410 Ind. Admin. Code 16.2-5-1.4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 410 IAC 16.2-5-1.4 - Personnel

Authority: IC 16-28-1-7

Affected: IC 16-28-5-1; IC 16-28-13-3

Sec. 1.4.

(a) Each facility shall have specific procedures written and implemented for the screening of prospective employees. Appropriate inquiries shall be made for prospective employees. The facility shall have a personnel policy that considers references and any convictions in accordance with IC 16-28-13-3.
(b) Staff shall be sufficient in number, qualifications, and training in accordance with applicable state laws and rules to meet the twenty-four (24) hour scheduled and unscheduled needs of the residents and services provided. The number, qualifications, and training of staff shall depend on skills required to provide for the specific needs of the residents. A minimum of one (1) awake staff person, with current CPR and first aid certificates, shall be on site at all times. If fifty (50) or more residents of the facility regularly receive residential nursing services or administration of medication, or both, at least one (1) nursing staff person shall be on site at all times. Residential facilities with over one hundred (100) residents regularly receiving residential nursing services or administration of medication, or both, shall have at least one (1) additional nursing staff person awake and on duty at all times for every additional fifty (50) residents. Personnel shall be assigned only those duties for which they are trained to perform. Employee duties shall conform with written job descriptions.
(c) Any unlicensed employee providing more than limited assistance with the activities of daily living must be either a certified nurse aide or a home health aide. Existing facilities that are not licensed on the date of adoption of this rule and that seek licensure within one (1) year of adoption of this rule have two (2) months in which to ensure that all employees in this category are either a certified nurse aide or a home health aide.
(d) Prior to working independently, each employee shall be given an orientation to the facility by the supervisor (or his or her designee) of the department in which the employee will work. Orientation of all employees shall include the following:
(1) Instructions on the needs of the specialized populations:
(A) aged;
(B) developmentally disabled;
(C) mentally ill;
(D) dementia; or
(E) children; served in the facility.
(2) A review of the facility's policy manual and applicable procedures, including:
(A) organization chart;
(B) personnel policies;
(C) appearance and grooming policies for employees; and
(D) residents' rights.
(3) Instruction in first aid, emergency procedures, and fire and disaster preparedness, including evacuation procedures.
(4) Review of ethical considerations and confidentiality in resident care and records.
(5) For direct care staff, personal introduction to, and instruction in, the particular needs of each resident to whom the employee will be providing care.
(6) Documentation of the orientation in the employee's personnel record by the person supervising the orientation.
(e) There shall be an organized inservice education and training program planned in advance for all personnel in all departments at least annually. Training shall include, but is not limited to, residents' rights, prevention and control of infection, fire prevention, safety, accident prevention, the needs of specialized populations served, medication administration, and nursing care, when appropriate, as follows:
(1) The frequency and content of inservice education and training programs shall be in accordance with the skills and knowledge of the facility personnel. For nursing personnel, this shall include at least eight (8) hours of inservice per calendar year and four (4) hours of inservice per calendar year for nonnursing personnel.
(2) In addition to the above required inservice hours, staff who have contact with residents shall have a minimum of six (6) hours of dementia-specific training within six (6) months and three (3) hours annually thereafter to meet the needs or preferences, or both, of cognitively impaired residents effectively and to gain understanding of the current standards of care for residents with dementia.
(3) Inservice records shall be maintained and shall indicate the following:
(A) The time, date, and location.
(B) The name of the instructor.
(C) The title of the instructor.
(D) The names of the participants.
(E) The program content of inservice.

The employee will acknowledge attendance by written signature.

(f) A health screen shall be required for each employee of a facility prior to resident contact. The screen shall include a tuberculin skin test, using the Mantoux method (5 TU, PPD), unless a previously positive reaction can be documented. The result shall be recorded in millimeters of induration with the date given, date read, and by whom administered. The facility must assure the following:
(1) At the time of employment, or within one (1) month prior to employment, and at least annually thereafter, employees and nonpaid personnel of facilities shall be screened for tuberculosis. The first tuberculin skin test must be read prior to the employee starting work. For health care workers who have not had a documented negative tuberculin skin test result during the preceding twelve (12) months, the baseline tuberculin skin testing should employ the two-step method. If the first step is negative, a second test should be performed one (1) to three (3) weeks after the first step. The frequency of repeat testing will depend on the risk of infection with tuberculosis.
(2) All employees who have a positive reaction to the skin test shall be required to have a chest x-ray and other physical and laboratory examinations in order to complete a diagnosis.
(3) The facility shall maintain a health record of each employee that includes reports of all employment-related health screenings.
(4) An employee with symptoms or signs of active disease, (symptoms suggestive of active tuberculosis, including, but not limited to, cough, fever, night sweats, and weight loss) shall not be permitted to work until tuberculosis is ruled out.
(g) The facility must prohibit employees with communicable disease or infected skin lesions from direct contact with residents or their food if direct contact will transmit the disease. An employee with signs and symptoms of communicable disease, including, but not limited to, an infected or draining skin lesion, shall be handled according to a facility's policy regarding direct contact with residents, their food, or resident care items until the condition is resolved. Persons with suspected or proven active tuberculosis will not be permitted to work until determined to be noninfectious and documentation is provided for the employee record.
(h) The facility shall maintain current and accurate personnel records for all employees. The personnel records for all employees shall include the following:
(1) The name and address of the employee.
(2) Social Security number.
(3) Date of beginning employment.
(4) Past employment, experience, and education, if applicable.
(5) Professional licensure or registration number or dining assistant certificate or letter of completion, if applicable.
(6) Position in the facility and job description.
(7) Documentation of orientation to the facility, including residents' rights, and to the specific job skills.
(8) Signed acknowledgement of orientation to residents' rights.
(9) Performance evaluations in accordance with facility policy.
(10) Date and reason for separation.
(i) The employee personnel record shall be retained for at least three (3) years following termination or separation of the employee from employment.
(j) For purposes of IC 16-28-5-1, a breach of:
(1) subsection (b), (c), or (g) is a deficiency;
(2) subsection (a), (d), (e), or (f) is a noncompliance; and
(3) subsection (h) or (i) is a nonconformance.

410 IAC 16.2-5-1.4

Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC 16.2-5-1.4; filed Jan 10, 1997, 4:00 p.m.: 20 IR 1567, eff Apr 1, 1997; errata filed Apr 10, 1997, 12:15 p.m.: 20 IR 2415; readopted filed Jul 11, 2001, 2:23 p.m.: 24 IR 4234; filed Jan 21, 2003, 8:34 a.m.: 26 IR 1921, eff Mar 1, 2003; filed Jul 22, 2004, 10:05 a.m.: 27 IR 4003; filed Aug 11, 2004, 11:00 a.m.: 28 IR 193; readopted filed May 22, 2007, 1:44 p.m.: 20070613-IR-410070141RFA; readopted filed Sep 11, 2013, 3:19 p.m.: 20131009-IR-410130346RFA
Readopted filed 11/13/2019, 3:14 p.m.: 20191211-IR-410190391RFA