brazed joints: | E = calculated joint efficiency |
For fusion single lap weld welds | E = 40% |
For fusion double lap weld welds | E = 60% |
For fusion single butt weld welds | E = 50% |
For fusion double butt weld welds | E = 70% |
For forge weld welds | E = 70% |
For brazed steel joints | E = 80% |
For brazed copper joints | E = 90% |
R = Inside radius of weakest course of shell, in inches, provided the thickness does not exceed ten percent (10%) of the radius. If the thickness is over ten percent (10%) of the radius, the outer radius, in inches, shall be used.
FS = Factor of safety allowed by section 3 of this rule.
Note: Vessels with brazed joints shall not be operated with metal temperatures in excess of four hundred six (406) degrees Fahrenheit.
675 IAC 30-11-2
Transferred from the Boiler and Pressure Vessel Rules Board ( 680 IAC 2-11-2) to the Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission ( 675 IAC 30-11-2) by P.L. 249-2019, SECTION 15, effective July 1, 2019.