45 Ind. Admin. Code 16-3-6

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 45 IAC 16-3-6 - Statement of rates

Authority: IC 8-2.1-18-6

Affected: IC 8-2.1-18

Sec. 6.


(a) Explicit statement.
(1) All rates shall be clearly and explicitly stated in cents or in dollars and cents (lawful money of the United States), per 100 pounds, per ton of 2,000 pounds, per ton of 2,240 pounds, per stated truckload, or other defined unit, except unit of time (however, charges for terminal and special services (see Rule 11(a) may be published in cents or dollars and cents per unit of time), together with the names or other proper designation of the places from and to which they apply. If all rates in a tariff are stated in the same unit, the fact may be indicated on the title page in connection with the application of the tariff.
(2) It must be clearly shown whether the named rates apply from, to, or between the named points and all rates must be arranged in a simple and systematic manner. Complicated plans or ambiguous terms must not be used. Insofar as possible such rates should be subdivided into small sections (by Items, index numbers or similar methods) to each of which should be assigned an identifying number to facilitate reference thereto.
(3) Where rates are stated in amounts per package, definite specifications showing size, capacity, or weight of the packages on which such rates apply must be shown or reference must be made by P.S.C.I. number to a publication, on file with this Commission, containing such specifications.
(b) Arbitraries or differentials. A tariff may provide rates from or to designated points by the addition or deduction of arbitraries or differentials from or to rates shown therein from or to base points, but provision for the addition or deduction of arbitraries or differentials shall be shown either in connection with the base rate or in a separate item which must specifically name the base point and clearly and definitely state the manner in which such arbitraries or differentials shall be applied.
(c) Percentages of class rates. When articles are made subject to percentages of class rates (for example, 110 percent of first class 83 1/3 percent of fifth class, etc.), whether in a tariff of rates, a classification, or exceptions thereto, the rates applicable under such provisions must be shown in the class tariffs just as if those percentages were additional numbered or lettered classes, or reference must be made to an appropriate table, published in the tariff containing the class rates or in a governing publication which will show in one column the class rates and in succeeding columns the actual rates representing the various specified percentages of class rates. Unless one of these methods is used, specific commodity rates must be published.
(d) Minimum quantities. When truckload or volume commodity rates are published, the minimum quantities on which the rates apply shall be specifically stated in the tariff naming the commodity rates, except as provided in paragraph (e) of this rule. When rates on mixed truckload or quantity shipments of two or more articles are published, the tariff shall show the minima on which the rates apply, and if the various articles are not made subject to the same rate, or if different minima are provided for different articles, the tariff shall show how the minimum charge per shipment shall be determined.
(e) Grouping of articles under generic head.
(1) A commodity item may, by use of a generic term, provide rates on a number of articles without naming such articles, provided such commodity item contains reference to an item (not a rate item) in the tariff which contains a complete list of such articles, or contains reference to the P.S.C.I. number of a separate tariff (not a rate tariff) containing such a list of articles. Example: "Packing-house products, as described under heading `Packing-house products', as described in Item _____ , or successive issues thereof," or "Packing-house products, as described under heading `Packing-house products' in P.S.C.I. No. _____ , supplements thereto or successive issues thereof." Such reference to a separate item or tariff may not be made unless a definite and complete list of the articles under the same generic term is shown in the item or tariff to which reference is thus made.
(2) A separate tariff, not containing rates, may be filed by a carrier or an agent, showing lists of the commodities and minimum quantities, on which rates published by reference to generic terms will apply and rate tariffs may be made subject thereto as provided above. The title page of such separate publication shall contain the following:
(i) In large type the words, "List of commodities upon which the rates are provided in tariffs making reference hereto," and
(ii) in smaller type, "This tariff may be used only in connection with tariffs making specific reference hereto by P.S.C.I. number." In the separate publication, the generic terms shown must be the same as those used in the tariffs making reference thereto and under each heading the different commodities shall be alphabetically arranged. Except as provided in Rule 13(e), a separate publication issued for the purpose of publishing generic lists shall contain no information other than that authorized in this rule. Only one such publication may be in effect at any time in a carrier's or agent's file and it shall list only generic terms which refer to 10 or more commodities, otherwise the tariff of rates shall specify each commodity upon which the rates therein apply. A tariff of rates may not refer to another tariff of rates for lists of commodities.
(f) Commodity rates must be specific.
(1) When commodity rates are established, the description of the commodity must be specific and the rates thereon may not be applied to analogous articles. As far as possible uniform commodity descriptions should be used in all tariffs.
(2) If a commodity rate (distance or otherwise) is published, such commodity rate, except as otherwise provided in these rules, is the applicable rate and the only rate that may be applied from and to the same points over the route or routes over which the commodity rate applies, even though a class rate (except as provided in subparagraphs (5) of this paragraph, paragraph (k) of this rule [this section] and in Rule 8) may make a lower charge.
(3) Different rates based on different minimum quantities may be published, provided the lowest charge resulting from any such rate applied in connection with its published minimum (or actual quantity shipped, if greater) is made applicable by publishing such rates in the same item or in different columns on the same page and by providing in connection with such items or rate columns a rule to the effect that the lowest charge obtainable under the different rates and minima applicable thereto (or actual quantities, if greater) will be applied.
(4) Commodity rates may be established on different articles for mixed truckload or mixed quantity shipments. Minimum quantities shall be specified together with a statement in connection with the commodity description that the rates apply in mixed truckload or mixed quantity shipments. Such rates may also be made applicable upon straight shipments of one or more or all of the articles by a provision to that effect in connection with the commodity description. When more than one article is included in an item or commodity description the tariff shall specifically state whether or not the rates apply on straight or mixed shipments.
(5) When because of differences in minimum weights, package requirements, mixed quantity provisions, or other conditions the charges accruing under commodity rates result in higher charges than those accruing under the class rates published in other tariffs, provision may be made in a tariff containing commodity rates only, for the alternation of such rates with class rates published in not more than three other tariffs, provided that the commodity tariff contains specific reference to the P.S.C.I. number or numbers of the class tariffs and shows in connection with each P.S.C.I. number a complete description of the origin and destination territory shown in that tariff. The following notation must be shown in the commodity tariff under the application of rates:

If the charges accruing under the class rates published in the following tariffs, including supplements to or successive issues thereof, from and to the same points via the same routes are lower than the charges accruing under the commodity rates published in this tariff, the lower charges resulting from such class rates will apply. (Here show P.S.C.I. numbers of the class tariffs and the required description of each.)

(6) If a commodity tariff contains only a few rates which result in higher charges than would accrue under the class rates, the reference to the class tariffs prescribed herein should be shown immediately in connection with such commodity rates or may be shown in a separate item shown under an appropriate heading and reference to such item shown immediately in connection with the commodity rates.
(7) Great care should be exercised in describing the scope of the class tariffs in order that users of the commodity tariff may determine without examining the class tariffs, which of such class tariffs is to be used in connection with any commodity rate. It also should be understood that the alternative application of commodity rates in one tariff with class rates in another tariff should be resorted to only where there is real necessity therefor, and that wherever possible the commodity rates should be revised so that they will not exceed the class rates between the same points.
(8) The continuance of the authority to alternate rates in a commodity tariff with class rates in not more than three other tariffs as contained in the subparagraphs (5), (6), and (7) of this paragraph will depend upon the progress made by carriers in revising commodity rates in order to avoid unnecessary alternations, and upon the accuracy used in describing the class rate tariffs.
(g) Tariff must contain all rates on same commodities.
(1) A tariff naming rates on a single commodity or a group of related commodities shall contain all of the commodity rates (other than distance or mileage rates; however, such tariffs may contain distance or mileage rates) on the same commodity or commodities published to apply for the same carriers from and to points in the same origin and destination territory except that, when only local commodity rates are named in a tariff published by or for a carrier, that carrier may also participate in tariffs of other carriers naming rates from or to points on the line of the issuing carrier and may participate in not more than one agency issue naming rates on the same commodity or commodities between points or over routes not covered by carrier's issues.
(2) A general commodity tariff or a combined class and commodity tariff shall contain reference to any other tariffs published by the same carrier or agent in which rates on other commodities are published from any point of origin to any point of destination named therein over the same route. Such reference shall include the P.S.C.I. number or numbers of such other tariff or tariffs with a description of the commodities and territory or points of origin and of destination. The reference shall be shown in a separate list arranged alphabetically by commodities immediately following the table of contents. For example: "For rates on textiles from _____ to _____ , see P.S.C.I. No. _____ of _____ , Agent."
(h) Conflicting or duplicating rates prohibited. The publication of class or commodity rates which duplicate or conflict with the rates published in the same or any other tariff over the same route is not permissible, and except as otherwise authorized in these rules, the publication of a statement in a tariff to the effect that the rates published therein take precedence over the rates published in some other tariff, or that the rates published in some other tariff take precedence over or alternate with the rates published therein, is hereby prohibited.
(i) Through rate applies. When a carrier or carriers establish a local or joint rate for application over any route from point of origin to destination such rate is the applicable rate of such carrier or carriers over the authorized route, notwithstanding that it may be higher than the aggregate of intermediate rates over such route.
(k) Intermediate application of rates.
(1) Tariffs containing rates of regular route carriers may provide for the application of class or commodity rates from or to intermediate points on the lines of such carriers by incorporating in such tariffs the rule or rules set forth below, or in paragraph (m) of this section, subject to the limitations contained herein. An intermediate point rule may not be published which will result in establishing from or to an intermediate point a joint rate from or to a more distant point unless the tariff naming the rate from or to the more distant point contains specific routing instructions or refers to a routing guide containing such routing instructions. (See Rule 5.)
(2) The wording of the rules shall not be varied. Tariffs may, however, by appropriate provision published in connection with any of such rules, provide that it will apply only in connection with the rates or routes making reference thereto, or may provide for nonapplication of any such rule to particular rates or routes.
(3) The rules applicable in connection with commodity rates shall read as follows:
(i) Commodity rates applicable from intermediate points. When any point of origin is not provided in this tariff with a commodity rate on a given article to a particular destination over a particular route, and such origin is between the considered destination and a point from which a commodity rate on the article is published herein over the same route to such destination, apply on such article the commodity rate from the next more-distant point from which a commodity rate is named thereon over the considered route through the intermediate point, except as provided in Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

NOTE 1: When, by reason of branch or diverging routes, there are more than one more-distant points from which commodity rates on the article to the considered destination are named herein, apply the rate from the more distant point which on that article to the same destination over the same route results in the lowest charge.

NOTE 2: If the intermediate point is located between two points from which commodity rates on the same article are published in this tariff to the same destination over the same route, apply that one of such rates which results in the higher charge. If due to branch or diverging routes, there are two or more next more distant points in the same direction, only that one of such points from which the lowest charge results will be considered in applying the provisions of this note.

NOTE 3: If the class rate on the same article to the same destination over the same route from the intermediate point produces a lower charge than would result from applying the commodity rate under this section, such commodity rate will not apply.

NOTE 4: If there is in any other tariff a commodity rate (not made by use of an intermediate point rule) published for account of the same carrier or carriers on the same article from the considered intermediate point, applicable to the same destination over the same route, the provisions of this section will not be applied from such intermediate point.

(ii) Commodity rates applicable to intermediate points. When any point of destination is not provided in this tariff with a commodity rate on a given article from a particular origin over a particular route and such destination is between the considered origin and a point to which a commodity rate on the article is published herein over the same route from such origin, apply on such article the commodity rate to the next more distant point to which a commodity rate is named thereon over the considered route through the intermediate point, except as provided in Notes 1, 2, 3 and 4.

NOTE 1: When by reason of branch or diverging routes, there are more than one more distant points to which commodity rates on the article from the considered origin are named herein, apply the rate to the more distant point which on that article from the same origin over the same route results in the lowest charge.

NOTE 2: If the intermediate point is located between two points to which commodity rates on the same article are published in this tariff from the same origin over the same route, apply that one of such rates which results in the higher charge. If, due to branch or diverging routes, there are two or more next more distant points in the same direction, only that one of such points to which the lowest charge results will be considered in applying the provisions of this note.

NOTE 3: If the class rate on the same article from the same origin over the same route to the intermediate point produces a lower charge than would result from applying the commodity rate under this rule, such commodity rate will not apply. NOTE 4: If there is any other tariff a commodity rate (not made by use of an intermediate point rule) published for account of the same carrier or carriers on the same article to the considered intermediate point, applicable from the same origin over the same route, the provisions of this section will not be applied to such intermediate point.

(m) Class rates from and to intermediate points.
(1) Class rates should be provided between practically all points and there appears little occasion for the employment of intermediate point rules in connection with class rates except for the purpose of establishing rates from and to new points. For this purpose only the following clause may be shown in tariffs for use in connection with class rates.
(2) The rule applicable in connection with class rates shall read as follows:
(i) Class rates from and to intermediate points. From or to any point not named in this tariff which is intermediate to a point from or to which class rates are published herein through such unnamed point, the class rate published herein over the same route from or to the next more distant point will be applied.
(n) "From" and "to" rules may apply in connection with the same rate. When the rules providing application "from" and "to" intermediate points are both shown in connection with any class or commodity rate, they establish class or commodity rates from intermediate points of origin to intermediate points of destination on such classes or commodities. Unless otherwise provided in the tariff, intermediate application rules establish rates from or to intermediate points on the routes of carriers parties to the tariff without regard to the concurrence forms and numbers under authority of which carriers are shown as participating carriers.

45 IAC 16-3-6

Department of State Revenue; No. 33034: Common Carrier Freight Tariffs and Classifications PT A,Rule 4; filed Feb 15, 1973, 3:00 pm: Rules and Regs. 1974, p. 465

Transferred from the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission ( 170 IAC 2-3-6) to the Department of State Revenue ( 45 IAC 16-3-6) by P.L. 72-1988, SECTION 12, effective July 1, 1988.