Current through January 8, 2025
Section 465 IAC 2-10-71 - First aid policies and practicesAuthority: IC 12-13-5-3
Affected: IC 12-17.4
Sec. 71.
(a) The child caring institution shall establish written first aid policies for the care of illness or injury. The policies shall be dated and signed as approved by the consulting licensed physician. The child caring institution and the consulting licensed physician shall review the policies every two (2) years in conjunction with the written health program and revise them as necessary.(b) First aid policies shall include, but are not limited to, directions for the care of the following:(4) Artificial respiration.(c) The child caring institution shall make the written first aid policies available to all staff and shall post them where they can be easily seen.(d) Staff members shall have immediate access to the following: (2) The telephone numbers of the child caring institution's consulting licensed physician, consulting licensed dentist, and the nearest emergency medical facility.(3) The telephone numbers for ambulance services, the local fire department, and the poison control center.(4) The "Red Cross First Aid Manual" or its equivalent.(5) First aid supplies, as specified by the child caring institution's consulting licensed physician.(e) Staff members shall observe children for signs of illness or injury.(f) The child caring institution shall keep first aid supplies in a place inaccessible to children, but easily accessible to staff.Department of Child Services; 465 IAC 2-10-71; filed Jun 27, 1991, 12:00 p.m.: 14 IR 1996; readopted filed Jul 12, 2001, 1:40 p.m.: 24 IR 4235; readopted filed Nov 27, 2007, 6:52 a.m.: 20071226-IR-465070551RFA; readopted filed November 26, 2013, 4:02 p.m.: 20131225-IR-465130459RFAReadopted filed 10/10/2019, 10:42 a.m.: 20191106-IR-465190320RFA Transferred from the Division of Family Resources ( 470 IAC 3-12-71) to the Department of Child Services ( 465 IAC 2-10-71) by P.L. 234-2005, SECTION 195, effective July 1, 2005.