326 Ind. Admin. Code 6.8-8-7

Current through January 8, 2025
Section 326 IAC 6.8-8-7 - Plan; particulate matter control equipment; recording; operation; inspection

Authority: IC 13-14-8; IC 13-17-3-4; IC 13-17-3-11

Affected: IC 13-15; IC 13-17

Sec. 7.

Particulate matter control equipment operation, recording, and inspection procedure requirements shall be as follows:

(1) A continuous compliance plan (CCP) for a facility controlled with a baghouse shall include the recording, inspection, and maintenance procedures to be consistent with the requirements of section 2 of this rule such as the following:
(A) Operating parameters, such as the following:
(i) Pressure drop across the baghouse.
(ii) Gas flow rate at baghouse inlet.
(iii) Gas temperatures at inlet.

A CCP shall identify the monitors and instrumentation and their location, accuracy, precision, and calibration frequency. A CCP shall also include a description of any visible emission evaluation program.

(B) Baghouse cleaning system. A complete description of the cleaning system, including such information as the following:
(i) Intensity.
(ii) Duration.
(iii) Frequency.
(iv) Method of activation.
(C) Baghouse inspection and maintenance schedule. The inspection schedule logs or records shall be available for inspection by the department for up to one (1) year after the date of inspection. The inspection shall include the activities and frequency of the activities. A source may request an alternative schedule based on manufacturer's recommendations or alternatives documented by the company. The revised schedule must be approved by the department. Inspections shall include the following:
(i) Daily inspections shall include the following:
(AA) Pressure drop.
(BB) Fan amperage.
(CC) Cleaning cycle.
(DD) Compressed air on pulse jet baghouses for values outside of the operating ranges.
(EE) Dust discharge equipment for proper operation.
(FF) General check for abnormal audible and visual conditions.
(ii) Weekly inspections of the following:
(AA) Moving parts on discharge system.
(BB) Bypass and isolation damper operation.
(CC) Bag tension.
(DD) Compressed air lines, oilers, and filters.
(EE) Manometer lines.
(FF) Temperature indicating equipment.
(GG) Bag cleaning sequence.
(HH) Drive components on fans.
(iii) Monthly inspections of the following:
(AA) Bag seating condition.
(BB) Moving parts on shaker baghouses.
(CC) Fan corrosion and blade wear.
(DD) Hoses and clamps.
(EE) Bags for leaks and holes.
(FF) Bag housing for corrosion.
(iv) Quarterly inspections of the following:
(AA) Bags.
(BB) Ducts for dust build-up.
(CC) Damper valves for proper setting.
(DD) Door gaskets.
(EE) Baffle plate for wear.
(v) Annual inspection of the following:
(AA) Welds and bolts.
(BB) Hoppers for wear.
(CC) Cleaning parts for wear.
(2) A CCP for a facility controlled by an electrostatic precipitator (ESP) shall include recording, inspection, and maintenance procedures to be consistent with the requirements of section 2 of this rule, such as the following:
(A) Operating parameters, such as the following:
(i) Gas flow rate.
(ii) Temperature.
(iii) Type and rate of gas conditioning agents used for resistivity control or resistivity measurements.
(iv) Power input at each section of the ESP. A CCP shall identify monitors and instrumentation and specify location, accuracy, precision, and calibration frequency. A continuous compliance plan shall also include a description of any visible emissions evaluation program.
(B) ESP inspection and maintenance schedule. The inspection schedule logs or records shall be available for inspection by the department for up to one (1) year after the date of inspection. The inspection shall include the activities and frequency of the activities. A source may request an alternative schedule based on manufacturer's recommendations or alternatives documented by the company. The revised schedule must be approved by the department. Inspections shall include the following:
(i) Daily inspection of the following:
(AA) Fan amperage.
(BB) Temperature.
(CC) Gas conditioning agent flow rate or resistivity.
(DD) Electrical readings for values outside the operating range.
(EE) Hoppers and dust discharge system for proper operation.
(FF) Transformer-rectifier enclosures and bus ducts for abnormal arcing.

Corrective actions taken, if any, shall be recorded.

(ii) Weekly inspection of the following or as per manufacturer's recommendations:
(AA) Rapper operation.
(BB) Control set interiors.
(iii) Monthly inspection of the following:
(AA) Fans for noise and vibration.
(BB) Hopper heaters.
(CC) Hopper level alarm operation.
(iv) Quarterly inspection of the following:
(AA) Check rapper and vibrator switch contacts.
(BB) Access door dog bolt and hinges.
(CC) Interlock covers.
(DD) Test connectors.
(EE) Exterior for visual signs of deterioration.
(FF) Abnormal vibration, noise, and leaks.
(v) Semiannual inspection of the following or as per manufacturer's recommendations:
(AA) T-R liquid and surge arrestor spark gap.
(BB) Conduct internal inspection.
(CC) Top housing or insulator compartment and all electrical insulating surfaces and correct any defective alignment.
(vi) Annual inspection of the following:
(AA) Tightness of all electrical connections.
(BB) Operation of switchgear.
(CC) Rapper insulator connections.
(DD) Observe and record areas of corrosion.
(3) A CCP for a facility controlled by a scrubber shall include the recording, inspection, and maintenance procedures to be consistent with the objectives of section 2 of this rule such as the following:
(A) Operating parameters, such as the following:
(i) Gas flow rate.
(ii) Inlet and outlet temperatures of gas to and from scrubber.
(iii) Liquid flow rate to scrubber.
(iv) Pressure drop across scrubber.
(v) pH of liquid to scrubber.
(vi) Fan and pump currents.

A CCP shall specify the location, accuracy, precision, and calibration frequency of monitors and instrumentation.

(B) Scrubber inspection and maintenance schedule. The inspection schedule logs or records shall be available for inspection by the department for up to one (1) year after the date of inspection. The inspection shall include the activities and frequency of the activities. A source may request an alternative schedule based on manufacturer's recommendations or alternatives documented by the company. The revised schedule must be approved by the department. Inspections shall include the following:
(i) Daily inspection of the following:
(AA) Scrubbing liquid flow rates to scrubber.
(BB) Pressure drop across scrubber.
(CC) Fan and pump amperages for values outside the operating range.

Corrective actions taken shall be recorded.

(ii) Monthly inspection of the following:
(AA) Seals for abrasion.
(BB) Corrosion and leaks.
(CC) Fans for abrasion, corrosion, and solids build-up.
(DD) Pipes for abrasion, corrosion, and plugging.
(EE) Throat wear in the venturi scrubber.
(FF) Sensors, alarm systems, and bypass devices for proper operation.
(GG) Entrainment separator for blockage.
(HH) Spray nozzles for plugging or excessive wear.

326 IAC 6.8-8-7

Air Pollution Control Board; 326 IAC 6.8-8-7; filed Aug 10, 2005, 1:00 p.m.: 28 IR 3537