327 Ind. Admin. Code 8-3.6-4

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 327 IAC 8-3.6-4 - Technical capacity of a new public water supply system

Authority: IC 13-13-5; IC 13-15-1-2; IC 13-15-2-1

Affected: IC 13-18-16; IC 25-31

Sec. 4.

(a) A water system management plan shall provide the following technical capacity information:
(1) Details of the public water supply system that include the following:
(A) A description of the type of system, including:
(i) whether it is a community public water supply system or a nontransient noncommunity public water supply system and the basis for determining the system type; and
(ii) the population to be served.
(B) A description of the planned service area, including:
(i) the anticipated growth for the next twenty (20) years; and
(ii) the plans to provide for the demand of the anticipated growth.
(C) A description of the public water supply system by county, section, township, and range.
(D) A site plan that includes the location of the following, as applicable:
(i) Wells.
(ii) Surface water intakes.
(iii) Treatment facilities.
(iv) Storage facilities.
(v) Pumping facilities.
(vi) Connections to another public water supply system.
(vii) Other applicable facilities.
(E) A description, design basis, and anticipated useful life for treatment and transmission facilities, including the following:
(i) Treatment plants.
(ii) Pipes.
(iii) Pumping stations.
(iv) Storage facilities.
(F) The identification of interconnections with other systems.
(G) A description and design basis of the fire protection demand on the system.
(H) A description of a plan for metering water production by source and water use by consumers.
(I) A description of plans to manage waste generated by the treatment processes of the public water supply system. (J) A description of the highest flood elevation at the site of sources and treatment facilities, if the site is within the one hundred (100) year frequency flood plain.
(2) Details of an assessment of the water supply source adequacy that include the following:
(A) A site map for each water supply source that must be drawn to scale with the scale disclosed on the map.
(B) A narrative describing each source, and a description of land uses within a three thousand (3,000) foot radius of each water supply source.
(C) The design basis for system demands, including:
(i) average daily; and
(ii) peak daily; consumer demand according to 327 IAC 8-3.3-2.
(D) An analysis of a proposed source to reliably meet consumer demand.
(E) A geological or hydrogeological characterization of the source of the drinking water supply.
(F) A summary of a source water quality analysis that includes the applicable primary and secondary drinking water standards.
(G) The proposed activities to protect source water.
(3) A public water supply system that proposes to purchase water from another public water supply system must provide documentation of a planned purchase agreement with the other public water supply system.
(4) A method to meet the requirements of the following public drinking water rules:
(A)327 IAC 8-1 concerning drinking water direct additives and indirect additives.
(B)327 IAC 8-2-8.5 concerning filtration and disinfection.
(C)327 IAC 8-3 concerning public water supply construction permits.
(D)327 IAC 8-3.4 concerning public water system wells.
(E)327 IAC 8-4.1 concerning wellhead protection.
(F)327 IAC 8-10 concerning cross connection control.
(5) A method to provide for the operation, maintenance, inspection, testing, repair, replacement, and associated record keeping for the following, according to the American Water Works Association Standards, Section A100 through Section F100 (February 1998 Edition)* and the Recommended Standards for Water Works, Great Lakes-Upper Mississippi River Board of State Public Health and Environmental Managers (1997 Edition)**:
(A) Source of supply facilities.
(B) Pumping facilities.
(C) Water meters.
(D) All components of the treatment process.
(E) Storage tanks, including the following:
(i) Cleaning.
(ii) Painting.
(F) Water mains, including the following:
(i) Flushing.
(ii) Exercising valves.
(G) Approved cross connection control devices.
(6) Details of an infrastructure replacement plan that include the following:
(A) A schedule of equipment replacement.
(B) Estimated life expectancy of equipment.
(C) Expected replacement date.
(D) Estimated cost of replacement.
(7) Details for providing a certified operator in charge of the public water supply system and complying with applicable state and federal requirements concerning certified operators, including 327 IAC 8-12.
(b) The technical capacity information required by subsection (a) shall:
(1) be prepared by:
(A) a professional engineer, as described under IC 25-31, who is registered in Indiana;
(B) a licensed professional geologist, as described in 305 IAC 1-2-5, who is registered in Indiana; or
(C) a qualified person under the direct supervision of a professional engineer or licensed professional geologist registered in Indiana; as applicable according to the information required; and
(2) demonstrate that the proposed public water supply system shall produce drinking water that meets public water supply requirements of this article.

*This document is incorporated by reference. Notwithstanding language to the contrary in the primarily incorporated documents, the versions of all secondarily incorporated documents, which are those documents referred to in the primarily incorporated documents, shall be the versions in effect on the date of final adoption of the primarily incorporated document. Copies of this publication may be obtained from the American Water Works Association, 6666 West Quincy Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80235 or from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Water Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N1255, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

**This document is incorporated by reference. Notwithstanding language to the contrary in the primarily incorporated documents, the versions of all secondarily incorporated documents, which are those documents referred to in the primarily incorporated documents, shall be the versions in effect on the date of final adoption of the primarily incorporated document. Copies of this publication may be obtained from Health Education Services, P.O. Box 7126, Albany, New York 12224 or from the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Office of Water Quality, Indiana Government Center-North, 100 North Senate Avenue, Room N1255, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204.

327 IAC 8-3.6-4

Water Pollution Control Board; 327 IAC 8-3.6-4; filed Aug 10, 1999, 8:54 a.m.: 22 IR 3679; readopted filed Jan 10, 2001, 3:23 p.m.: 24 IR 1518; errata filed Feb 6, 2006, 11:15 a.m.: 29 IR 1937; readopted filed Nov 21, 2007, 1:16 p.m.: 20071219-IR-327070553BFA; readopted filed Jul 29, 2013, 9:21 a.m.: 20130828-IR- 327130176BFA
Readopted filed Jun 6, 2019, 1:59 p.m.: 20190710-IR-327190246BFA