675 Ind. Admin. Code 22-2.5-37

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 22-2.5-37 - Chapter 57; flammable and combustible liquids

Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

Affected: IC 22-12-7; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 36-8-17

Sec. 37.

Chapter 57 is amended as follows:

(a) Amend Section 5701.4 to delete the title and text and insert to read as follows: Plans. Prior to commencement of construction to store more than six hundred sixty (660) gallons (two thousand four hundred ninety-eight (2,498) L) of liquid outside of buildings in drums or tanks, the owner shall notify the servicing fire department, in writing, of the proposed storage and that a copy of the plans released under 675 IAC 12-6 are available upon request. A copy of the released plans shall indicate the method of storage, quantities to be stored, distances from the buildings and property lines, accessways, fire protection facilities, and provisions for spill control, drainage control, and secondary containment.
(b) Amend Section 5703.5 to delete the first sentence and insert to read as follows: The inspection authority is authorized to require warning signs for the purpose of identifying hazards of storing or using flammable liquids, when such storage or use would cause a fire or explosion hazard.
(c) Amend Section 5704.2.2 to delete the text and insert to read as follows: Tank cars and tank vehicles shall not be used as permanent storage tanks.
(d) Amend Section 5704.2.3.1, to add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Buildings or structures which are smoke-free environments and are posted as such at all public and employee entrances, and no visible evidence of prohibited smoking exist within the building or structure.
(e) Amend Section 5704. to delete "1,000 gallons (3,785 L)" and insert "one thousand one hundred (1,100) gallons (four thousand one hundred sixty-four (4,164) L)".
(f) Amend Section 5704. to delete ", not more than 5 feet (1524 mm) above the finished ground level, in an approved location in close proximity to the parked delivery vehicle" without substitution.
(g) Amend Section 5704. to insert, in the first sentence, after "liquid", "underground".
(h) Delete Section 5704.2.9.1 without substitution.
(i) Amend Section 5704. to delete "When required by the fire code official," without substitution.
(j) Delete Section 5704. without substitution.
(k) Amend Section 5704.2.10 to delete both exceptions in their entirety and insert the following:


1. Aboveground tanks are not required to be provided with diking when the tank complies with the requirements of Section 2306.2.3 Installation of Tanks, including subsections (a), (b), and (c), and secondary containment systems are monitored for leak detection with an automatic alarm system, visual or audible, or both.
2. Approved aboveground tanks with a capacity of five hundred (500) gallons or less, utilized solely for the storage of used motor oil, and in compliance with EPA 40 CFR 279.22 and EPA 40 CFR 264.175 are exempt from the requirements of 3404.2.10.
3. Drainage control and diking is not required for listed secondary containment tanks.
(l) Amend Section 5704.2.10.5 to add an Exception 3 to read as follows: Exception 3. Tanks storing more than five thousand (5,000) gallons of gasoline, diesel fuel, or kerosene may have pumps and manifolds attached directly to the tank within diked areas.
(m) Amend Section 5704.2.11.4 to delete the text and insert to read as follows: Fill pipes shall be equipped with a spill container and an overfill prevention system for each tank. The system shall comply with one of the following:
(1) Automatically shut off the flow of liquid into the tank when the tank is not more than ninety-five (95) percent of tank capacity; or
(2) Have an alarm which provides an audible and visual signal when the quantity of liquid in the tank reaches ninety (90) percent of the tank capacity; or
(3) Restrict flow thirty (30) minutes prior to overfilling and alert the transfer operator with a high level alarm one (1) minute before overfilling or automatically shut off flow into the tank so that none of the fittings located on the top of the tank are exposed to product due to overfilling.
(n) Amend Section 5704.2.12.2 to delete the text and insert to read as follows: Testing of underground tanks. In advance of intent to test for tightness and cover the system, the installer of the underground tanks and piping shall provide at least 48 hour notification to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Before being covered or placed in use, tanks and piping connected to underground tanks shall be tested for tightness in accordance with Section 5703.6.3 and the installer shall make the results of tests available to the Authority Having Jurisdiction.
(o) Amend Section 5704. to add an exception to read as follows:


Tanks that meet the following:

(A) are within operating facilities; and
(B) are entered, cleaned and sealed and otherwise in compliance with Indiana Fire Code requirements; and
(C) have the structural integrity specifications by manufacturer maintained. Recommissioning of any such tank requires a 0.01 gph (gallon per hour) tightness test and notification to the AHJ.
(p) Amend Section 5704.3.1.1 to delete the text and insert to read as follows: Only listed or labeled containers and portable tanks shall be used.
(q) Amend Section 5704. to delete the text and insert to read as follows: Cabinets shall listed in accordance with UL 1275, approved by the code official, and in compliance with the rules of the Commission or its predecessor agencies in effect at the time the materials, including quantities and their location, were first stored, and constructed of approved wood or metal in accordance with the following:
1. Metal cabinets shall be constructed of steel having a thickness of not less than 0.044 inch (1.12 mm) (18 gage). The cabinet, including the door, shall be double walled with 11/2-inch (38 mm) airspace between the walls. Joints shall be riveted or welded and shall be tight fitting.
2. Wooden cabinets, including doors, shall be constructed of not less than 1-inch (25 mm) exterior grade plywood. Joints shall be rabbeted and shall be fastened in two directions with wood screws. Door hinges shall be of steel or brass. Cabinets shall be painted with an intumescent-type paint.
(r) Amend Section 5704., to add an exception to read as follows: Exception: Doors on cabinets that comply with 5704.
(s) Amend Section 5704.3.6.5 to delete "When required by the code official" without substitution.
(t) Amend Section 5705.3.1 to delete the exception without substitution.
(u) Amend Section 5705.3.7.5.,1 to delete the exception without substitution.
(v) Amend Section 5705. to delete the first sentence and insert to read as follows: Spill control shall be provided in accordance with Section 5703.4 where Class I, II, or IIIA liquids are dispensed into containers exceeding a two (2) gallon (seven and six-tenths (7.6) liter) capacity or mixed or used in open containers or systems exceeding five and three-tenths (5.3) gallon (twenty (20) liter) capacity.
(w) Amend Section 5706.2.2 to delete the last sentence without substitution.
(x) Amend Section 5706.2.4.3 to delete, in the first and second sentences, "50 feet (15,240 mm)" and insert "ten (10) feet (three thousand forty-eight (3,048) mm)".
(y) Delete Section 5706.2.4.4 without substitution.
(z) Amend Section 5706.2.8 as follows:
1. In item 1, delete, "that of" and insert "equipped".
2. In item 2, delete, "100 feet (30,480 mm)" and insert "150 feet (45,720 mm)".
(aa) Amend Section 5706.2.8.1 to delete "50 feet (15,240 mm)" and insert "twenty-five (25) feet (seven thousand six hundred twenty (7,620) mm)".
(bb) Amend Section 5706.4 to insert a second sentence to read as follows: "Also see Section 2306.2.3.1 of this code.".
(cc) Delete Section 5706.4.4 without substitution.
(dd) Amend Section 5706.4.7 to delete, in the exception, "Chapter 22" and insert "Chapter 23".
(ee) Amend Section 5706.5.1.18 to delete Exception 2 without substitution.
(ff) Amend Section 5706.5.4.5 to delete item number 1 without substitution.
(gg) Amend Section 5706.5.4.5 to delete, in Item 11, "100 feet (30,480)" and insert "150 feet (45,720 mm)".
(hh) Amend Section 5706.6.2.1 to delete the text in its entirety and insert the following:
(1) Tank vehicles shall not be left unattended on any street, highway, avenue, or alley, provided that drivers are not prevented from those necessary absences from the vehicle connected with their normal duties, nor shall this requirement prevent stops for meals or rest stops during the day or night.

Exception 1. This shall not apply to an emergency.

Exception 2. This shall not apply to vehicles parked in accordance with (b).

(2) Tank vehicles shall not be parked in congested areas. Such vehicles shall be permitted to be parked off the street in uncongested areas if at least fifty (50) feet (fifteen (15) m) from any building used for assembly, institutional, or multiple residential occupancy. This requirement shall not prohibit the parking of cargo vehicles of three thousand five hundred (3,500) gallons (thirteen (13) m3) water capacity or less on streets adjacent to the driver's residence in uncongested residential areas, provided such parking locations are at least fifty (50) feet (fifteen (15) m) from a building used for assembly, institutional, or multiple residential occupancy.

675 IAC 22-2.5-37

Filed 8/1/2014, 11:01 a.m.: 20140827-IR-675130341FRA, eff 12/1/2014
Errata filed 11/19/2014, 3:00 p.m.: 20141217-IR-675140471ACA
Readopted filed 8/6/2020, 2:04 p.m.: 20200902-IR-675200309RFA