Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-18-3; IC 13-18-17-6
Affected: IC 13-11-2-43; IC 13-13-2; IC 13-18; IC 15-16-4-42; IC 15-16-5; IC 25-17.6-1; IC 25-39-4
Sec. 1.
In addition to the definition in IC 13-11-2-43, the following definitions apply throughout this rule:
(1) "Aquifer" means an underground geological formation that has the ability to receive, store, and transmit water in amounts sufficient for the satisfaction of any beneficial use.(2) "Best management practices" means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practice, treatment requirements, operation and maintenance procedures, use of containment facilities, and other management practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state.(3) "Calibration" means the process of refining the model representation of the hydrogeologic framework, hydraulic properties, and boundary conditions to achieve a desired degree of correspondence between the model simulation and observations of the ground water flow system.(4) "Certified professional geologist" means a professional geologist certified by the state of Indiana under IC 25-17.6-1.(5) "Community public water supply system", "CPWSS", "community water system", or "CWS" means a public water supply system that: (A) serves at least fifteen (15) service connections used by year-round residents; or(B) regularly serves at least twenty-five (25) year-round residents.(6) "Conceptual model" means a description of the hydrogeologic system that represents the movement of ground water, for example:(A) geologic and hydrologic framework;(D) hydraulic properties; and(7) "Confined aquifer" means an aquifer in which ground water is confined under pressure that is significantly greater than atmospheric pressure.(8) "Critical water users" means water users whose immediate health or welfare would be affected in an adverse manner if water use is denied.(9) "Customers" means the number of persons served by the public water supply system.(10) "Delineation" means a process used to define boundaries of the wellhead protection area.(11) "Department" means the department of environmental management created under IC 13-13-2.(12) "Emergency condition" means a condition related to ground water contamination that threatens to disrupt water supply service from a community public water supply system wellfield.(13) "Hydrogeology" means the study of the geology of ground water, with particular emphasis on the chemistry and movement of water.(14) "Hydrostratigraphic unit" means a grouping of geologic units of similar hydrogeologic properties, for example, aquifers and confining units.(15) "Large community public water supply system" means a public water supply system serving greater than fifty thousand (50,000) customers.(16) "Medium community public water supply system" means a public water supply system serving from three thousand three hundred one (3,301) up to and including fifty thousand (50,000) customers.(17) "Model" means an investigative technique using a mathematical or physical representation of a system or theory that accounts for all or some of its known properties.(18) "Pesticide review board" means the Indiana pesticide review board created by IC 15-16-4-42 to collect, analyze, and interpret information on matters relating to the use of pesticides.(19) "Potential source of contamination" means a facility, site, practice, or activity that possesses the ability to contaminate ground water.(20) "Public water supply system", "public water system", "public water supply", "PWSS", or "PWS": (A) means a system for the provision to the public of water for human consumption through pipes or other constructed conveyances, if the system:(i) has at least fifteen (15) service connections; or(ii) regularly serves an average of at least twenty-five (25) individuals daily at least sixty (60) days out of the year;(B) includes any: (i) collection, treatment, storage, and distribution facilities under control of the operator of the system and used primarily in connection with the system; and(ii) collection or pretreatment storage facilities not under the operator's control that are used primarily in connection with the system; and(C) is either a CWS, as defined in 327 IAC 8-2-1(12), or an NCWS, as defined in 327 IAC 8-2-1(63).(21) "Qualified ground water scientist" means an individual who possesses a bachelor's degree or higher in the physical sciences, for example, geology or engineering, with a sufficient level of experience to make sound professional judgments regarding site characterization and hydrogeology. This level of experience may be demonstrated by certification or registration as a professional geologist or engineer, either of whom shall have education or professional experience in hydrogeology or ground water hydrology.(22) "Sanitary setback" means an area established around a CPWSS production well to protect ground water from direct contamination. (23) "Small community public water supply system" means a public water supply system serving up to and including three thousand three hundred (3,300) customers.(24) "State chemist" means the office of the Indiana state chemist authorized by IC 15-16-4 and IC 15-16-5 to administer the use, application, storage, mixing, loading, transportation, and disposal of pesticides in Indiana under those chapters.(25) "Time of travel" or "TOT" means the calculated length of time a particle of water takes to reach a CPWSS production well from a certain point.(26) "Time of travel (TOT) threshold" means a threshold determined by the community or CPWSS to suit the hydrogeologic conditions and needs of the community; however, a minimum five (5) year TOT for modeled wellhead protection areas and three thousand (3,000) feet for fixed radius wellhead protection area is allowed.(27) "Wellhead protection area" or "WHPA" means the surface and subsurface area, delineated by fixed radius, hydrogeological mapping, analytical, semianalytical, or numerical flow or solute transport methods, or both, which contributes water to a CPWSS production well or wellfield and through which contaminants are likely to move through and reach the well within a specified period.(28) "Wellhead protection program" or "WHPP" means a program to sustain drinking water quality in ground waters that supply public water supply wells and wellfields. The program is mandated by the 1986 amendments to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, Title II, Section 205, Subsection 1428.(29) "Well log" means a drilling record that describes the subsurface formations that have been drilled through and gives details of well completion as required by IC 25-39-4 and 312 IAC 13-2-6.Water Pollution Control Board; 327 IAC 8-4.1-1; filed Feb 28, 1997, 4:18 p.m.: 20 IR 1723; filed Mar 6, 2000, 7:56 a.m.: 23 IR 1627; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:23 p.m.: 24 IR 1518; readopted filed Nov 21, 2007, 1:16 p.m.: 20071219-IR-327070553BFA; readopted filed Jul 29, 2013, 9:21 a.m.: 20130828-IR-327130176BFAErrata filed 7/31/2017, 11:06 a.m.: 20170809-IR-327170349ACAReadopted filed Jun 6, 2019, 1:59 p.m.: 20190710-IR-327190246BFAFiled 5/5/2022, 9:24 a.m.: 20220601-IR-327210132FRAErrata 6/15/2022, 3:26 p.m.: 20220622-IR-327220220ACA