675 Ind. Admin. Code 13-2.6-18

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 13-2.6-18 - Chapter 16; structural design

Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

Affected: IC 22-12; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 22-15; IC 36-7

Sec. 18.

Chapter 16 is amended as follows:

(a) Amend Section 1603, Construction documents, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6) , Industrialized Building Systems (675 IAC 15), and local ordinance.
(b) Amend Table 1604.5, Risk Category of Buildings and Other Structures, in Risk Category III under "Nature of Occupancy", in the second item, delete "occupa" and insert "occupant".
(c) Amend Section 1604.6, In-situ load tests, by deleting the last sentence without substitution.
(d) Amend Section 1604.8.2, Structural walls, by deleting "1.4.4" and inserting "1.4.5".
(e) Amend Section 1606.1, General, by deleting "1602.1" and inserting "202".
(1) Delete the word "Where".
(2) Delete the word "are" after "members".
(3) Delete ", at" after "floor".
(4) Delete "s" in the word "single" and insert "S".
(5) Delete ": Over" after "roofs" and insert "over".
(6) Delete the text of footnote "g" and insert to read as follows: g. Where snow loads occur that are in excess of the design conditions, the structure shall be designed to support the loads due to the increased loads caused by drift buildup or a greater snow design determined by the registered design professional or the owner if a registered design professional is not required by the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6) or the rules for Industrialized Building Systems (675 IAC 15) (see Section 1608). For occupiable roofs, see Section 1607.12.3.
(7) Delete the text of footnote "l" and insert to read as follows: l. Areas of occupiable roofs, other than roof gardens and assembly area, shall be designed to support the loads as required for the intended occupancy or use. The registered design professional, or owner if a registered design professional is not required by 675 IAC 12 or 675 IAC 15, shall certify in writing to the code official that the design provides the required support. Unoccupied landscaped areas of roofs shall be designed in accordance with Section 1607.12.3.1.
(g) Amend Section 1607.8.1, Handrails and guards, by deleting Exception 1 without substitution. (h) Amend Section 1607.8.2, Grab bars, shower seats, and dressing room bench seats, by deleting "seat systems" and inserting "seats".
(i) Amend Section 1608.2, Ground snow loads, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: The ground snow loads to be used in determining the design snow loads for roofs shall be determined in accordance with ASCE 7 and Table 1608.2.
(j) Delete Table 1608.2, Ground Snow Loads, pg, for Alaskan Location, without substitution.
(k) Delete Figure 1608.2, Ground Snow Loads, pg, for the United States (psf), and insert to read as follows: Table 1608.2, Ground Snow Loads (pg) and Minimum Foundation Depth by County

1 Adams 20 36
2 Allen 20 36
3 Bartholomew 20 24
4 Benton 20 36
5 Blackford 20 30
6 Boone 20 30
7 Brown 20 24
8 Carroll 20 36
9 Cass 20 36
10 Clark 20 24
11 Clay 20 24
12 Clinton 20 30
13 Crawford 20 24
14 Daviess 20 24
15 Dearborn 20 24
16 Decatur 20 24
17 Dekalb 30 36
18 Delaware 20 30
19 Dubois 20 24
20 Elkhart 30 36
21 Fayette 20 30
22 Floyd 20 24
23 Fountain 20 24
24 Franklin 20 24
25 Fulton 30 36
26 Gibson 20 24
27 Grant 20 30
28 Greene 20 24
29 Hamilton 20 30
30 Hancock 20 30
31 Harrison 20 24
32 Hendricks 20 30
33 Henry 20 30
34 Howard 20 30
35 Huntington 20 36
36 Jackson 20 24
37 Jasper 30 36
38 Jay 20 30
39 Jefferson 20 24
40 Jennings 20 24
41 Johnson 20 30
42 Knox 20 24
43 Kosciusko 30 36
44 LaGrange 30 36
45 Lake 30* 36
46 LaPorte 30* 36
47 Lawrence 20 24
48 Madison 20 30
49 Marion 20 30
50 Marshall 30 36
51 Martin 20 24
52 Miami 20 36
53 Monroe 20 24
54 Montgomery 20 30
55 Morgan 20 30
56 Newton 30 36
57 Noble 30 36
58 Ohio 20 24
59 Orange 20 24
60 Owen 20 24
61 Parke 20 30
62 Perry 20 24
63 Pike 20 24
64 Porter 30* 36
65 Posey 20 24
66 Pulaski 30 36
67 Putnam 20 30
68 Randolph 20 30
69 Ripley 20 24
70 Rush 20 30
71 St. Joseph 30* 36
72 Scott 20 24
73 Shelby 20 30
74 Spencer 20 24
75 Starke 30 36
76 Steuben 30 36
77 Sullivan 20 24
78 Switzerland 20 24
79 Tippecanoe 20 30
80 Tipton 20 30
81 Union 20 30
82 Vanderburgh 20 24
83 Vermillion 20 30
84 Vigo 20 24
85 Wabash 20 36
86 Warren 20 30
87 Warrick 20 24
88 Washington 20 24
89 Wayne 20 30
90 Wells 20 36
91 White 20 36
92 Whitley 20 36
1. Snow is minimum ground snow load (pg) in pounds per square foot.
*Indicates those counties Lake, LaPorte, Porter, St. Joseph with extreme variation and shall require investigation by the design professional, or owner when a design professional is not required, to determine the actual minimum ground snow load at each site; however, the determined minimum snow load (pg) shall be at least thirty (30) pounds per square foot. Ground snow load determination for such counties shall be based on an extreme value statistical analysis of data available in the vicinity of the site using a value with a two percent annual probability of being exceeded (50-year mean recurrence interval).
2. Foundation is the minimum foundation depth to bottom of footing from the top of the grade above the footing in inches.

(l) Amend Section 1609.1.2.1, Louvers, by deleting "54" and inserting "540".
(m) Amend Table 1609.6.2, Net Pressure Coefficients as follows:
(1) Amend item 3 under "Flat<Slope>6:12 (27o), Positive, 100 square feet or more, under "Partially enclosed", by deleting "10.72" and inserting "0.72".
(2) Amend item 4, by deleting "=" in the first line before "60 feet" and inserting "." and insert "ASCE 7" after "(Zone 4)". In the sixth line, delete "30.8-1" and insert "30.6-1".
(3) Amend item 5, by deleting "Zone 5" in the sixth line and inserting "Zone 4" and deleting "30.8-1" and inserting "30.6-1".
(n) Amend Section 1611.1, Design rain loads, by adding a sentence after "weather data" to read as follows: See the Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16) for other roof drainage requirements.
(o) Amend Section 1611.3, Controlled drainage, by adding a second paragraph to read as follows: See the Indiana Plumbing Code (675 IAC 16) for other roof drainage requirements.
(p) Amend Section 1612.1, General, by deleting "in Section 1612.3" in the first sentence and inserting "by local ordinance".
(q) Delete Section 1612.3, Establishment of flood hazard areas, without substitution.
(r) Amend Section 1612.3.1, Design flood elevations, by deleting "in Section 1612.3" in the first sentence and inserting "by local ordinance".
(s) Delete the figures 1613.3.1(1) through 1613.3.1(6) without substitution.
(t) Amend Section 1613.3.4, Design spectral response acceleration parameters, by adding an exception to read as follows: Exception: For other than H and E occupancies, the maximum values of SDS and SD1 need not exceed the values in Table 1613.3.4.
(u) Add TABLE 1613.3.4 MAXIMUM VALUES FOR SDS AND SD1 to read as follows:

Site Class SDS SD1
A 0.30 0.12
B 0.38 0.15
C 0.45 0.25
D 0.55 0.32
E 0.75 0.50
F Note 1 Note 1
Note 1: Site-specific geotechnical investigation and dynamic site response analyses shall be performed to determine appropriate values.

(v) Amend Section 1613.3.5, Determination of seismic design category as follows:
(1) Add an exception to read as follows: Exception: For other than H and E occupancies, the seismic design category need not exceed Seismic Design Category C for buildings and structures in Risk Category Groups I, II, and III for Class 1 buildings and structures.
(2) Delete "1613.5.5(2)" and insert "1613.3.5(2)".
(3) In the last line after "structure," insert "T".
(w) Add a new Section 1613.5, Existing buildings, to read as follows:
(1) Additions, alterations, modifications, or changes of occupancy shall be in accordance with this section. Existing buildings shall be analyzed to the loads required by the code in effect at the time the building was constructed.
(2) Add a new subsection 1613.5.1 to read as follows: 1613.5.1 Additions to existing buildings. An addition that is structurally independent from an existing structure shall be designed and constructed with the seismic requirements for new structures. An addition that is not structurally independent from an existing structure shall be designed and constructed such that the entire structure conforms to the seismic-force-resistance requirements for new structures unless the following conditions are satisfied:
1. The addition conforms with the requirements for new structures,
2. The addition does not increase the seismic forces in any structural element of the existing structure by more than 10 percent cumulative since the original construction, unless the element has the capacity to resist the increased forces determined in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices such as ASCE 7, using professional structural engineering computer software, and
3. Addition does not decrease the seismic resistance of any structural element of the existing structure by more than 10 percent cumulative since the original construction, unless the element has the capacity to resist the forces determined in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices such as ASCE 7, using professional structural engineering computer software. If the building's seismic base shear capacity has been increased since the original construction, the percent change in base shear may be calculated relative to the increased value.
(x) Add a new subsection 1613.5.2 to read as follows: 1613.5.2 Alterations. Alterations are permitted to be made to any structure without requiring the structure to comply with Section 1613, provided the alterations conform to the requirements for a new structure. Alterations that increase the seismic force in any existing structural element by more than 10 percent cumulative since the original construction or decrease the design strength of any existing structural element to resist seismic forces by more than five percent cumulative since the original construction shall not be permitted unless the entire seismic-force-resisting system is determined to conform generally accepted engineering practices such as ASCE 7, using professional structural engineering computer software for a new structure. If the building's seismic base shear capacity has been increased since the original construction, the percent change in base shear may be calculated relative to the increased value.

Exception: Alterations to existing structural elements or additions of new structural elements that are not required by generally accepted engineering practices such as ASCE 7, using professional structural engineering computer software and are initiated for the purpose of increasing the strength or stiffness of the seismic-force-resisting system of an existing structure need not be designed for forces conforming to generally accepted engineering practices such as ASCE 7, using professional structural engineering computer software, provided that an engineering analysis is submitted indicating the following:

1. The design strength of existing structural elements required to resist seismic forces is not reduced.
2. The seismic force to required existing structural elements is not increased beyond their design strength.
3. New structural elements are detailed and connected to the existing structural elements as required by Chapter 16.
4. New or relocated nonstructural elements are detailed and connected to existing or new structural elements as required by Chapter 16.
5. The alterations do not create a structural irregularity as defined by generally accepted engineering practices such as ASCE 7, using professional structural engineering computer software or make an existing structural irregularity more severe.
6. The alterations do not result in the creation of an unsafe condition.
(y) Add a new subsection 1613.5.3 to read as follows: 1613.5.3 Change of occupancy. When a change of occupancy results in a structure being reclassified to a higher occupancy category, the structure shall conform to the seismic requirements for the higher occupancy category.


1. Specific seismic detailing requirements of this code for a new structure shall not be required to be met where it can be shown by generally accepted engineering practices such as ASCE 7, using professional structural engineering computer software that the level of performance and seismic safety is equivalent to that of a new structure. Such analysis shall consider the regularity, overstrength, redundancy, and ductility of the structure within the context of the existing and retrofit (if any) detailing provided.
2. When a change of use results in a structure being reclassified from Risk Category I or II to Risk Category III and the structure is located in a seismic map area where SDS < 0.33, compliance with the seismic requirements of this code are not required.

675 IAC 13-2.6-18

Filed 8/1/2014, 11:12 a.m.: 20140827-IR-675130339FRA, eff 12/1/2014
Readopted filed 8/6/2020, 2:04 p.m.: 20200902-IR-675200309RFA