Current through January 8, 2025
Section 410 IAC 6-8.3-84 - Elevated sand mound on-site sewage systems: requirements for system constructionAuthority: IC 16-19-3-4; IC 16-19-3-5
Affected: IC 16-19-3-4
Sec. 84.
(a) Site preparation, tilling, construction, finish grading, and soil stabilization shall: (1) be performed in accordance with the approved plans; and(2) not be performed when the soil is frozen.(b) Elevated sand mound soil absorption systems shall not be constructed during periods of wet weather when the soil is sufficiently wet at the depth of installation to exceed its plastic limit, as follows: (1) This applies to soils classified as the following:(2) Sufficient samples shall be evaluated throughout the soil absorption system site, from the soil surface to the depth of tilling, to assure that the plastic limit of the soil is not exceeded.(3) The plastic limit of a soil shall be considered to have been exceeded when the soil can be rolled between the palms of the hands to produce threads one-eighth (1/8) inch in diameter without breaking apart and crumbling.Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC 6-8.3-84; filed Oct 19, 2012, 2:06 p.m.: 20121114-IR-410120156FRAReadopted filed 9/26/2018, 2:48 p.m.: 20181024-IR-410180328RFA