Current through January 8, 2025
Section 410 IAC 1-7-8 - Pregnant patient on a waiting list for HIV medical servicesAuthority: IC 16-41-6-11
Affected: IC 16-41-6-5; IC 16-41-6-6
Sec. 8.
(a) A pregnant patient must have a complete application for the HIV medical services program on file with the department.(b) A pregnant patient who meets all the qualifications to participate in the HIV medical services program and tests positive under IC 16-41-6-5 or IC 16-41-6-6 shall be given first priority on a waiting list for the program if a waiting list exists for the HIV medical services program.(c) A pregnant patient who tests positive under IC 16-41-6-5 or IC 16-41-6-6 may appeal her placement on a waiting list for HIV medical services by filing a written appeal with the department.(d) The appeal shall be filed within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the notification of placement on a waiting list.(e) The appeal will be reviewed by the state health commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, who will also make the determination in the case within seventy-two (72) hours of receipt of all requested medical information and other pertinent documentation, as detailed by section 9 of this rule, necessary to determine the applicant's eligibility for services.(f) The appeal must include name, date of birth, and mailing address of the pregnant patient.Indiana State Department of Health; 410 IAC 1-7-8; filed Jun 25, 2004, 11:05 a.m.: 27 IR 3496; readopted filed Jul 15, 2010, 12:12 p.m.: 20100728-IR-410100261RFA; filed May 4, 2012, 10:17 a.m.: 20120530-IR-410110458FRAReadopted filed 11/10/2016, 8:45 a.m.: 20161207-IR-410160371RFAReadopted filed 9/15/2022, 10:01 a.m.: 20221012-IR-410220206RFA