Authority: IC 8-2.1-18-6
Affected: IC 8-2.1-18
Sec. 9.
[CIRCLE] or (R) to denote reductions.
[DIAMOND] or (A) to denote increases.
[TRIANGLE] or (C) to denote changes in wording which result in neither increases nor reductions in charges.
Reissued from P.S.C.I. No. TR-_____(or Supplement No._____, to P.S.C.I. No. TR-_____), effective_____, (date upon which item became effective in former tariff, or supplement to another tariff)." "[1] Reissued from Supplement No. 1, effective_____,"
and so on numerically, the figures of the symbols representing the number of the supplement to the same tariff from which the reissued item is brought forward. If items in a tariff or supplement are made effective on dates other than the general effective date shown on the title page, reissue of such items may be indicated in later publications by showing a letter suffix or other symbol in connection with, and as a part of, the letter HI or the numerals in squares as herein authorized. If the reissued items have become effective in a supplement to another tariff, the P. S.C.I. number of that tariff shall also be given.
Original tariff effective (here show effective date of the original tariff).
For (here insert rates, rules, other provisions, etc., as case may be) in effect prior to the effective date hereof, see Page _____ .
Subsequently revised pages of the same number shall omit this notation insofar as this particular matter is concerned.
45 IAC 16-3-9
Transferred from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission ( 170 IAC 2-3-9) to the Department of State Revenue ( 45 IAC 16-3-9) by P.L. 72-1988, SECTION 12, effective July 1, 1988.