Current through January 8, 2025
Section 327 IAC 2-1-11 - Limited use and outstanding state resource watersAuthority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-14-9; IC 13-18-3
Affected: IC 13-18-4
Sec. 11.
(a) The following waters of the state are designated for limited use pursuant to section 3(a)(5) of this rule:(1) Prides Creek in Pike County upstream from its confluence with White River.(2) Redkey Run and Halfway Creek in Jay County from the Redkey STP to two (2) miles downstream.(3) Kentland STP receiving stream along NYC railroad upstream from its confluence with Montgomery Ditch in Newton County.(4) Buck Creek in Sullivan County from the Sullivan South STP to two and one-fourth (2.25) miles downstream.(5) Arbogast Ditch upstream from its confluence with West Fork of White River in Randolph County.(6) Jefferson Ditch in Grant County from the Upland STP to its confluence with Lake Branch.(7) Vinson Drain and Mud Creek in Madison County from the Summitville STP to the confluence of Mud Creek and Star Creek.(8) Ackerman Branch and Mill Creek in Dubois County to the confluence of Mill Creek and Little Creek.(9) North Prong of Stotts Creek in Johnson County from the Bargersville STP to one and one-fourth (1.25) miles downstream.(10) An unnamed tributary of Four Mile Creek in Greene County from the Lyons STP to its confluence with Four Mile Creek.(11) An unnamed stream in Dubois County, which is the outlet of Huntingburg City Lake, from the City Lake Dam downstream to its confluence with Ell Creek.(12) Leavell Ditch in Tipton County upstream from its confluence with Buck Creek.(13) Buck Creek in Tipton County upstream from its confluence with Cicero Creek.(14) Schlatter Ditch which becomes Bacon Prairie Creek in Tipton County upstream from a point one (1) mile upstream of the confluence of Bacon Prairie Creek and Cicero Creek.(15) An unnamed ditch in Posey County flowing north out of the town of Cynthiana along the Chicago and Eastern Illinois Railroad then west along the Posey-Gibson County Line to its confluence with Black River.(16) Laughery Creek in Ripley county from the Napoleon STP to a point three (3.0) miles downstream. (County Road 300 West Extended.)(17) An unnamed tributary and Hurricane Creek in Gibson County from the Haubstadt STP to the confluence of Hurricane Creek and the West Fork of Pigeon Creek.(18) Plasterers Creek in Martin County from the Loogootee STP downstream to the confluence with Friends Creek.(19) Montgomery Ditch and Black River in Gibson County from the Owensville STP to the Antioch Road Bridge.(20) Brewer Ditch in Johnson County from the Whiteland STP to the County Road 250 N bridge.(21) An unnamed tributary of Little Otter Creek in Ripley County from the Holton STP to its confluence with Little Otter Creek.(22) The Silverthorn Branch of Wildcat Creek in Clinton County from the Rossville STP to its confluence with the Middle Fork of Wildcat Creek.(23) An unnamed tributary of the West Fork of White River in Randolph County from the Farmland STP to its confluence with the West Fork of White River.(24) Hawk Run and Blackhawk Creek in Dubois and Spencer counties from the Schuler Packing Company discharge downstream to the Anderson River.(25) Spring Creek in Vigo County from the Hercules, Inc., outfall downstream to the Wabash River.(26) Little Buck Creek in Henry County to its confluence with Hillside Brook.(27) Francis Dutro Ditch in Blackford County from the Blackford Canning Company discharge downstream to its confluence with Prairie Creek.(28) The unnamed ditch receiving the Sperry Rubber Company discharge and Richland Creek in Franklin County from the confluence of the unnamed tributary downstream to the Whitewater River.(29) Eight Mile Creek in Wells County to the confluence of Eight Mile Creek and Maple Creek.(30) Hoffman Ditch in St. Joseph County upstream from its confluence with Yellow River.(b) The following waters of the state in addition to the waters listed at 327 IAC 2-1.3-3(d) and 327 IAC 2-1.5-19(b) are classified as outstanding state resource waters: (1) Big Pine Creek in Warren County downstream of the State Road 55 bridge near the town of Pine Village to its confluence with the Wabash River.(2) Mud Pine Creek in Warren County from the bridge on the County Road between Brisco and Rainsville to its confluence with Big Pine Creek.(3) Fall Creek in Warren County from the old C.R. 119 bridge in the NW quarter of Section 21, Township 22N, Range 8W downstream to its confluence with Big Pine Creek.(4) Indian Creek in Montgomery County from the County Road 650 West bridge downstream to its confluence with Sugar Creek.(5) Clifty Creek in Montgomery County within the boundaries of Pine Hills Nature Preserve.(6) Bear Creek in Fountain County from the bridge on County Road 450 North to its confluence with the Wabash River.(7) Rattlesnake Creek in Fountain County from the bridge on County Road 450 North to its confluence with Bear Creek.(8) The small tributary to Bear Creek in Fountain County within the Portland Arch Nature Preserve which enters Bear Creek at the sharpest bend and has formed the small natural bridge called Portland Arch.(9) Blue River from the confluence of the West and Middle Forks of the Blue River in Washington County downstream to its confluence with the Ohio River.(10) The South Fork of Blue River in Washington County from the Horner's Chapel Road bridge downstream to its confluence with Blue River.(11) Lost River and all surface and underground tributaries upstream from the Orangeville Rise (T2N, R1W, Section 6) and the Rise of Lost River (T2N, R1W, Section 7) and the mainstem of the Lost River from the Orangeville Rise downstream to its confluence with the East Fork of White River.Water Pollution Control Board; 327 IAC 2-1-11; filed Sep 24, 1987, 3:00 p.m.: 11 IR 585; filed Jan 14, 1997, 12:00 p.m.: 20 IR 1362; errata filed Aug 11, 1997, 4:15 p.m.: 20 IR 3376Filed 11/10/2014, 1:51 p.m.: 20141210-IR-327130290FRAReadopted filed 10/18/2024, 1:57 p.m.: 20241113-IR-327230810RFA