675 Ind. Admin. Code 22-2.5-4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 22-2.5-4 - Chapter 3; general precautions against fire

Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

Affected: IC 22-12-7; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 36-8-17

Sec. 4.

Chapter 3 is amended as follows:

(a) Delete Section 301.2 in its entirety without substitution.
(b) Amend Section 303.5 to insert, after "portable" and before "fire", the following: dry chemical type, in the first sentence.
(c) Amend Section 304.1.2 to delete the last sentence in its entirety without substitution.
(d) Amend Section 304.2 to delete the text and insert the following: Storage of combustible rubbish shall not produce conditions that will create a fire hazard that endangers the safety of persons or property.
(e) Amend Section 307.1.1 to delete the text and insert the following: Discontinuance. The fire chief is authorized to require open burning be immediately discontinued if such open burning constitutes a hazardous condition.
(f) Amend Section 307.2 to delete the title and text and insert the following: Notification. Prior to commencement of open burning, the fire department having jurisdiction shall be notified.
(g) Amend Section 307.2.1 to delete the title and text and insert the following: Material restrictions. Open burning of rubbish is prohibited.
(h) Delete Section 307.3 without substitution.
(i) Amend Section 307.5 to delete the text and insert the following: Burning material shall be constantly attended by a person knowledgeable in the use of the fire-extinguishing equipment required by this section and familiar with any limitations which restrict open burning. An attendant shall supervise the burning material until the fire has been extinguished.
(j) Amend Section 308.1.3 to insert, as the last sentence of the section, the following: Prior to using a torch or flame-producing device to remove paint from a structure, the fire department having jurisdiction shall be notified.
(k) Amend Section 308.1.4 by deleting Exception 3 without substitution.
(l) Amend Section 308.1.6 to delete all text after "wildfire risk areas," in the first sentence and insert the following: except when approved.
(m) Add Section 308.1.6.3 to read as follows: 308.1.6.3. Sky Lanterns. No person shall release or cause to be released a sky lantern with the intention of causing the lantern to lift into the atmosphere unless the lantern is anchored or tethered to the person's property such that the lantern cannot freely lift into the atmosphere.
(n) Amend Section 308.1.7 to delete "in the opinion of the code official, adequate" and insert the following: approved.
(o) Amend Section 308.2 to delete "Permits shall be obtained from the fire code official in accordance with Section 105.6" and insert the following: The fire department having jurisdiction shall be notified.
(p) Amend Section 308.3 as follows:
(1) Delete the section heading "Group A Occupancies" and insert "Affected Occupancies".
(2) In the first sentence, delete "a Group A Occupancy" and insert "any occupancy other than Group R-2, apartment houses, convents, fraternities and sororities, hotels, monasteries, motels and vacation time share properties, Group R-3 and Group R-4 occupancies".
(q) Amend Section 310.2 to delete the text and insert the following: Whenever smoking constitutes a fire hazard in any area of piers, wharfs, warehouses, stores, industrial plants, institutions, schools, places of assembly, and in open spaces where combustible materials are stored or handled, the fire chief is authorized to order the owner or occupant to post approved NO SMOKING signs in each building, structure, room, or place in which smoking is prohibited. Such signs shall be conspicuously and suitably located and shall be maintained.


1. Buildings or structures which are smoke-free environments and are posted as such at all public and employee entrances.
2. No visible evidence of prohibited smoking exists within the building or structure.
(r) Delete Section 310.3 without substitution.
(s) Delete Section 311.1.1 without substitution.
(t) Amend Section 311.2.1 to delete the text and insert the following: Exterior and interior openings accessible to other tenants or unauthorized persons shall be boarded, locked, blocked or otherwise protected to prevent entry by unauthorized individuals. The fire code official is authorized to post signs, erect barrier tape or take similar measures as necessary to secure public safety.
(u) Amend Section 311.2.2 as follows:
(1) In Exception 1, delete "in the opinion of the fire code official" and insert "where approved by the code official" and insert, at the end of the Exception, the following: The premises shall be identified in accordance with 901.7.2 and 901.7.3.
(2) In Exception 2, delete "approved by the fire chief," and insert, at the end of the Exception, the following: The premises shall be identified in accordance with 901.7.2 and 901.7.3.
(v) Amend Section 311.5 to delete the text and insert the following: Any vacant or abandoned buildings or structures determined to be unsafe shall be marked as required by local ordinance.
(w) Delete Section 311.5.1 without substitution.
(x) Delete Section 311.5.2 without substitution.
(y) Delete Section 311.5.3 without substitution.
(z) Delete Section 311.5.4 without substitution.
(aa) Delete Section 311.5.5 without substitution.
(bb) Amend Section 314.2 Fixtures and Displays to delete the text and insert to read as follows: Fixtures and displays of goods for sale to the public shall be arranged and secured so as to maintain free, immediate and unobstructed access to exits as required by Chapter 10.
(cc) Delete Section 315.2 without substitution.
(dd) Amend Section 315.3.1 to add an exception: Exception: Sidewall storage to a maximum depth of thirty (30) inches (seventy-six and two-tenths (76.2) centimeters) shall be acceptable to the ceiling in non-sprinklered buildings.
(ee) Amend Section 316.2.1 to delete "from the outside of the building" at the end of the paragraph without substitution.
(ff) Delete Section 316.4 without substitution.
(gg) Delete Section 316.6 without substitution.
(hh) Delete Section 318 in its entirety without substitution.
(ii) Insert Section 319 to read as follows: SECTION 319. CARNIVALS AND FAIRS
319.1 General. The grounds of carnivals and fairs, including concession booths, shall be in accordance with Section 319.
319.2 Grounds.
319.2.1 General. Grounds shall be in accordance with Section 319.2.
319.2.2 Access. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided in accordance with Section 503.
319.2.3 Fire appliances.
319.2.3.1 General. Fire appliances shall be provided for the entire midway, as approved by the chief.
319.2.3.2 Location. Maximum travel distance to a portable fire extinguisher shall not exceed seventy-five (75) feet (twenty-two and eighty-six hundredths (22.86) meters).
319.2.5 Electrical equipment. Electrical equipment and installations shall comply with the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
319.3 Concession Stands.
319.3.1 General. Concession stands shall be in accordance with Section 319.3.
319.3.2 Location. Concession stands utilized for cooking shall have a minimum of ten (10) feet (three and forty-eight thousandths (3.048) meters) of clearance on two (2) sides and shall not be located within ten (10) feet (three and forty-eight thousandths (3.048) meters) of amusement rides or devices.
319.3.3 Fire extinguishers. A K-rated wet chemical fire extinguisher shall be provided where deep-fat fryers are used.
319.3.4 Hinges, awnings, and braces must be safety keyed. Nails shall not be used for hinge or support pins.
319.3.5 When tent stakes and ropes extend into traffic areas, highly visible covers shall be provided.
319.4 Internal Combustion Power Sources.
319.4.1 General. Internal combustion power sources, including motor vehicles, generators, and similar equipment, shall be in accordance with Section 319.4.
319.4.2 Fueling. Fuel tanks shall be of adequate capacity to permit uninterrupted operation during normal operating hours. Refueling shall be conducted only when the ride is not in use.
319.4.3 Protection. Internal combustion power sources shall be isolated from contact with the public by either physical guards, fencing, or an enclosure.
319.4.4 Fire extinguishers. A minimum of one (1) fire extinguisher with a rating of not less than 2-A:10-B:C shall be provided.
319.4.5 Notification. The servicing fire department shall be notified not less than seventy-two (72) hours prior to the admission of the public.
319.4.6 Vehicular traffic. No vehicle except emergency fire or rescue equipment shall be permitted on the midway from the time the midway opens until closing (including owners, operators, vendors, and service vehicles).
(jj) Insert Section 320 to read as follows: SECTION 320 HAUNTED HOUSES AND SIMILAR INSTALLATIONS. This section applies to haunted houses and similar installations legally in existence at the adoption of this code. Any interior within a structure not designed for this specific use shall comply with the following and all other applicable rules:
(1) In any facility using the maze concept, there shall be no dead-end corridors and there shall be an obvious exit out of the maze for every fifty (50) feet (fifteen and twenty-four hundredths (15.24) meters) of linear travel. All stairways shall be illuminated at a level of a least one (1) foot-candle (eleven (11) lux).
(2) A group shall consist of twenty (20) individuals or fewer. Each group shall be accompanied or supervised by a staff person who is eighteen (18) years of age or older. This staff person shall have in his or her possession an operable flashlight and shall be completely familiar with the facility.
(3) There shall be no smoking allowed at any time by anyone inside the building.
(4) All electrical installations shall meet 675 IAC 17, the Indiana Electrical Code.
(5) The servicing fire department shall be contacted at least three (3) working days prior to the placing of the facility in operation for an inspection and planning of evacuation procedures. A sketch of the floor plan shall be provided to the servicing fire department to facilitate these procedures.
(6) The total number of occupants in the facility at any time shall be limited to the number allowed by the total exits from the installation, as determined by the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13) in effect at the time of construction of the building, building system, or alterations.
(7) Fire extinguishers shall be distributed throughout the building so that no more than seventy-five (75) feet (twenty-two and eighty-six hundredths (22.86) meters) must be traversed to each fire extinguisher.
(8) There shall be no open flame devices or temporary heaters used in the building.
(9) Automatic smoke detectors shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 72 ( 675 IAC 22-2.2) . All smoke detectors shall be interconnected so that when one is activated, all are activated. When activated, the alarm shall be loud enough to be heard over all other sounds or the activation shall automatically shut down all sound devices within the facility.
(10) All areas of a maze shall be at least three (3) feet (ninety-one and four-tenths (91.4) centimeters) wide and five (5) feet (one and five hundred twenty-four thousandths (1.524) meters) high, except that a section not exceeding four (4) feet (one and twenty-two hundredths (1.22) meters) in length may be two (2) feet (sixty and ninety-six hundredths (60.96) centimeters) high and two (2) feet (sixty and ninety-six hundredths (60.96) centimeters) wide. There shall not be more than one (1) such four (4) foot (one and twenty-two hundredths (1.22) meter) section in every fifty (50) linear feet (fifteen and twenty-four hundredths (15.24) meters).
(11) All material used in all display areas of a haunted house and all material used in the construction of a maze shall be inherently flame-resistant or made so by treatment with a flame retardant. All substances used to make materials flame-resistant shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, and the containers and proof of purchase of the substances shall be retained for inspection by the code official.
(kk) Insert Section 321 to read as follows: SECTION 321 FIRE SAFETY IN RACETRACK STABLES
321.1 Scope. Racetrack stables shall be in accordance with this section.
321.2 Definitions

For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:

ASSIGNED BARN. The barn area where a trainer has been allocated stalls and space for the trainer's horses and equipment.

ASSISTANT TRAINER. The person next to the listed trainer of record, and the one who frequently handles the day-to-day affairs in training a horse or horses.

CONCESSIONAIRES. The holders of a concession, such as the track kitchen, granted by the racetrack management.

HALTER. Piece of equipment that fits around a horse's head, like a bridle, but lacking a bit. It is used in handling horses around the stable. In the event of a fire, horses can be led from stalls by halters.

MECHANICAL HOTWALKER. An electrical device that automatically walks a horse or several horses in a circle with an approximate radius of ten (10) to fifteen (15) feet (three and forty-eight thousandths (3.048) to four and fifty-seven hundredths (4.57) meters).

MIXED OCCUPANCY. A building or stable area where both horses and humans reside.

RACETRACK MANAGEMENT. The persons who control or execute the affairs of the track itself.

TACK. Stable gear; also rider's racing equipment.

TACK ROOM. A storage area for tack and stable equipment.

TRACK SECURITY. Persons employed to protect racetrack property and to ensure the proper passage of licensed personnel; track security may be internal or external.

TRAINER. The person responsible for the care and training of a horse or horses.

321.3 Management responsibilities.
321.3.1 All trainers or a designated assistant and all concessionaires or a designated assistant shall serve as liaison between the track security and fire protection supervisors and the employees of the trainers and concessionaires.
321.3.2 All trainers or their assistants and all concessionaires or their assistants shall acquaint themselves with and brief their employees as to the following:
(1) Smoking regulations.
(2) Location of fire alarm notification system devices in the immediate area of an assigned barn.
(3) Location of all fire extinguishers and extinguishing equipment in assigned barn area.
(4) Regulations regarding occupancy, use of extension cords for extending electrical circuits, and use of electrical appliances.
(5) Regulations regarding storage and use of feed, straw, tack, and supplies.
(6) Track regulations with regard to fire and security, copies of which shall be provided to all trainers or their assistants and concessionaires or their assistants. These regulations shall be used in instructing members of the trainers' and concessionaires' staffs assigned to the barn area.
321.3.3 Open burning. Open burning is prohibited. Open flame heating devices are prohibited. Un-vented portable oil-burning heating appliances are not permitted in stables.
321.3.4 Smoking. Smoking is prohibited in assigned barns. Approved "No Smoking" signs shall be posted in assigned barns.
321.3.5 Trash removal. All combustible trash and waste shall be removed from all buildings daily. Noncombustible trash and waste containers shall be provided for other than stall waste and shall be emptied daily.
321.3.6 Hay or straw storage. Storage shall not exceed the amount for two (2) days' use by the horses in the assigned barn. All other hay and straw must be in a separate, approved outside storage area. Hay and straw piles shall not exceed twenty (20) bales (rectangular) per pile and shall not exceed seven (7) feet (two and thirteen-hundredths (2.13) meters) in height. Each pile must be separated by a distance of not less than fifty (50) feet (fifteen and twenty-four hundredths (15.24) meters). Hay and straw shall not be stored in aisle space or in aisles.
321.3.7 Electrical systems and appliances.
321.3.7.1 The use of any portable electrical appliance shall be as follows:
(1) Multiple-outlet adapters are prohibited.
(2) Not more than one (1) continuous extension cord shall be used to connect one (1) appliance to the fixed electrical receptacle, and such cord shall be listed for hard service and properly sized for the intended application.
(3) Extension cords shall not be used as a insert for permanent wiring.
321.3.7.2 Extension cords shall not be supported by any metal object, such as a nail, screw, hook, or pipe.
321.3.7.3 Plug caps and receptacles used in extension cords shall be heavy-duty type equipped with a reliable grounding pole and attached to the cord in a manner to provide strain relief.
321.3.7.4 All electrical appliances used in the stable area shall be listed for the use.
321.3.7.5 Outdoor electrical appliances, for example, mechanical hotwalkers, served by the barn electrical system shall be installed in accordance with the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17).
321.3.7.6 Portable cooking and heating appliances shall not be used in assigned barns.
321.3.7.7 Use of exposed-element heating appliances is prohibited.
321.3.7.8 The storage of flammable and combustible liquids, except those used for medicinal purposes, is prohibited.
321.3.7.9 Vehicles shall not be permitted in assigned barns. Aisles shall be maintained clear of obstructions at all times, and access to fire equipment shall not be blocked.
321.4 Animal evacuation.
321.4.1 Every horse shall wear a halter at all times while inside the assigned barn.
321.4.2 Horses shall be restricted to ground level stalls.
321.4.3 An assigned barn escape plan shall be established for each stable building.
321.4.4 The assigned barn escape plan shall be posted by each exit from the assigned barn, and a copy shall be given to all stall renters.
321.4.5 A fire safety and evacuation drill shall be conducted quarterly for employees only.
321.4.6 A predetermined location shall be designated for placement of horses when they are evacuated from the assigned barns.
321.4.7 Racetrack management shall ensure that all employees are trained in the assigned barn escape plan.
321.5 Where automatic sprinklers are installed, they shall be installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with the applicable rules of the commission.
321.6 Fire extinguishers shall be provided in all assigned barns as follows:
(1) Fire extinguishers shall have a minimum 2A rating.
(2) Fire extinguishers shall be placed so that travel distance shall be not more than seventy-five (75) feet (twenty-two and eighty-six hundredths (22.86) meters) from any point within a building.
(3) Fire extinguishers within twenty (20) feet (six and ninety-six thousandths (6.096) meters) of electrical control boxes shall have a Class C rating.
(4) Fire extinguishers shall be installed, tested, and maintained in accordance with the applicable rules of the commission.

675 IAC 22-2.5-4

Filed 8/1/2014, 11:01 a.m.: 20140827-IR-675130341FRA, eff 12/1/2014
Readopted filed 8/6/2020, 2:04 p.m.: 20200902-IR-675200309RFA