327 Ind. Admin. Code 5-23-11

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 327 IAC 5-23-11 - Requirements to become an apprentice or a certified operator

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-18-11-13

Affected: IC 13-18-11-6.5

Sec. 11.

(a) To become a wastewater treatment plant apprentice, a person must:
(1) submit a completed form approved by the Indiana archives and records administration (IARA), as described in subsection (f) or (g), to the department for approval; and
(2) upon approval by the department of the completed form, pass the corresponding classification of wastewater treatment certification examination.
(b) To be approved to become a wastewater treatment certified operator, a person must:
(1) have the formal education specified in section 9 of this rule;
(2) have the experience specified in section 9 of this rule in the field of wastewater treatment that:
(A) demonstrates the applicant's technical knowledge;
(B) can be verified based on information from available sources, primarily the applicant's wastewater treatment plant employer; and
(C) is the result of satisfactory accomplishment of wastewater treatment plant work;
(3) submit a completed application on a form approved by the IARA for use by the department, as described in subsection (g), to the department for approval; and
(4) pass the wastewater treatment certification examination, unless exempted under IC 13-18-11.
(c) A person may apply for a reciprocal license under section 18 of this rule to become a certified operator.
(d) A person may take the wastewater treatment certification examination before obtaining the educational and experience requirements specified in section 9 of this rule and become an apprentice for a specific classification of wastewater treatment plant. Upon passing the examination, the applicant will be issued an apprentice certificate and card which is effective for not more than six (6) years.
(e) A person who fails to achieve a minimum passing score on the wastewater treatment certification examination may retake the examination in accordance with the following:
(1) The person shall submit a new application and fee for approval to take the examination.
(2) Prior to resubmitting an application or being allowed to retake the examination, a person who has failed the examination three (3) consecutive times may be required to attend and pass a technical examination preparation course that:
(A) is approved by the department;
(B) is directly related to wastewater treatment; and
(C) includes a minimum of eight (8) hours of instruction.
(3) The person must submit the documentation required in this section on a form approved by the IARA for use by the department, as described in subsection (f) or (g).
(f) An applicant applying to become an apprentice must include the following information and fee on a form approved by the IARA for use by the department:
(1) Classification requested.
(2) A nonrefundable thirty dollar ($30) application fee to the department.
(3) Contact information and date of birth for the applicant.
(4) Information about previous Indiana applications and current certification information for an applicant who is a certified operator, if applicable.
(g) An applicant applying to become a certified operator, or, as an alternative option to subsection (f), an applicant looking to become an apprentice must provide the following information and fee on a form approved by the IARA for use by the department:
(1) Type of certification and classification requested.
(2) A nonrefundable thirty dollar ($30) application fee to the department.
(3) Contact information and date of birth for the applicant.
(4) Information about previous Indiana applications and current certification information for an applicant who is a certified operator, if applicable.
(5) Information on educational background for the applicant.
(6) Information on specialized training or classes relevant to the certification.
(7) Information on operational experience history for the applicant.
(8) Information on responsible charge experience for the applicant.
(9) Signed statements by the applicant and the applicant's supervisor.
(h) For certification renewals, the commissioner shall complete the following:
(1) Issue a renewal notification to each certified wastewater treatment plant operator stating the following:
(A) The expiration date of the certified operator's certification card.
(B) The thirty dollar ($30) nonrefundable fee required for certification card renewal.
(2) Notify operators of the need to renew the certification card:
(A) at least thirty (30) days before the expiration of the certification card; and
(B) to the last known address or electronic mail address filed with the commissioner.
(i) To renew a certification card, a certified wastewater treatment plant operator shall:
(1) meet the continuing education requirements of section 14 of this rule;
(2) submit the renewal fee; and
(3) either:
(A) sign and return the renewal notification to the commissioner; or
(B) submit the complete renewal application electronically.
(j) The commissioner shall deny renewal of a certification card that is not renewed within the time limit established in this section and IC 13-18-11-6.5(c).
(k) Except for an allowance of up to twelve (12) months from the end date of deployment by the U.S. military, a wastewater treatment plant operator who fails to renew a certificate for more than one (1) year following the expiration date may not receive a renewal certificate without reexamination.
(l) A certified operator whose certification has expired may not work as an operator in responsible charge until the certification is renewed or reinstated and effective.

327 IAC 5-23-11

Water Pollution Control Division; 327 IAC 5-23-11; filed 11/6/2023, 10:44 a.m.: 20231206-IR-327180365FRA
Readopted filed 10/18/2024, 1:57 p.m.: 20241113-IR-327230810RFA