329 Ind. Admin. Code 10-9-1

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 329 IAC 10-9-1 - Types of facilities

Authority: IC 13-14-8-7; IC 13-15-2-1; IC 13-19-3-1

Affected: IC 13-30-2; IC 36-9-30

Sec. 1.

(a) The following categories will be used for the purpose of defining site requirements and permissible wastes to be received for all solid waste land disposal facilities:
(1) Municipal solid waste landfill (MSWLF).
(2) Construction/demolition site.
(3) Restricted waste site as follows:
(A) Restricted waste site Type I.
(B) Restricted waste site Type II.
(C) Restricted waste site Type III.
(D) Restricted waste site Type IV.
(4) Nonmunicipal solid waste landfill.
(b) The owner and operator of a coal combustion residuals impoundment subject to 40 CFR 257, Subpart D, shall comply with the requirements for surface impoundments in accordance with 40 CFR 257.50 * through 40 CFR 257.107 *, except the phrase "not to exceed a height of 6 inches above the slope of the dike" is deleted from the following sections:
(1)40 CFR 257.73(a)(4).
(2)40 CFR 257.73(d)(1)(iv).
(3)40 CFR 257.74(a)(4).
(4)40 CFR 257.74(d)(1)(iv).
(c) For a coal combustion residuals impoundment subject to 40 CFR 257, Subpart D, final disposal of solid waste in the impoundment at the end of the operation of the impoundment is subject to approval by the commissioner, based on the requirements for coal combustion residuals impoundments in 40 CFR 257.50 * through 40 CFR 257.107 * and on other management practices that are protective of human health and the environment.

*These documents are incorporated by reference. Copies may be viewed online from the Government Publishing Office at www.gpo.gov, or are available for review at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Legal Counsel, Indiana Government Center North, Thirteenth Floor, 100 North Senate Avenue, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

329 IAC 10-9-1

Solid Waste Management Board; 329 IAC 10-9-1; filed Mar 14, 1996, 5:00 p.m.: 19 IR 1805; filed Aug 2, 1999, 11:50 a.m.: 22 IR 3787; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:25 p.m.: 24 IR 1535; readopted filed May 14, 2007, 1:53 p.m.: 20070523-IR-329070138BFA
Readopted filed Jul 29, 2013, 9:20 a.m.: 20130828-IR-329130179BFA
Filed 11/10/2016, 1:37 p.m.: 20161207-IR-329160217FRA