Sec. 6.
(b) Any person may apply to the board for proposed limits upon levels of radiation in unrestricted areas in excess of those specified in 410 IAC 5-4-6(a) resulting from the applicant's possession or use of sources of radiation. Such applications should include information as to anticipated average radiation levels and anticipated occupancy times for each unrestricted area involved. The board will approve the proposed limits if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the board that the proposed limits are not likely to cause any individual to receive a dose to the whole body in any period of 1 calendar year in excess of 0.5 rem. 9/ It is the intent of 410 IAC 5-4-6 to limit radiation levels so that it is unlikely that individuals in unrestricted areas would receive a dose to the whole body in excess of 0.5 rem in any one year. If in specific instances, it is determined by the board that this intent is not met, the board may, pursuant to 410 IAC 5-1-7, impose such additional requirements on the licensee or registrant as may be necessary to meet the intent.