Current through January 8, 2025
Section 327 IAC 5-3.5-9 - PMPP requirementsAuthority: IC 13-13-5-1; IC 13-13-5-2; IC 13-14-8; IC 13-14-9; IC 13-15-1-2; IC 13-15-2-1; IC 13-18
Affected: IC 13-18-3-15; IC 13-18-4; IC 13-20-17.5
Sec. 9.
(a) A PMPP for a facility must be submitted with an application for an SMV. The PMPP must contain the following: (1) Results of a preliminary inventory of potential uses and sources of mercury in all buildings and departments and a plan and schedule for providing the department results of a complete inventory.(2) Preliminary identification of known mercury-bearing equipment, wastestreams, and mercury storage sites.(3) A list of planned activities to be conducted to eliminate or minimize the release of mercury to the water. The list of planned activities may consider technical and economic feasibility and must include, at a minimum, the following: (A) A review of purchasing policies and procedures.(B) Necessary training and awareness for facility staff.(C) Evaluation of alternatives to the use of any mercury-containing equipment or materials.(D) Other specific activities designed to reduce or eliminate mercury loadings.(E) An identification of the facility's responsibilities under IC 13-20-17.5.(4) For each activity specified in subdivision (3), the plan must contain the following: (A) The goal to be accomplished.(B) A measure of performance.(C) A schedule for action.(5) All available mercury monitoring data and any information on mercury in biosolids, if required by an NPDES permit or land application permit, for the two (2) year period preceding the SMV application.(6) Identification of the resources and staff necessary to implement the PMPP.(7) Proof of completion of public notice activities required under this section.(8) Annual reports according to a schedule in the PMPP. Each annual report must describe the following: (A) The facility's progress toward fulfilling each of the requirements of the PMPP.(B) The results of mercury monitoring.(C) The steps taken to implement each planned activity developed under this subsection and subsection (b) to reduce or eliminate mercury from the facility's water.(b) In addition to subsection (a), a PMPP for a POTW must include the following: (1) Results of a preliminary evaluation of possible mercury sources in the facility's influent and a plan and schedule for providing the department results of a complete evaluation. The evaluation shall include, at a minimum, the following:(A) Medical facilities, for example, the following: (iv) Veterinary facilities.(C) Public and private educational laboratories.(D) General industry and all SIUs.(E) Significant sources of residential and retail contributions of mercury, for example, the following:(i) Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning contractors.(ii) Automobile and appliance repair.(iv) Others specific to the community served.(F) An identification of the responsibilities under IC 13-20-17.5 for the significant industrial users for the POTW.(2) A list of planned activities designed to reduce or eliminate mercury loadings from the sources identified in subdivision (1).(3) For each activity specified in subdivision (2), the plan must contain the following: (A) The goal to be accomplished.(B) A measure of performance.(C) A schedule for action.(4) In addition to activities required under subsection (a)(3), activities must also include an education program for the facility employees and the public within the service area of the facility.(c) Prior to submitting the PMPP to the department as part of the SMV application, an applicant shall do the following: (1) Publish notice of the availability of the draft PMPP in a daily or weekly newspaper of general circulation throughout the area affected by the discharge.(2) Post a copy of the information required by this section at the following:(A) Principal office of the municipality or political subdivision affected by the facility or discharge.(B) The United States post office.(C) If one is available, the library serving those premises.(d) All notices published under this section shall contain the following information: (1) The name and address of the applicant that prepared the PMPP.(2) A general description of the elements of the PMPP.(3) A brief description of the activities or operations that result in the discharge for which an SMV is being requested.(4) A brief description of the purpose of this notice and the comment procedures.(5) The name of a contact person, a mailing address, an internet address, if available, and a telephone number where interested persons may obtain additional information and a copy of the PMPP.(e) The applicant shall do the following:(1) Provide a minimum comment period of thirty (30) days.(2) Include a copy of the comments received and the applicant's responses to those comments in the SMV application submitted to the department.(f) The department shall consider a PMPP to be complete if it meets the requirements of this section.Water Pollution Control Board; 327 IAC 5-3.5-9; filed Apr 6, 2005, 4:00 p.m.: 28 IR 2351; readopted filed Jun 15, 2011, 11:15 a.m.: 20110713-IR-327110193BFAFiled 10/9/2015, 4:07 p.m.: 20151104-IR-327100659FRAReadopted filed Jun 29, 2017, 9:34 a.m.: 20170726-IR-327170225BFAReadopted filed 5/12/2023, 1:07 p.m.: 20230607-IR-327230079BFAReadopted filed 10/18/2024, 1:57 p.m.: 20241113-IR-327230810RFA