Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-14-9; IC 13-18-3
Affected: IC 13-11-2-265; IC 13-18-3-2; IC 13-18-4
Sec. 9.
In addition to the definitions contained in IC 13-11-2, the following definitions apply throughout this title:
Table 9-1
Bioaccumulative Chemicals of Concern
CAS Number | Substance |
309002 | Aldrin |
57749 | Chlordane |
72548 | 4,4'-DDD; p,p'-DDD; 4,4'-TDE; p,p'-TDE |
72559 | 4,4'-DDE; p,p'-DDE |
50293 | 4,4'-DDT; p,p'-DDT |
60571 | Dieldrin |
72208 | Endrin |
76448 | Heptachlor |
118741 | Hexachlorobenzene |
87683 | Hexachlorobutadiene; hexachloro-1,3-butadiene |
608731 | Hexachlorocyclohexanes; BHCs |
319846 | alpha-Hexachlorocyclohexane; alpha-BHC |
319857 | beta-Hexachlorocyclohexane; beta-BHC |
319868 | delta-Hexachlorocyclohexane; delta-BHC |
58899 | Lindane; gamma-Hexachlorocyclohexane; gamma-BHC |
7439976 | Mercury |
2385855 | Mirex |
29082744 | Octachlorostyrene |
1336363 | PCBs; polychlorinated biphenyls |
608935 | Pentachlorobenzene |
39801144 | Photomirex |
1746016 | 2,3,7,8-TCDD; dioxin |
634662 | 1,2,3,4-Tetrachlorobenzene |
95943 | 1,2,4,5-Tetrachlorobenzene |
8001352 | Toxaphene |
The taxa that occur at the site cannot be determined merely by sampling downstream and upstream of the site at one (1) point in time. The term does not include taxa that were once present at the site but cannot exist at the site now due to permanent physical alteration of the habitat at the site, for example, alterations resulting from dams.
when present in sufficient concentrations or combinations. Toxic substances include, but are not limited to, those pollutants identified as toxic under Section 307(a)(1) of the Clean Water Act.
327 IAC 2-1-9