675 Ind. Admin. Code 13-2.6-10

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 675 IAC 13-2.6-10 - Chapter 9; fire protection systems

Authority: IC 22-13-2-2; IC 22-13-2-13

Affected: IC 22-11-18; IC 22-12; IC 22-13; IC 22-14; IC 22-15; IC 36-7

Sec. 10.

Chapter 9 is amended as follows:

(a) Amend Section 901.3, Modifications, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: No person shall remove or modify any fire protection system installed or maintained in accordance with the rules of the commission without notifying the servicing fire department prior to receiving approval from the building official.
(b) Amend Section 901.5, Acceptance tests, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: 901.5 Acceptance tests. Fire protection systems shall be tested in accordance with the rules of the commission at the expense of the owner or owner's representative. When requested by the building official, such tests shall be conducted in the building official's presence. Prior to conducting such tests, the local building official shall be given at least 48-hours notice. It shall be unlawful to occupy portions of a structure until the required fire protection systems within that portion of the structure have been completed, successfully tested, and fully operational with appropriate contractor's material and test certificates filled out in full and provided to the building official.
(c) Amend Section 903.2.1.3, Group A-3, as follows:
(1) Add Exception 1 to read as follows: Fire areas not exceeding 7,000 square feet (650.3 m2) used primarily for worship with or without fixed seating and not used for exhibition or display, and the fire area is not located on a floor level other than that of exit discharge.
(2) Add Exception 2 to read as follows: The fire area is located on a floor other than the level of exit discharge. For purposes of determining the level of exit discharge, mezzanines of 2,000 s.f. or less in area in compliance with Section 505 shall be considered a portion of the story below if the total floor area and occupant load, including the mezzanine, are compliant with both conditions (1) and (2).
(d) Delete Section 903.2.2, Ambulatory care facilities, without substitution.
(e) Amend Section 903.2.6, Group I, by adding Exception 5 to read as follows: 5. In jails, prisons, and reformatories, the piping system may be dry, provided a manually operated valve is installed at a continuously monitored location such that opening the valve will cause the system to be charged. The valve may be located in a locked cabinet or enclosure provided the activation of a sprinkler unlocks the cabinet or enclosure.
(f) Amend Section 903.2.7, Group M, item number 4, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: A Group M fire area that contains more than 5,000 square feet (464 m2) of floor area used predominately for the display and sale of upholstered furniture or mattresses.
(g) Amend Section 903.2.10, Group S-2 enclosed parking garages, by deleting "406.4" and inserting "406.6".
(h) Amend Section 903.2.8 to add an exception as follows: Exception: Where a 13D sprinkler system is provided for an R-3 occupancy under Section 903.2.8.1, and an automatic sprinkler system is not otherwise required in other portions of the building, only the R3 occupancy is required to be provided with an automatic sprinkler system.
(i) Amend Section 903., Basements, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Where any portion of a basement is located more than 75 feet (22,800 mm) from openings required by Section 903.2.11.1, the basement shall be equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
(j) Amend Section 903.3.1.1, NFPA 13 sprinkler systems, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Where the provisions of this code require that a building or portion thereof be equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1, sprinklers shall be installed throughout in accordance with NFPA 13 ( 675 IAC 28-1-5) except as provided in Section 903.
(k) Amend Section 903., Exempt locations as follows:
(1) In item 2, delete ", when approved by the fire code official" without substitution.
(2) In item 4, delete the text and insert to read as follows: Elevator equipment rooms and hoistways used exclusively for the operation of elevators and that are separated from the remainder of the building by two (2) hour fire-resistive construction. Penetrations between machine rooms and hoistways necessary for the safe operation of an elevator, and vents required by Section 3004 of this code need not be fire-rated.
(l) Amend Section 903.3.1.2, NFPA 13R sprinkler systems, by deleting "o" after "Group".
(m) Amend Section 903., Limited area sprinkler systems, in the exception, by deleting "An approved" and inserting "A listed".
(n) Amend Section 903.3.6, Hose threads, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Fire hose threads used in connection with automatic sprinkler systems shall be compatible with the equipment used by the servicing fire department.
(o) Add a new Section 903.3.7 after Section 903.3.6, to read as follows: 903.3.7 Fire department connections. When there is a local ordinance specifying the location of the fire department connections, they shall be placed accordingly. When no ordinance is present, the servicing fire department shall be consulted prior to placement.
(p) Amend Section 903.4.2, Alarms, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows:

Listed audible and visible devices shall be connected to every automatic sprinkler system. Such sprinkler water flow alarm devices shall be activated by water flow equivalent to the flow of a single sprinkler of the smallest orifice size installed in the system. Alarm devices shall be provided on the exterior of the building facing the public street, road, or highway that is in accordance with its legal address.

Where a building is not directly facing, or is in excess of two hundred fifty (250) feet from the public street, road, or highway, the servicing fire department shall be consulted in determining a location prior to the installation of the exterior audible and visible device.

Exception: Sprinkler systems that are monitored by an approved supervisory station are not required to have the listed audible and visible device located on the exterior wall facing the public street, road, or highway.

(q) Amend Section 904.2, Where required, by deleting "fire" before "code" and inserting "in accordance with the rules of the Commission" after "official".
(r) Amend Section 904.11, Commercial cooking systems, by deleting the last sentence and inserting the following: Automatic fire-extinguishing systems shall be installed in accordance with the Indiana Mechanical Code (675 IAC 18).
(s) Amend Section 904.11.1, Manual system operation, Section 904.11.2, System interconnection, Section 904.11.3, Carbon dioxide systems, Section 904.11.3.1, Ventilation system, Section 904.11.4, Special provisions for automatic sprinkler systems, and Section 904.11.4.1, Listed sprinklers, by deleting the text and inserting: "See the Indiana Mechanical Code (675 IAC 18)".
(t) Amend Section 905.1, General, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Standpipe systems shall be provided in new buildings and structures in accordance with this section. Fire hose threads used in connection with standpipe systems shall be listed and shall be compatible with the servicing fire department's hose threads. The location of the fire department's hose connections shall be in accordance with Section 912.2. In buildings used for high-piled combustible storage, fire protection shall be in accordance with the Indiana Fire Code.
(u) Add a new Section 905.2.1 after Section 905.2 to read as follows: 905.2.1 Fire department connections. The location of fire department connections shall be in accordance with Section 903.3.7.
(v) Amend Section 905.3.1, Height, by deleting the text in Exception 3 and inserting to read as follows: Class I manual dry standpipes are allowed in open parking garages that are subject to freezing temperatures. Standpipes shall be provided in accordance with Section 905.4, and hose connections shall meet the spacing requirements for Class II standpipes in accordance with Section 905.5.
(w) Add a new Section 905.3.1.1 after Section 905.3.1 to read as follows: 905.3.1.1 Building Area. In buildings exceeding 10,000 square feet in area per story, Class 1 automatic wet or manual wet standpipes shall be provided where any portion of the building's interior is more than 200 feet of travel, vertically or horizontally, from the nearest point of fire department access.


1. Buildings equipped throughout with automatic sprinkler systems installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1.
2. Group A-4, A-5, F-2, R-2, S-2, or U occupancies.
3. Automatic dry and semiautomatic dry standpipes are allowed as provided for in NFPA 14.
(x) Amend Section 905.3.4.1, Hose and cabinet, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Proper cap and chain shall be provided for the hose connection valve assembly. Hose connection valve assembly shall comply with the provisions in Section 903.3.6.
(y) Amend Section 905.4, Location of Class I standpipe hose connections, as follows:
(1) Amend item 1 by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows:
1. In every required stairway, a hose connection shall be provided for each floor level above or below grade. Hose connections shall be located at an intermediate floor level landing between floors. Where there are multiple intermediate floor landings between floors, hose connections shall be located at the landing closest to being midway between floors. If intermediate floor level landings are not provided in the required stairway, the hose connection shall be located on the floor-level landing.
(2) Amend item 5 by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: 5. Other than high rise buildings, where the roof has a slope less than four (4) units vertical in twelve (12) units horizontal, one (1) standpipe shall be provided with a hose connection located either on the roof or at the highest landing of stairways with stair access to the roof. Two (2) hose connections shall be provided for testing. The control valve for the standpipes extending on to the roof may be located in the stair enclosures.
(3) Amend item 6 by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: 6. Where the most remote portion of a nonsprinklered floor or story exceeds one hundred fifty (150) feet (forty-five (45) meters) of travel distance from a required exit or the most remote portion of a sprinklered floor or story exceeds two hundred (200) feet (sixty-one (61) meters) of travel distance from a required exit, additional hose connections shall be provided in approved locations.
(z) Amend Section 906.1, Where required, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Portable fire extinguishers shall be installed where required by Table 906.1 and where required by local ordinance.
(aa) Amend Table 906.1, Additional required portable fire extinguishers in the international fire code, by deleting "2804.2" and inserting "2804.3".
(bb) Amend Section 907.1.1 Construction documents, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6 ).
(cc) Amend Section 907.1.2, Fire alarm shop drawings, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6 ).
(dd) Amend Section 907.2.1, Group A, by amending the second sentence to read as follows: "Group A occupancies not separated from one by at least 1-hour rated fire barriers shall be considered as a single occupancy for the purposes of applying this section.".
(ee) Amend Section 907.2.1.1, System initiation in Group A occupancies with an occupant load of 1,000 or more, by renumbering the current exception as Exception 1, and adding the following exceptions:
2. Stadiums, arenas, and grandstands are permitted to use a public address system that complies with the following:
(2.1) Occupant notification, either live or recorded, shall be initiated at a constantly attended receiving station by personnel trained to respond to an emergency.
(2.2) An approved secondary power supply shall be provided.
(2.3) The system shall be audible above the expected ambient noise level.
(2.4) Emergency announcements shall take precedence over any other use.
3. Visible signals for stadiums, arenas, and grandstands shall not be required in the assembly seating area, or the floor area used for the contest, performance, or entertainment, where the occupant load exceeds 1000, and an approved, alternative visible means of occupant notification is provided.
(ff) Delete Section 907.2.2.1, Ambulatory care facilities, without substitution.
(gg) Amend Section 907.2.3 Group E, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows:

A manual fire alarm system shall be installed in Group E occupancies. When automatic sprinkler systems or smoke detectors are installed, such systems or detectors shall be connected to the building fire alarm system.


1. Group E occupancies with an occupant load of less than 50.
2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required in Group E occupancies where all the following apply:
2.1. Interior corridors are protected by smoke detectors with alarm verification.
2.2. Auditoriums, cafeterias, gymnasiums and the like are protected by heat detectors or other approved detection devices.
2.3. Shops and laboratories involving dusts or vapors are protected by heat detectors or other listed detection.
2.4. Off-premises monitoring is provided.
2.5. The capability to activate the evacuation signal from a central point is provided.
2.6. In buildings where normally occupied spaces are provided with a two-way communication system between such spaces and a constantly attended receiving station from where a general evacuation alarm can be sounded.
3. Manual fire alarm boxes shall not be required in Group E occupancies where the building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system, the notification appliances will activate on sprinkler water flow and manual activation is provided from a normally occupied location.
(hh) Amend Section 907.2.6.2, Group I-2 as follows:
(1) Delete "907.5" and insert "907.4".
(2) Amend Exception 1 by inserting, after "provider", the following: 's/nurse's.
(ii) Delete Section 907.2.9.3, Group R-2 college and university buildings, without substitution.
(jj) Add a new Section 907. after Section 907.2.11.1 to read as follows: 907. R1 Hotels and Motels. See IC 22-11-18 and Indiana Fire Code Section 906.
(kk) Amend Section 907.2.11.2, Groups R-2, R-3, R-4, and I-1, by deleting "and maintained".
(ll) Amend Section 907.2.14, Atriums connecting more than two stories, by deleting the last sentence without substitution.
(mm) Amend Section 907.4.2.5, Protective covers, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Listed manual fire alarm box protective covers may be installed when approved.
(nn) Delete Section 907.5.1, Presignal feature, without substitution.
(oo) Amend Section 907., Emergency voice/alarm communication captions, by deleting "1108.2.7.2" and inserting "1108.2.7.3".
(pp) Amend Section 907.5.2.3, Visible alarms, Exception 2, by deleting "Section 1002.1" and inserting "Chapter 2".
(qq) Amend Section 907.6.3.1, Zoning indicator panel, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: A zoning indicator panel and associated controls shall be provided in a location the servicing fire department will use as their main entrance point to the building. The panel shall be identifiable and accessible at all times. The visual zone indication shall lock in until the system is reset and shall not be canceled by the operation of an audible alarm-silencing switch.
(rr) Amend Section 907.6.5.1, Automatic telephone-dialing devices, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Automatic telephone-dialing devices used to transmit an emergency alarm shall not be connected to any fire department telephone number unless approved by the code official and the fire department.
(ss) Delete Section 907.7.2, Record of completion, without substitution.
(tt) Delete Section 907.7.3, Instructions, without substitution.
(uu) Delete Section 908.7 in its entirety without substitution.
(vv) Amend Section 909.2, General design requirements, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Buildings, structures, or parts thereof required by this code to have a smoke control system or systems shall have such systems designed in accordance with the applicable requirements of Section 909 and the other applicable rules of the commission. Construction documents shall be as required by the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6) and the rules for Industrialized Building Systems (675 IAC 15).
(ww) Amend Section 909.3, Special inspection and test requirements, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: For special inspections and testing, see the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6-6(c)(10)(C)) .
(xx) Amend Section 909.10.2, Ducts, the third sentence, by deleting, "nationally accepted" and inserting "approved".
(yy) Amend Section 909.15, Control diagrams, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Identical control diagrams showing all devices in the system and identifying their location and function shall be maintained current and kept on file with the servicing fire department and in the fire command center in an approved manner and format.
(zz) Amend Section 909.18.8 to delete the text and insert: See the General Administrative Rules ( 675 IAC 12-6-6(c)(10)(C).
(aaa) Amend Section 909.19, System acceptance, by deleting the title and text and inserting to read as follows: Amend Section 909.19 to delete the title and text and insert the following: Acceptance test. Smoke removal systems shall be tested in accordance with the rules of the commission at the expense of the owner or owner's representative. When requested by the servicing fire department or local code official or both, such tests shall be conducted in their presence. Prior to conducting such tests, the requesting official shall be given at least 48-hours notice. It shall be unlawful to occupy portions of the structure until the required smoke removal system within that portion of the structure has been completed, successfully tested, and is fully operational with appropriate reports and other documentation provided to the servicing fire department or local code official or both.
(bbb) Amend Section 909.20.6.3, Acceptance and testing, by deleting the title and text and inserting to read as follows: 909.20.6.3 Acceptance test. Mechanical ventilation systems shall be tested in accordance with the rules of the commission at the expense of the owner or owner's representative. When requested by the building official, such tests shall be conducted in the presence of the building official. Prior to conducting such tests, the building official shall be given at least 48-hours notice. It shall be unlawful to occupy portions of the structure until the mechanical ventilation system within that portion of the structure has been completed, successfully tested, and is fully operational.
(ccc) Amend Section 910.3.2.2, Sprinklered buildings, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: Where installed in buildings provided with approved automatic sprinkler system, smoke and heat vents shall open by approved manual releases. The servicing fire department shall be consulted in determining the location of such manual release prior to the installation of the smoke and heat vents.
(ddd) Amend Section 910.4, Mechanical smoke exhaust, by deleting the text and inserting to read as follows: In buildings protected throughout with an approved automatic sprinkler system, manually operated exhaust fans may be utilized for fire department mop-up operations. The exhaust rate shall be equal to one (1) cfm per square foot of floor area. The fans shall be wired ahead of the main building disconnect switch. Manual controls for the fans shall be provided individually for each fan unit. The servicing fire department shall be consulted in determining the location of the controls for the exhaust fans.
(eee) Amend Section 912.2, Location, by deleting the text in the last sentence and inserting to read as follows: The servicing fire department shall be consulted before placing the fire department hose connections at specific locations, or the connections shall be placed as required by local ordinance.
(fff) Amend Section 912.2.2, Existing buildings, by deleting the text in the last sentence and inserting to read as follows: All such signs shall be approved by the code official.
(ggg) Amend Section 912.3, Access, by deleting "fire chief" in both places and inserting "code official".
(hhh) Amend Section 912.3.1 to delete the text and insert the following: Locking caps on fire department connections for new water-based fire protection systems shall be required where the servicing fire department, by local ordinance, has initiated such a program and carries appropriate key wrenches for removal.
(iii) Delete Section 914.2, Equipment room identification, without substitution.
(jjj) Delete Section 915, Emergency Responder Radio Coverage, without substitution.

675 IAC 13-2.6-10

Errata filed 8/7/2014, 8:54 a.m.: 20140827-IR-675130339ACA
Readopted filed 8/6/2020, 2:04 p.m.: 20200902-IR-675200309RFA