675 Ind. Admin. Code 22-2.5-16

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 22-2.5-16 - Chapter 23; motor fuel dispensing facilities and repair garages

Authority: IC 22-13-2-2

Affected: IC 22-12-7; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 36-8-17

Sec. 16.

Chapter 23 is amended as follows:

(a) Delete Section 2301.2 without substitution.
(b) Amend Section 2301.3 to delete the text and insert the following: Plans and specifications shall be submitted in accordance with the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6) . Plans shall include the method of storage and dispensing, quantities and types of liquids to be stored, distances from tanks and dispensers to property lines and buildings, vehicle access, fire appliances, collision barriers, design and construction of tanks, tank supports, secondary containment, tank venting, vapor recovery provisions, and emergency controls.
(c) Amend Section 2304.3.2 to delete the text and insert the following: Dispensing devices shall comply with Section 2306.7. Dispensing devices operated by the insertion of coins or currency may be used provided change or credit can be issued.
(d) Amend Section 2304.3.7 to delete the text in items numbers 1 and 2 and insert the following:
(1) Dispensing devices for Class I fuel shall be programmed or set to limit uninterrupted fuel delivery to twenty-five (25) gallons (ninety-five (95) L) and require a manual action to resume delivery; or
(2) The amount of fuel being dispensed shall be limited in quantity by a preprogrammed card.
(e) Delete Section 2305.1.1 without substitution.
(f) Amend Section 2305.1.2 to delete "an approved" and insert "a".
(g) Amend Section 2305.1.3 to delete "one thousand (1,000)" and insert: one thousand one hundred (1,100).
(h) Amend Section 2305.2.3 to delete the text of item 2 and insert to read as follows: 2. Electrical power to the dispensing device shall be shut off at the main electrical disconnect panel.
(i) Amend Section 2305.2.4 to delete the text and insert the following: Automatic closing emergency shut-off valves required by Section 2306.7.4 shall be maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
(j) Amend Section 2305.6 to insert in item 1, after "no smoking", "within 25 feet of the fuel dispenser(s)".
(k) Amend Section 2306.2 to delete "motor" without substitution.
(l) Amend Section 2306.2.1.1 to delete the text and insert the following: Accurate daily inventory records shall be maintained and reconciled on underground fuel storage tanks for indication of possible leakage from tanks and piping. The records shall be kept at the premises or readily available for inspection by the code official upon written request and shall include records for each product showing daily reconciliation between sales, use, receipts, and inventory on hand.
(m) Delete TABLE 2306.2.3 and insert as follows:

TABLE 2306.2.3

Tank Type Class of Liquid Individual Capacity Aggregate Capacity in Same Dike of Cluster Minimum Distance to Nearest Building on Same Property Minimum Distance from Nearest Fuel Dispenser for Fleet Fueling Minimum Distance from Nearest Fuel Dispenser for Public Operations Minimum Distance from Lot Line that is or can be Built Upon, Including Opposite Side of Public Way Minimum Distance Nearest Side of any Public Way Minimum Distance Between Tanks
UL2085 Class I Liquids 6,000 Gallons or Less 48,000 Gallons 5 0 25 15 5 3
UL2085 Class I Liquids Greater Than 6,000 Gallons 48,000 Gallons 15 0 25 25 15 3
UL2085 Class II & III Liquids Same as Class I Liquids Same as Class I Liquids Same as Class I Liquids Same as Class I Liquids Same as Class I Liquidsc Same as Class I Liquids Same as Class I Liquids 3
Tanks in Vaults Class I, II & III Liquidsb 20,000 Gallons or Less N/A 0 0 0 0 0 Separate Compart ments for Each Tank
Other Tanks Other Tanks All N/A 50 50 N/Ad 100 50 3
UL142 Class II & III Liquids 6,000 Gallons or Less 18,000 Gallons 10 0a N/Ad 30 10 3
UL142 Class II & III Liquids 6,001 to 12,000 Gallons 18,000 Gallons 30 0a N/Ad 50 30 3
UL142 Class I, II & III Liquids 1,100 Gallons Single Tank Install Only 30 0a N/Ad 50 30 3

For SI: 1 foot = 304.8 mm, 1 gallon = 3.785 Liter

a. At fleet vehicle motor fuel dispensing facilities, no minimum separation distance is required.
b. Underground vaults shall be located such that they will not be subject to loading from nearby structures, or they shall be designed to accommodate applied loads from existing or future structures that can be built nearby.
c. For Class IIIB liquids UL2085 protected above ground tanks, no minimum separation distance is required.
d. UL 142 tanks are not to be approved for use at gas station motor fuel dispensing facilities for products to be dispensed into motor vehicles. Within size limitations of the table, UL 142 tanks are allowed for fleet motor fuel dispensing facilities.

N/A = not applicable

(n) Amend Section 2306.2.3 to delete the text in its entirety and insert the following: Above ground tanks located outside, above grade. Above ground tanks shall not be used for the storage and dispensing of Class I, II, or IIIA liquid motor fuels except as provided by this section.
(1) Above ground tanks used for outside, above grade storage of Class I liquids shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 142 or listed and labeled as protected above ground tanks in accordance with UL 2085, and shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 57. Such tanks shall be located in accordance with Table 2306.2.3.
(2) Class I and II liquids shall not be dispensed into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle from aboveground tanks at fleet vehicle service station except when such tanks are installed in accordance with the following:

Tanks shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 57 and shall be installed in special enclosures constructed in accordance with Section 2306.2.4 or is listed and approved tank enclosures or materials providing fire protection of not less than two (2) hours. The following additional criteria shall apply:

(a) Guard posts or other means shall be provided to protect the area where tanks are installed. The design shall be in accordance with Section 312.
(b) Each tank and each special enclosure shall be surrounded by a clear space of not less than three (3) feet to allow for maintenance and inspection,
(c) Warning signs and identification signs shall be installed to clearly identify hazards. The design shall be in accordance with Sections 2305.6, 2309.5.7, and 5704.2.3. Conspicuous signs prohibiting simultaneous tank filling and fuel dispensing shall be posted,
(3) Unless further restricted or permitted by Table 2306.2.3, tanks containing fuels shall not exceed 12,000 gallons (45,420 L) in individual capacity or 48,000 gallons (181,680 L) in aggregate capacity. Installations with the maximum allowable aggregate capacity shall be separated from other such installations by not less than 100 feet (30,480 mm).
(4) Tanks shall be provided with automatic fuel shut-off devices capable of stopping the delivery of fuel when the level in the tank reaches ninety percent (90%) of tank capacity.


1. Above ground storage tanks for motor vehicle fuel-dispensing stations legally installed according to the code in effect at the time of installation and in operation prior to September 7, 1992.
2. Single tank installations where the fuel tank has a capacity of one thousand one hundred (1,100) gallons or less that are in compliance with Chapter 57 of this code.
3. Diesel tanks and dispensing operations when all the following criteria are met:
A. The distance in feet from any property line when not adjacent to a public way shall be double the distance specified in Table 2306.2.3.
B. The distance in feet from a property line adjacent to a public way, to include the opposite sides of a public way, shall be double the distance specified in Table 2306.2.3.
C. The distance in feet from adjacent structures shall be double the distance specified in Table 2306.2.3.
D. In compliance with Chapter 57 of this code.
E. The diesel tank shall be double the distance specified in Table 2306.2.3 for the property line including the opposite side of the public way from any nondiesel fuel tank or dispensing operation.
2. INSTALLATION OF DISPENSING SYSTEMS Dispensing systems shall be installed in accordance with Chapters 23 and 57 except as follows:
(a) Motor fuels shall be transferred from tanks by means of fixed pumps which are designed and equipped to allow control of the flow and to prevent leakage or accidental discharge,
(b) Tank and tank enclosure openings shall be through the top only. Approved antisiphon devices shall be installed at each connection of piping to a tank when such piping extends below the level of the top of such tank, and
(c) Dispensing devices are allowed to be installed on top of special enclosures.

Plans submitted under 675 IAC 12-6, Design Releases, shall include the method of storage and dispensing, quantities and types of liquids to be stored, distances from tanks and dispensers to property lines and buildings, vehicle access, fire appliances, collision barriers, design and construction of tanks and tank supports, secondary containment tank venting, vapor recovery provisions, and emergency controls.


Tanks, special enclosures, and dispensing systems shall be maintained in proper condition. Damage shall be repaired immediately using materials having equal or greater strength and fire resistance.

(5) Above ground tanks used for outside, above grade storage of Class II or IIIA liquids shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL142 or listed and labeled as protected above ground tanks in accordance with UL 2085, and shall be installed in accordance with Chapter 57. Such tanks shall be located in accordance with Table 2306.2.3.
(6) Unless further restricted or permitted by Table 2306.2.3, tanks containing fuels shall not exceed 12,000 gallons (45,420 L) in individual capacity or 48,000 gallons (181,680 L) in aggregate capacity. Installations with the maximum allowable aggregate capacity shall be separated from other such installations by not less than 100 feet (30,480 mm).
(7) Tanks located at farms, construction projects, or rural areas shall comply with Section 5706.2.
(8) Above ground tanks used for outside above grade storage of Class IIIB liquid motor fuel shall be listed and labeled in accordance with UL 142 or listed and labeled as protected above ground tanks in accordance with Chapter 57. Such tanks shall be located in accordance with Table 2306.2.3.
(o) Add Section 2306.2.3.1 to read as follows: 2306.2.3.1 Storage Tanks at Bulk Plants. Aboveground tanks serving as bulk storage tanks shall not be used for fueling operations.
(p) Amend Section 2306.2.5 as follows:
(1) In the first sentence, delete "Where approved by the fire code official".
(2) Delete the second sentence and insert to read as follows: Temporary for the purpose of this section shall mean not more than ninety (90) days in any three hundred sixty-five (365) day period.
(q) Amend Section 2306.5 as follows:
(1) In the first paragraph, delete "Chapter 57" and insert "Section 5704.2.10".
(2) Insert an exception as follows: Exception: Approved aboveground tanks with a capacity of five hundred (500) gallons or less, utilized solely for the storage of used motor oil, and in compliance with EPA 40 CFR 279.22 and EPA 40 CFR 264.175 are exempt from the requirements of Section 5704.2.10.
(r) Amend Section 2306.7.6.1 to delete Item 2 without substitution.
(s) Amend Section 2306. to delete the last sentence and insert the following: Condensate tanks shall be designed and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation.
(t) Amend Section 2306.8.2 to delete the text and insert as follows: Change of system contents. Fuel dispensing systems subject to change of contents from gasoline to alcohol blended fuels shall require notification of the changes to the fire code official.
(u) Amend Section 2307.6 to delete the text and insert as follows: Self service propane dispensing systems, including key, code and card lock dispensing systems, shall be limited to the filling of permanently mounted fuel containers on propane powered vehicles. In addition to the requirements in Section 2305, the owner of self service propane motor fuel dispensing facilities shall ensure the safe operation of the system and the training of users.

675 IAC 22-2.5-16

Filed 8/1/2014, 11:01 a.m.: 20140827-IR-675130341FRA, eff 12/1/2014; Errata filed 11/19/2014, 3:00 p.m.: 20141217-IR-675140471ACA
Readopted filed 8/6/2020, 2:04 p.m.: 20200902-IR-675200309RFA