Current through January 8, 2025
Section 405 IAC 10-13-1 - HIP Workforce Bridge Account program definitionsAuthority: IC 12-15-44.5-9
Affected: IC 12-15-30.5-3; IC 12-15-44.5; IC 25-10-1-1
Sec. 1.
The following definitions apply to this rule:
(1) "Covered service" has the meaning set forth in 405 IAC 10-2-1, but shall exclude the following services: (A) Noncovered services, which has the meaning set forth in 405 IAC 5-29-1.(B) Services provided in a long term care facility, which has the meaning set forth in 405 IAC 1-20-1.(C) Hospice, which has the meaning set forth in 405 IAC 5-2-10.1.(D) Medicaid rehabilitation option services, which has the meaning set forth in 405 IAC 5-21.5-1.(E) Nonemergency medical transportation, which has the meaning set forth in IC 12-15-30.5-3.(G) Chiropractic specialty, which means those services rendered within the scope of chiropractic, which has the meaning set forth in IC 25-10-1-1.(H) Case management billed as Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS) code T1016.(2) "Participant" means an individual who has:(A) opted in, via the procedures specified in section 3 of this rule; and(B) been enrolled in the program by the office under the limitations specified in section 7 of this rule.(3) "Program" means the HIP Workforce Bridge Account program, as established by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services approved Section 1115 demonstration waiver.Office of the Secretary of Family and Social Services; 405 IAC 10-13-1; filed 7/9/2021, 2:05 p.m.: 20210804-IR-405210032FRA