Current through January 8, 2025
Section 410 IAC 6-14-21 - Fire protection and safetyAuthority: IC 16-19-3-4.4
Affected: IC 8-9-10; IC 16-19-3
Sec. 21.
(a) Each camp car shall be equipped with a minimum of one (1) 4-A, 60-B:C, ten (10) pound, multipurpose, dry chemical, pressure fire extinguisher that is readily accessible and maintained in an operable condition.(b) Camp car hallways and exits from camp cars must be maintained free of obstructions.(c) Each camp car used for sleeping shall be equipped with a UL listed smoke detector that is kept clean and tested monthly.(d) A first aid kit that meets the requirements of American National Standards Institute standard Z308.1-2003 shall be available at each mobile camp. Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC 6-14-21; filed Oct 30, 2008, 4:02 p.m.: 20081126-IR-410070490FRAReadopted filed 9/10/2014, 2:08 p.m.: 20141008-IR-410140299RFAReadopted filed 9/10/2020, 2:11 p.m.: 20201007-IR-410200404RFA