345 Ind. Admin. Code 9-7-4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 345 IAC 9-7-4 - Inspection required; work schedules of establishments

Authority: IC 15-17

Affected: IC 15-17-5-12

Sec. 4.

(a) No operation requiring inspection under this article may be conducted unless it is conducted under the supervision of a division employee. All slaughtering of animals shall be done:
(1) under the direct supervision of a division employee; and
(2) with reasonable speed, considering the official establishment's facilities.

The division may implement inspection procedures for processing operations that are different than the inspection procedures for slaughter operations. Processing procedures may include procedures that allow for varied frequency of inspection depending on the processing operations conducted.

(b) Each official establishment shall submit a work schedule to the board for approval upon the occurrence of any of the following:
(1) Prior to the inauguration of inspection.
(2) When a change in work schedule is requested.
(3) Upon request by a board employee.

Work schedules must specify for all departments the daily clock hours of inspected and custom exempt operations and must specify lunch periods.

(c) The division director shall take into account the efficient and effective use of inspection personnel when approving work schedules. The division director will designate the hours of the day and the days of the week during which inspection will be provided when an establishment conducts operations requiring inspection less than eight (8) hours a day, fewer than five (5) days a week, or less than forty (40) hours in a work week. The division director shall consult with the establishments involved when designating work schedules.
(d) Establishments shall maintain consistent work schedules. Any request by an establishment for a change in its work schedule shall be submitted to the board at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed change. Frequent requests for change will not be approved. Minor deviations from a daily operating schedule may be approved by the area supervisor.
(e) Request for inspection service outside an approved work schedule shall be made:
(1) as early in the day as possible for overtime work to be performed within that same workday; or
(2) prior to the end of the day's operation when such a request will result in overtime service at the start of the following day. But, an inspector may be recalled to his or her assignment after completion of the daily tour of duty under section 6(d) of this rule.
(f) IC 15-17-5-12 and section 6 of this rule will govern the scheduling of inspection in the following circumstances:
(1) On any Saturday, Sunday, or holiday.
(2) For more than eight (8) hours on any other day.
(3) For more than forty (40) hours any one (1) week.
(g) For the purpose of administration of this rule, "few livestock" shall be construed as less than fifty (50) cattle or calves per week or an equivalent number of other species of livestock (two (2) animals of all other species being deemed equivalent to one (1) cattle). In addition, "small quantity of any product" shall be construed as less than seven hundred fifty (750) pounds per day or less than three thousand (3,000) pounds per week of any one (1) class of product.

345 IAC 9-7-4

Indiana State Board of Animal Health; Reg HMP-1R, CH A, PT 7, Sec 7.4; filed Feb 11, 1972, 2:00 p.m.: Rules and Regs. 1973, p. 240; filed May 26, 1978, 3:30 p.m.: 1 IR 105; filed Jun 2, 1980, 1:00 p.m.: 3 IR 1270; filed Dec 10, 1997, 11:30 a.m.: 21 IR 1302; errata filed Dec 10, 1997, 3:50 p.m.: 21 IR 1349; filed Oct 30, 2000, 2:06 p.m.: 24 IR 679; readopted filed May 2, 2001, 1:45 p.m.: 24 IR 2895; readopted filed May 9, 2007, 3:16 p.m.: 20070516-IR-345070037RFA; filed Nov 24, 2010, 3:20 p.m.: 20101222-IR-345100122FRA
Readopted filed 7/11/2016, 10:38 a.m.: 20160810-IR-345160135RFA
Readopted filed 7/12/2022, 2:33 p.m.: 20220810-IR-345220146RFA

Transferred from the Indiana State Department of Health (410 IAC 9-7-4) to the Indiana State Board of Animal Health (345 IAC 9-7-4) by P.L. 137-1996, SECTION 76, effective July 1, 1996.