Authority: IC 16-41-35-26; IC 16-41-35-29
Affected: IC 16-41-35
Sec. 4.
2/ Since the concentration specified for tritium oxide vapor assumes equal intakes by skin absorption and inhalation, the total intake permitted is twice that which would result from inhalation alone at the concentration specified in H-3 (S) in Appendix A, 410 IAC 5-4-27, Table I, Column 1 for 40 hours per week for 13 weeks.
3/ For radon-222, the limiting quantity is that inhaled in a period of one calendar year. For radioactive material designated "Sub" in the "Isotope" column of the table, the concentration value specified is based upon exposure to the material as an external radiation source. Individual exposures to these materials may be accounted for as part of the limitation on individual dose in 410 IAC 5-4-2. These materials shall be subject to the precautionary procedures required in 410 IAC 5-4-4(b)(1).
4/ Multiply the concentration values specified in Appendix A, 410 IAC 5-4-27, Table I, Column 1 by 6.3 × 108 milliliters to obtain the quarterly quantity limit. Multiply the concentration value specified in Appendix A, 410 IAC 5-4-27, Table I, Column 1 by 2.5 × 109 milliliters to obtain the annual quantity limit for Rn-222.
5/ Significant intake by ingestion or injection is presumed to occur only as a result of circumstances such as accident, inadvertence, poor procedure, or similar special conditions. Such intakes must be evaluated and accounted for by techniques and procedures as may be appropriate to the circumstances of the occurrence. Exposures so evaluated shall be included in determining whether the limitation on individual exposures in 410 IAC 5-4-4(a)(1) has been exceeded.
6/ Regulatory guidance on assessment of individual intakes of radioactive material is given in U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 8.9, "Acceptable Concepts, Models, Equations and Assumptions for a Bioassay Program." Single copies of Regulatory Guide 8.9 are available from the Office of Standards Development, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, upon written request.
7/ Single copies of U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Regulatory Guide 8.15 are available from the Office of Standards Development, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555, upon written request.
410 IAC 5-4-4