410 Ind. Admin. Code 6-10.1-60

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 410 IAC 6-10.1-60 - Sewage flows

Authority: IC 16-19-3-4; IC 16-19-3-5

Affected: IC 16-19-3-4

Sec. 60.

(a) Sewage flows for commercial on-site sewage systems shall be determined from Table I as follows:

Table I - Estimated Sewage Flows
Type of Establishment Design Daily Flow (gpd)
Agricultural Labor Camp 50 per occupant
Airport1 3 per passenger
20 per employee
Apartment/Condominium 200 per one-bedroom
300 per two-bedroom
350 per three-bedroom
Assembly Hall1 3 per seat
Athletic Field1 1 per participant and spectator
Auction and Flea Market1 3 per customer
Banquet Caterer1 5 per person + 100 for dishwashing
Beauty Salon
a) Perm or color changes 35 per customer
b) Stylist 20 per stylist
c) Cut with wash 10 per customer
d) Cut without wash 5 per customer
Bed and Breakfast 150 per bedroom
Bowling Alley
a) With bar or food, or both 125 per lane
b) Without food service 75 per lane
Bus Station1 3 per passenger
a) Day camp 20 per camper + 20 per staff
b) RV, with sewer hookup 50 per campsite
c) RV, without sewer hookup 50 per campsite
d) RV dump station Included above, or 20 per campsite if on separate system
e) Youth camp 40 per camper + 40 per staff
f) Cabins within campgrounds
1) without restroom 50 per cabin
2) with restroom 75 per cabin per bedroom
3) with restroom and kitchen 100 per cabin per bedroom
a) With full kitchen 5 per sanctuary seat
b) With warming kitchen 4 per sanctuary seat
c) Without kitchen 3 per sanctuary seat
Coffee Shop1 6 per customer + 20 per employee
Conference Center/Meeting Rooms1 20 per attendee
Correctional Facilities 120 per inmate + 20 per employee
Day Care Centers 20 per child + 20 per employee
Dentist's Office 5 per patient
75 per dentist
75 per dental technician
20 per support staff
Department Store1 0.1 per square foot
Banquet Hall
a) with food preparation 10 per seat
b) without food preparation 5 per seat
Doctor's Office 75 per doctor
75 per nurse
20 per support staff
Dormitory/Residence Hall 100 per person
a) With showers 35 per employee
b) Without showers 20 per employee
Fairground1 3 per visitor
Emergency Station
a) Manned with firefighters 75 per firefighter
b) Unmanned with firefighters 20 per firefighter
c) EMT station 35 per EMT
Food Service Operations
a) Fast food restaurant 50 per seat
b) Restaurant (not 24-hour) 35 per seat
c) Restaurant (24-hour) 50 per seat
d) Restaurant (not 24-hour), along interstate 50 per seat
e) Restaurant (24-hour), along interstate 70 per seat
f) Tavern/bar/cocktail lounge 35 per seat
Golf Course/Mini Golf1
a) Comfort station (mid-course) 1.5 times max number of golfers
b) Restroom (main clubhouse) 5 times max number of golfers
Hotels1 100 per room
Kennels and Vet Clinics
a) Cages 5 per cage
b) Inside runs 10 per run
c) Outside runs 20 per run
d) Grooming 10 per animal
e) Surgery 25 per surgery room
f) Staff 75 per veterinary doctor
75 per veterinary assistant
20 per support staff
Mobile Home Park 200 per lot
Motel1 100 per room
Nursing Home 100 per bed + 20 per employee
Office Building1
a) Without showers 20 per employee
b) With showers 35 per employee
Picnic Area 5 per visitor
Race Tracks1
a) Attendee 5 per attendee
b) Staff 20 per staff
Residential Cluster (5 House Min.) 120 per bedroom
a) Elementary 15 per student
b) Secondary 25 per student
c) Amish 10 per student + 10 per staff
d) Boarding 75 per person
150 per bedroom
Convenience Store/Service Station/Gas Station1
a) Truck stop with showers 1,000
30 per trucker
b) Small convenience store/service center/gas station with fast food service 1,000
10 per seat
Single-family dwelling or duplex not on cluster system 150 per bedroom
Swimming Pool Bathhouse 10 per swimmer
a) Drive-in 10 per car space
b) Inside building 5 per seat
Visitor Center 5 per visitor
1These estimated flows do not include food service. If food service is provided, additional flows must be assigned, based on the type of food service and hours of operation.

(b) For establishments not listed in Table I, contact the Division of Environmental Public Health of the department for assistance with determining flows.
(c) Designs for flows less than estimated from Table I may be considered based on substantial evidence (such as water meter readings) that lower flows will occur. Flow data from similar installations of equal capacity and similar surroundings may be considered on an individual basis.

410 IAC 6-10.1-60

Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC 6-10.1-60; filed Oct 19, 2012, 2:07 p.m.: 20121114-IR-410120157FRA
Readopted filed 9/26/2018, 2:48 p.m.: 20181024-IR-410180328RFA