675 Ind. Admin. Code 13-2.6-34

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 13-2.6-34 - Chapter 34; existing structures

Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

Affected: IC 22-12; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 22-15; IC 36-7

Sec. 34.

Chapter 34 is amended as follows:

(a) Amend Section 3401.1, Scope, by deleting the text in the first sentence and inserting to read as follows: The provisions of this chapter shall control the change of occupancy of existing buildings and structures. This chapter shall not be used to convert structures of other than Class 1 to Occupancy Groups A or E.
(b) Amend Section 3401.2, Maintenance, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-4-9) .
(c) Amend Section 3401.3, Compliance, by deleting the title and text, and inserting to read as follows: Restrooms. Any change in occupancy to include Occupancy Groups A and E shall comply with Chapter 29 for fixture count. If additional fixtures are required, they shall be designed and constructed in accordance with, but shall not be required to exceed the requirements of Chapter 11.
(d) Delete Section 3401.4 in its entirety without substitution.
(e) Delete Section 3401.5 in its entirety without substitution.
(f) Delete Section 3401.6 in its entirety without substitution.
(g) Amend Section 3403, Additions, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-4-12) .
(h) Amend Section 3404, Alterations, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-4-12) .
(i) Amend Section 3405, Repairs, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-4-12) .
(j) Amend Section 3408, Change of occupancy, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-4-11) and Section 1613.5.
(k) Delete Section 3409, Historic buildings, without substitution.
(l) Amend Section 3410, Moved structures, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-4-10) .
(m) Delete Section 3411, Accessibility for existing buildings, in its entirety without substitution.
(n) Amend Section 3412, Compliance alternatives, by deleting the title and inserting to read as follows: Evaluation, Processes, and Procedures.
(o) Amend Section 3412.1 Compliance as follows:
(1) Delete "repair, alteration, addition and" and insert "a change of use or".
(2) Delete "Chapters 2 through 33, or Sections 3401.3, and 3403 through 3409" and insert "the rules of the Commission for new construction".
(3) Delete "other provisions of this code" and insert "such rules of the Commission".
(p) Delete the text of Section 3412.2 Applicability, and insert to read as follows: The provisions of this chapter shall apply to existing buildings, or portions thereof, where the proposed new occupancies are in Groups A, B, E, F, M, R, S, and U or within a different division of the same occupancy group. Where a portion of a building undergoes a change of occupancy, the evaluation in accordance with this chapter shall be performed only on the portion undergoing the change of occupancy, provided the requirements of Section 508 are met. These provisions shall not apply to buildings of Group H Occupancies. For institutional occupancies, National Fire Protection Association Standard Number 101A, 2001 Edition, shall be recognized as an alternative means of evaluation for conversion to and for existing buildings of I-1, I-2, and I-4 occupancies.
(q) Delete Sections 3412.2.1, 3412.2.2, 3412.2.3, 3412.2.4, 3412.2.4.1, 3412.2.5, and 3412.3 without substitution.
(r) Amend Section 3412.4.1, Structural analysis, as follows:
(1) Delete in the title, "analysis" and insert "evaluation".
(2) After "owner", insert "or the owner's agent".
(3) Delete "analysis" and insert "evaluation".
(4) Delete "alteration, addition" and insert "change of use".
(5) In the last sentence, before "loads", insert "minimum live".
(s) Amend Section 3412.5, Evaluation, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: The evaluation shall be certified by an Indiana registered design professional and be comprised of three categories: fire safety, means of egress, and general safety, as defined in Sections 3412.5.1 through 3412.5.3. All calculations for points taken in Sections 3412.6.1 through 3412.6.19, shall be submitted with the score sheet at the time of permitting.
(t) Amend Section 3412.6, Evaluation process, by deleting the text in the last paragraph and inserting to read as follows: Where the separation between mixed occupancies qualifies for category "A" indicated in Section 3412.6.16, the score for each occupancy shall apply to each portion of the building based on the occupancy of the space. Where the separation between mixed occupancies qualifies for category "B" or "C" indicated in Section 3412.6.16, scoring shall be necessary for only the portion of the building changing occupancy.
(u) Amend Table 3412.6.5, Corridor Wall Values, by deleting all references to footnote "a" without substitution.
(v) Amend Section 3412.6.5.1, Categories, by adding in category c "fire-rated" between "without" and "corridors" and adding a comma and "or where corridors are not required" after "Section 1018".
(w) Amend Section 3412.6.6, Vertical openings, as follows:
(1) Amend the fifth sentence by deleting "708" and inserting "713".
(2) Delete the text in the last sentence and insert to read as follows: The maximum positive value for a non-sprinklered building for this requirement shall be 2. For a building equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.2 in which all vertical openings and shafts comply with sections 712 and 713, the maximum score shall be the product of 2 times the Construction Type Factor.
(x) Amend Section 3412.6.7.1, Categories, at the end of the sentence in Category "e", by inserting "or a multi-zone mini-split system without ductwork connecting two or more stories".
(y) Amend Section 3412.6.10.1, Categories item 6, category f, by deleting "1022.9" and inserting "1022.10".
(z) Amend Section 3412.6.11, Means of egress capacity and number, by adding two sentences at the end of the first paragraph to read as follows: Means of egress from occupancy Groups A and E shall also comply with Sections 1008.1.2 and 1008.1.10 in order to achieve points for any of the categories in 3412.6.11.1. Stairs in a means of egress shall have a minimum tread dimension of 10 inches, measured nosing to nosing, and a maximum riser height of 8 inches in order to achieve points for any of the categories in 3412.6.11.1.
(aa) Amend Section 3412.6.14.1, Categories, at the end of the sentence in category "b", by inserting "or if an elevator is not required by current Indiana Code provisions".
(bb) Amend Section 3412.6.15.1, Categories, by deleting "Chapter 27" in Categories "A" and "B" and inserting "Section 1006.3".
(cc) Amend Section 3412.6.17, Automatic sprinklers, by deleting in the first sentence "903.3.1.1" and inserting "903".
(dd) Amend Table 3412.6.17, Sprinkler System Values, by deleting the "B" from the Occupancy column on row three of the table and adding a new row four with only "B" under the Occupancy column and the tabular values as follows:

TABLE 3412.6.17
a b c d e f
B -4 -2 0 3 6 12

(ee) Amend Table 3412.6.19 Incidental Use Area Values as follows:
(1) Delete "508.2.5" after "Protection Required by Table" and insert "509".
(2) Delete footnote "a" after "values".
(3) Delete footnote "a" under Table 3412.6.19 and retain text.
(4) Delete "508.2.5" in footnote after "Section" and insert "509.4.2".
(ff) Delete Table 3412.8 MANDATORY SAFETY SCORES and insert the following table:

A-1 16 27 27
A-2 19 30 30
A-3 18 29 29
A-4, E 23 34 34
B 24 34 34
F 20 30 30
M 19 36 36
R 17 34 34
S-1 15 25 25
S-2 23 33 33

675 IAC 13-2.6-34

Filed 8/1/2014, 11:12 a.m.: 20140827-IR-675130339FRA, eff 12/1/2014
Errata filed 10/6/2014, 8:09 a.m.: 20141029-IR-675130339ACA
Readopted filed 8/6/2020, 2:04 p.m.: 20200902-IR-675200309RFA