511 Ind. Admin. Code 6.3-1-1

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 511 IAC 6.3-1-1 - Definitions

Authority: IC 20-19-2-8; IC 20-31-8-5.2; IC 20-31-8-5.4

Affected: IC 20-18-2-17; IC 20-19-2-14.5; IC 20-24-1-2.3; IC 20-26-13; IC 20-36-3-2

Sec. 1.

The following definitions apply throughout this rule:

(1) "Adult high school" has the meaning set forth in IC 20-24-1-2.3.
(2) "Advanced placement examination" or "AP exam" has the meaning set forth in IC 20-36-3-2.
(3) "Board" means the Indiana state board of education.
(4) "Cohort" has the meaning set forth in IC 20-26-13-2.
(5) "College and career readiness" has the meaning set forth in IC 20-19-2-14.5(a)(1).
(6) "College and career readiness target" means the target established by the board for which a school receives full credit within the applicable indicator.
(7) "College credit" means credit awarded by a regionally accredited postsecondary institution in an approved liberal arts or career or technical education dual credit course verifiable by a transcript.
(8) "Five (5) year graduation rate" means the graduation rate calculated under IC 20-26-13-10.2.
(9) "Four (4) year graduation rate" means the graduation rate calculated under IC 20-26-13-10.
(10) "Graduation qualifying examination passing rate" means the percentage of graduates in the school year being assessed who have passed all subjects required by IC 20-32-4-1[IC 20-32-4-1 was repealed by P.L. 192-2018, SECTION 24, effective March 21, 2018.].
(11) "Graduation rate" has the meaning set forth in IC 20-26-13-6.
(12) "Industry certification" means a certificate or credential that is:
(A) developed or supported by industry to verify student mastery of technical skills competencies in an occupational area; and
(B) approved by the department of workforce development.
(13) "International Baccalaureate exam" or "IB exam" means the examination created and administered by International Baccalaureate, a nonprofit educational foundation headquartered at Route des Morillons 15, Grand-Saconnex, Geneve, CH-1218, Switzerland.
(14) "School year" has the meaning set forth in IC 20-18-2-17.

511 IAC 6.3-1-1

Filed 12/3/2015, 11:01 a.m.: 20151230-IR-511140508FRA
Errata filed 1/15/2016, 3:33 p.m.: 20160203-IR-511140508ACA
Readopted filed 10/28/2022, 1:46 p.m.: 20221123-IR-511220293RFA