675 Ind. Admin. Code 16-1.4-3

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 16-1.4-3 - Chapter 2; definitions

Authority: IC 22-13

Affected: IC 10-19-2; IC 22-12; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 22-15; IC 25-4; IC 25-31; IC 36-7-2-9

Sec. 3.

Chapter 2 is amended to read as follows:

(a) Amend Section 201.3 by deleting the text and inserting the following: Where terms are not defined in this code and are defined in the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13), the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17), the Indiana Mechanical Code (675 IAC 18), the Indiana Fire Code (675 IAC 22), or the Indiana Fuel Gas Code (675 IAC 25), such terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in those codes.
(b) Amend Section 202 Definitions, as follows:
(1) Delete the definition of Approved and insert to read as follows:

APPROVED as to materials, equipment, design of products, and types of construction, means acceptance by the code official by one (1) of the following methods:

(i) investigation or tests conducted by nationally recognized authorities; or
(ii) investigation or tests conducted by technical or scientific organizations; or
(iii) nationally accepted principles.

The investigation, tests, or principles shall establish that the materials, equipment, design of products, and construction are safe for their intended purposes.

(2) Amend the definition of Backflow to read as follows: BACKFLOW means the reversal of flow of water or mixtures of water and other liquids, gases, or other substances into the distribution pipes of the potable supply of water from any source or sources.
(3) Add the definition of Backpressure to read as follows: BACKPRESSURE means any elevation of the pressure in the downstream piping system (by pump, elevation of piping, steam pressure, air pressure, etc.) above the supply pressure at the point of consideration, which would cause or tend to cause a reversal of the normal flow direction.
(4) Amend the definition of Building to delete the text and insert as follows: BUILDING means any structure occupied or intended for supporting or sheltering any occupancy.
(5) Delete the definition of Code Official and insert to read as follows: CODE OFFICIAL means the Division of Fire and Building Safety, the local building official as authorized under IC 36-7-2-9 and the local ordinance.
(6) Amend the definition of Dead End to delete the text and insert as follows: DEAD END means a pipe that is terminated at a developed length of two (2) feet (609.6 mm) or more by means of a plug or other closed fitting, except where serving a clean out extension to an accessible area.
(7) Add the definition of Division of Fire and Building Safety to read as follows: DIVISION OF FIRE AND BUILDING SAFETY means the Division of Fire and Building Safety of the Indiana Department of Homeland Security created pursuant to IC 10-19-2.
(8) Add the definition of Gray Water to read as follows: GRAY WATER means waste water discharged from lavatories, bathtubs, showers, clothes washers, laundry trays, condensate cooling coils, and evaporators.
(9) Add the definition of Indiana Building Code to read as follows: INDIANA BUILDING CODE means the Indiana Building Code (675 IAC 13) in effect in Indiana at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, or addition of a Class 1 Structure, except for townhouses, or the Indiana Residential Code (675 IAC 14) for Class 2 structures and Class 1 townhouses, in effect at the time of the construction, addition, or alteration of the plumbing system.
(10) Add the definition of Indiana Electrical Code to read as follows: INDIANA ELECTRICAL CODE means the Indiana Electrical Code (675 IAC 17) in effect at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, or addition of a Class 1 Structure.
(11) Add the definition of ICC Electrical Code: See the Indiana Electrical Code.
(12) Add the definition of Indiana Energy Conservation Code to read as follows: INDIANA ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE (675 IAC 19) means the Indiana Energy Conservation Code in effect at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, or addition of a Class 1 Structure.
(13) Add the definition of Indiana Mechanical Code to read as follows: INDIANA MECHANICAL CODE means the Indiana Mechanical Code (675 IAC 18) in effect at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, or addition of a Class 1 Structure.
(14) Add the definition of Indiana Plumbing Code to read as follows: INDIANA PLUMBING CODE means the Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16) in effect at the time of construction, remodeling, alteration, or addition of a Class 1 Structure.
(15) Add the definition of International Building Code to read as follows: INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE: See the Indiana Building Code.
(16) Add the definition of International Energy Conservation Code to read as follows: INTERNATIONAL ENERGY CONSERVATION CODE: See the Indiana Energy Conservation Code.
(17) Add the definition of International Mechanical Code to read as follows: International Mechanical Code: See the Indiana Mechanical Code.
(18) Add the definition of International Plumbing Code to read as follows: INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE: See the Indiana Plumbing Code.
(19) Amend the definition of Labeled to delete the text and insert as follows: LABELED means equipment or materials to which has been attached a label, symbol, or other identifying mark of an organization engaged in product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of labeled equipment or materials, and by whose labeling the manufacturer indicates compliance with appropriate standards or performance in a specified manner.
(20) Amend the definition of Listed to delete the text and insert as follows: LISTED means equipment or materials included in a list published by an organization engaged in product evaluation, that maintains periodic inspection of production of listed equipment or materials, and whose listing states either that the equipment or material meets appropriate standards or has been tested and found suitable for use in a specified manner.
(21) Delete the definition of Plumbing and insert to read as follows: PLUMBING means the practice, materials, and fixtures utilized in the installation, extension, and alteration of all piping, fixtures, plumbing appliances, and plumbing appurtenances, within or on the same property of the structure, in connection with sanitary drainage or storm drainage facilities; venting systems; and public or private water supply systems.
(22) Amend definition of Registered Design Professional to delete the text and insert as follows: REGISTERED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL. An architect who is registered under IC 25-4 or professional engineer who is registered under IC 25-31. If a registered design professional is not required by 675 IAC 12-6 or 675 IAC 15, then it means the owner.
(23) Amend the definition of Swimming Pool to read as follows: See Indiana Swimming Pool Code, 675 IAC 20-1.1.
(24) Add the definition of Townhouse to read as follows: TOWNHOUSE means a single family dwelling constructed in a row of attached units separated by property lines and with open space on at least two (2) sides, and is regulated by the Indiana Residential Code (675 IAC 14) as a Class 1 structure.
(25) Add the definition of Water Closet to read as follows: WATER CLOSET means a water-flushed plumbing fixture designed to receive human waste directly from the user of the fixture.
(26) Delete the definition of Water Main and insert to read as follows: WATER MAIN means water supply pipe or system of pipes for public or community use.

675 IAC 16-1.4-3

Fire Prevention and Building Safety Commission; 675 IAC 16-1.4-3; filed Sep 25, 2012, 2:42 p.m.: 20121024-IR-675110448FRA, eff 90 days after filing with the Publisher
Readopted filed 7/3/2018, 2:22 p.m.: 20180801-IR-675180204RFA
Readopted filed 6/10/2024, 8:09 a.m.: 20240710-IR-675230794RFA