327 Ind. Admin. Code 20-4-1

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 327 IAC 20-4-1 - Initial application requirements

Authority: IC 13-14-8-7; IC 13-15-2-1; IC 13-18-10.5

Affected: IC 13-11-2; IC 13-14; IC 13-15-4-9; IC 13-18; IC 13-30

Sec. 1.

(a) An application under this article is required for a SMSS permit.
(b) Three (3) copies of the application package, one (1) of which may be electronic, must be submitted to the commissioner in a format specified by the department and must include all of the following to be considered complete:
(1) Forms, as provided by the department, completed in accordance with the instructions provided on the forms.
(2) Plot maps of the location proposed for the SMSS, consisting of the following:
(A) A United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey map*.
(B) A United States Geological Survey topographical map* that includes identification of any public water supply wells and public water supply surface intake structures within one thousand (1,000) feet of the SMSS.
(C) The maps must be legible and clearly show the:
(i) location of the SMSS; and
(ii) boundaries of the property on which the SMSS is to be located.
(3) A SMSS site plan that shows the following:
(A) Any of the following features present within five hundred (500) feet of the existing or proposed location of the SMSS:
(i) All existing and proposed structures.
(ii) Surface waters of the state.
(iii) Public and private roads.
(iv) Water well locations.
(v) Characteristics of karst terrain.
(vi) Property boundary line.
(vii) All outfalls of known subsurface drainage structures, including perimeter drain outfalls.
(viii) Drainage inlets, including water and sediment control basins.
(ix) Any residence.
(x) One hundred (100) year flood plains.
(B) Any surface water control features, such as berms, used to divert storm water away from the SMSS.
(C) The SMSS site plan must:
(i) be legible and either:
(AA) drawn to approximate scale; or
(BB) show distances between:
(aa) the SMSS; and
(bb) features in clause (A) that are within five hundred (500) feet of the proposed SMSS;
(ii) contain reference to true north; and
(iii) be submitted on paper not less than eight and one-half (8 1/2) inches by eleven (11) inches, but not greater than twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches.
(4) A SMSS drawing depicting the design, showing detailed views and necessary cross sections to define all dimensions and construction materials.
(5) Soil and water table information from test holes, as described in 327 IAC 20-5-2(a)(3), for the proposed SMSS.
(6) A description of any proposed alternative to a specific requirement in this article to demonstrate equivalent environmental and human health protection.
(7) A list of potentially affected parties, which includes:
(A) the county executive of the county in which the SMSS is to be located or modified; and
(B) each owner and each occupant of land of which any part of the boundary is one-half (1/2) mile or less from the property on which the SMSS is to be located.
(8) Documentation showing compliance with all state and local zoning laws.
(9) Other plans or supplemental information required by the commissioner to ensure compliance with this article. The commissioner shall provide written documentation of the basis for requiring any other plans or supplemental information.
(10) A statement affirming that the SMSS shall not be used to store manure from a CFO that is under ownership or control of the applicant.
(11) Copies of any written waivers related to reduction of setback distances.
(c) Incomplete applications may be denied in accordance with IC 13-15-4-9.

*United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service soil survey map may be obtained from Web Soil Survey at: http://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm

*United States Geological Survey topographical map may be obtained from The National Map or US Topo at: http://nationalmap.gov/ and http://nationalmap.gov/ustopo/index.html

327 IAC 20-4-1

Filed 9/28/2015, 11:13 a.m.: 20151028-IR-327130245FRA